King of Eschatology

Chapter 939: World Realm Eyes Open

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the last evolutionary king updated soon!

Just as Lu Fan continued to accelerate evolution day and night, the universe was not calm at all.

At this moment, the minds of all the races in the universe are all attracted by King Beckett, because the legendary heavenly eyes of the world are about to open, and everyone is about to witness this historic moment.

In the Beckett galaxy, the secret place of the mother star, this ancient city is once again exposed to the world.

This is the Temple of Star of Beckett, which enshrines the King of Beckett, and guards a world-wide eye of heaven.

On weekdays, this is the forbidden area of ​​the Beckett star. No one can easily approach it except King Beckett.

But today, in order to find out the culprit who destroyed the mother star, he had to open this sacred secret place to the outside world and actively invited the kings of major galaxies to come in.

After waiting for many days, the kings of the major galaxies finally arrived, and together with King Beckett, twelve evolutionary kings have gathered in the temple.

"King Beckett, what happened? Why is your mother star so terrible that the people are almost dead?"

The king from the mechanical clan asked with care, he was superficially concerned about the condition of the Beckett mother star. Actually, his heart was full of ridicule, as if to say, you have today.

When King Beckett heard the other's painless words, he just snorted and did not respond.

King Beckett is very angry now, and if he was not in a hurry to find out the true murderer, he would definitely not let so many powerful enemies in.

The dwarf king sneered, and said, "We are here hundreds of thousands of miles away, but we can't just stand there and hurry up and start the world of heaven!"

In recent times, the conflict between King Beget and the Dwarf King has become more and more serious. You and I have fought many times and no one has taken advantage.

King Beckett has always thought that the dwarven king had hacked against himself, but the dwarven king was unwilling to carry this blame. Now that he has the opportunity to restore the truth, the dwarven king can't wait for a moment.

"Well, this is my temple, when I start the heavens of the world, it's my king's decision. I don't need your little **** to worry about it!"

King Beckett said tit-for-tat, among everyone, the suspicion is the dwarf king. If he finds out that he did it later, King Beckett will destroy the other party at all costs.

The dwarf king sneered sneer, and he was not afraid of the crooked shadows, so he was not afraid of the investigation of the eyes of Wanjie Tian.

The King of Giants is also an acute child. At this time, he can't wait a bit, including the Centaur King, the Tauren King, and the Zombie King.

King Beckett felt that the time was almost up, and immediately the momentum shook, and he said, "Everyone, everyone knows that it takes a lot of evolutionary power to start the World Realm. Since you are all present, it is your responsibility to make a contribution. "

Upon hearing this, all the kings could not help but change their faces.

You know, it takes a lot of evolutionary power to start Wanjie Tianyan. If you spend too much evolutionary power here, all enemies around you will be stunned, will you encounter unexpected events?

It seemed that the thoughts of many kings were noticed, and King Beckett immediately said: "Don't worry, this time we don't need anyone to work alone, but we twelve people work together to maintain the eyes of the heavens. "

Hearing this, Wang Banma smiled unwillingly: "Although the eyes of Wanjie Tian are huge, but we don't need our twelve kings to work together?"

Everyone heard this word and nodded one by one. With the strength of the kings, one person was enough to urge the eyes of Wanjie Tian. Although the consumption was too great, as long as it was shared by a few more people, there should be no big problem.

If the twelve kings shot at the same time, it would be a little overkill.

King Becket snorted and said, "My King decided to start with what happened in the broken ancient universe. I have always seen the destruction of Beckett's mother star. The time span is not small, and everyone needs to work together. "

The Dwarf King sneered sneerfully and said politely: "In the final analysis, it is in your favor, let us all work together to help you detect the true murderer. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

Hearing the words of the dwarven king, everyone nodded secretly, feeling that what he said made sense.

To be honest, the main purpose of opening the Eyes of the World Realm is to investigate why the Beckett star was destroyed. Everyone came to see the excitement. How did it become an effort?

For a while, everyone's minds were alive and they didn't want to contribute.

King Beckett was so irritated that at this time his entire face had completely turned blue, and he gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't want to participate, please leave immediately, and the king will never force it."


Everyone was scolding in their hearts. Everyone came over a distance of millions of light years and spent so much energy. At this time, they left without seeing anything?

What international joke! Will travel expenses be reimbursed?

Next, everyone expressed their willingness to contribute. Anyway, there were twelve people who evenly shared and could not consume much evolutionary power.

Seeing everyone agreed, King Beckett finally nodded with satisfaction ~ ~ said: "Since so, let's start!"

During the talk, King Beckett began to arrange everyone's standing. Each person adhered to a rune. At the same time that the heavenly eyes of the world were opened, everyone needed to inject the power of evolution into the rune.

However, King Begitt's standing arrangement is very particular. If you observe carefully, the runes of the Dwarven King are slightly larger than others' runes.

Obviously, the larger the rune, the more evolutionary power needs to be infused, and King Beckett made it clear that he wanted to pit the dwarven king.

In contrast, King Rune's own runes are slightly smaller than others' runes. Compared with other evolutionary kings, he needs relatively little evolutionary power.

When all arrangements were completed, King Beget finally nodded with satisfaction and said, "Ready to start!"


Suddenly, the dwarf king uttered a voice and came out of his own direction.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the dwarven king walked to the position of King Beckett and said in a bad voice: "Go there, let's change!"


Beckett was so angry that he wanted to kill him, but it was not easy at this time. If he was unwilling to change, wouldn't it indicate that he was in a bad position?

No way, King Beckett had to endure the anger in his heart, walked to the position of the dwarf king, and then roared loudly, saying, "Pay attention to everyone, now open the heavens of heaven!"

The words did not fall, and the power of evolution of King Beckett burst out, his right hand was shining, and then he slaps on the rune in front of him fiercely.

At the same time, all the evolutionary kings started to work at the same time. For a time, the entire temple was shining, and the power of evolution was like a sea flowing across the space.


With a huge roar, Wanjie Tianyan finally opened!

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