King of Eschatology

Chapter 932: Ridiculous Ideas of Youhai Space

In the U-space, all the sea-evolutionists were frightened, and what they feared most happened.

The dragon king's eyes leaped wildly and shouted at a sea beast beside him: "Hurry up and send out the surrender book we wrote before, we will surrender to the Tianyue Empire."

Hearing the words of the King Dragon, all the sea-evolutionists lamented in their hearts, filled with disappointment in their hearts, and never expected that everyone would eventually submit to humanity.

As early as in ancient times, the sea beasts surrendered to the rule of human beings. Unexpectedly, after thousands of years of vicissitudes of life, they still cannot escape the fate of being ruled by human beings.

In fact, the evolutionists in Youhai space thought things too simple, they thought that surrender would be all right, and did not consider whether the Tianyue Empire would accept their surrender.

More precisely, do they still have the chance to send out the surrender book, because Lu Fan has brought the King of the Whale and the King of the Turtle to the touch.

Lu Fan took the lead and stopped decisively when he reached the entrance to the Youhai space.

Lu Fan said to the Xuan Turtle King and Sea Whale King: "You two are waiting for me outside, and after receiving my notice, go in and clean the battlefield."

Having said that, Lu Fan should first blast into the quiet sea space, leaving only the whale king and the tortoise king facing each other.

"Why didn't the emperor let us pass?"

King Xuangui said in a puzzlement that he had just restored his combat power and was eager to repay the Emperor Tianyue and wanted to go in for a fight, but he was not allowed to enter.

The Whale King also didn't understand it very well, he tentatively said, "Mother, is the emperor afraid of hurting us?"

The whale king expressed his thoughts. For the moment, only this reason is the most practical.

In fact, King Whale was right. Lu Fan did not let the two follow up, but was afraid of hurting them.

Lu Fan has an evolutionary method that is most suitable for performing in the sea, that is, the lethality is too large and the scope is too wide. Lu Fan is afraid that the whale king and the black turtle king will be affected.

Lu Fan managed to save the two. If they were killed by their own hands, it would be more than worth it.

Lu Fan's speed was very fast, and he rushed into the deep space of Youhai in the blink of an eye. When he entered, the evolutionary guarding there did not respond.


The strength of the Dragon King was the strongest, and Lu Fan, the uninvited guest, was immediately snarled.

All the sea evolvers were horrified, and it was really terrible that someone unknowingly stormed into the quiet sea space.

For a time, all the evolutionaries looked towards the central area of ​​Youhai Space, where a human race boy was standing in suspension, exuding intense murderous power all over him.

The King of Dragons was suddenly shocked to see this person. He had seen this person on his secret treasure beads before, and he was the Terran Emperor.

Seeing the sudden emergence of Tianyue Emperor in the quiet sea space, all the sea evolutionists shuddered, full of fear in their hearts, and secretly said, "Why did the other person kill him alone?"

There are also many sea evolving minds who are more active and secretly said, "This Heavenly King Emperor is really too unstable. How dare he dare to enter our nest alone, wouldn't he be afraid to overturn in the gutter?"

Many older generations of the sea tribe secretly communicated with the King of Dragons and said, "This emperor of the human race looks very young. At first glance, I know that there is no fighting experience. It is better that we kill him here. By then, the entire world will be us. of."

Hearing the suggestions of many powerful sea races, the King of Dragons did feel a little tempted. This is Youhai Space, which has operated here for thousands of years. If you concentrate all your strength, maybe you can really kill the Tian Yue Emperor this.

Thinking of this, the blood in the Dragon King's body began to become hot. As a descendant of the Dragon tribe, how could he willingly surrender to others?

Thus, the King of Dragons began to quietly arrange, and the strong men of the Hai clan calmly leaned towards the Emperor Tianyue, pretending to be greeted on the surface, but actually a hidden killer.

Lu Fan's eyes glanced indifferently at the entire Youhai space. The spiritual enhancement had already covered every corner here, and he could see the small movements of the powerful sea tribe and other dragons.

Of course, Lu Fan doesn't care about their ideas at all. Now he is taking an inventory. For all the sea celebrities here, for Lu Fan, they are just food on the table.

"Well, it's not bad. It seems my wedding reception is much stronger than Liu Feng!"

When Lu Fan counted the number of sea people here, he smiled attentively.

Next, the evolutionary force in Lu Fan's body began to flow and flow, following a special trajectory, making the thunder sound among the five internal organs and the six organs.

Lu Fan once obtained the Da Lei Yin evolution method at the chain of God, and then gave the clone to practice. Lu Fan and his mind and body are connected, and of course, the thing that the clone can also be.

After the successful cultivation of this thunder and sound evolution method, infinite thunder will be bred in the body. Once released, the power to destroy the world will erupt.

Especially in the deep sea, once Lu Fan releases the thunder in his body, none of the surrounding beasts can run.

The King of Dragons, with a large number of strong sea clan powers, gradually approached Lu Fan's area and surrounded it in the middle.

In fact, the King of Dragons has another meaning. Even if he can't succeed, he must let the emperor of this ethnic group know how powerful he is, so that he can better talk about the conditions in the future.

The King of Dragons said to Landing Fan in an arrogant tone: "You are the Terran King? This seat is the King of Dragons in Youhai Space. Fortunately I will."

The King of Dragons placed his position very high, faintly meaning to sit on the same level with Lu Fan, his tone was very proud.

It's no wonder that the King of Dragons has such an idea. After all, this is his base camp. All the sea strong men around him are his men. As long as the King of Dragons orders, all the sea strong men will shoot at the same time.

In King Dragon's view ~ ~ This human emperor has to be polite to himself, and then he will talk about the things he has done with the Tianyue Empire, and everything will be done.

If the opponent does not know how to lift, the Dragon King will join forces with all the strong ones here and kill the opponent together.

Lu Fan sneered in his heart when he heard the proud words of the other person. This is so special.

Send you a professional blessing, OK?

Lu Fan sneered, and the thunder, which had been bred for a long time, was released suddenly, like a bright thunder ball, released instantly in this quiet sea space.

Thunder and lightning danced in the entire sea space, horrific killings and crazy recklessness, countless electric crests crisscrossed, instantly penetrated the seawater, and forcibly connected all the strong sea people together.


I'm going to work tomorrow. The holiday is over.

(End of this chapter)

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