King of Eschatology

Chapter 983: Ancient God Corpse Resurrection

With the technical support of the Super God Link System, the heaven court established by Lu Fan has the possibility of development and growth, which provides a basis for the subsequent mission to recruit believers.

Actually, the reason why Lu Fan developed heaven is to absorb faith.

大家 "Everyone eats and drinks, and after five hours, please follow me into the universe, galaxy, and fight for all realms!"

凡 Lu Fan's breath is as powerful as a deep valley, and his domineering tone runs wild, and all the Lujiajun soldiers can't help but be shocked. Then, the blood in the body starts to boil.

Once upon a time, the evolutionaries on Earth were still worried about survival. After many people fell asleep, they were not sure whether they would see the sun of tomorrow.

Until one day, the human emperor rose, and the evolutionaries on the earth followed at the foot of the emperor, continued to evolve, grow rapidly, and gradually have capital based on the last days.

现在 Now, everyone can finally realize their dreams, walk into the starry sky, and take revenge for the dead earth evolutionist.

"Step into the galaxy of the universe, and fight for all realms!"

"Slay out the alien debris, and show me the heavenly power!"

The puppet soldiers shouted in a loud voice, everyone burst into momentum, and their hearts were filled with intense warfare, and their eyes became sharper.

There are still five hours left, and the battle is imminent. The soldiers must make good use of this time to prepare everything.

The wedding is coming to an end. Lu Fan and Lin Xiaoxiao bring toasts to celebrate the wedding with the evolvers. After they had a drink together, they started to get busy.

The various parts of the Tianyue Empire were like war machines, and the gears began to roll.

I went to war in outer space. This is an important event that is so ancient and ancient. It must be planned carefully, and there can be no mistake at all.

Lu Lufan and Lin Xiaoxiao returned to their wedding room, and they closed the door and hugged them gently.

"Lu Fan, do you really want to fight the universe? Is it too hasty?"

Lin Xiaoxiao asked softly and cared.

In fact, in Lin Xiaoxiao's opinion, there is no need for the Lu Jiajun to go on an expedition now. The twelve seals on the earth have now been completely untied. The area of ​​the earth has soared many times, and many relics have not been explored.

According to the thinking of normal people, the focus of the earth is now on the exploration of relics. As long as the emerging continents and sea areas are explored, the Tianyue Empire can achieve rapid development.

Actually, why didn't Lu Fan know this? It was forced by the situation and was a last resort.

Since the moment when the decree came, Lu Fan's time on earth has entered a countdown. If he cannot become the master of this universe, he will be forced to teleport to the chaotic battlefield after ten days.

The chaos battlefield is the real meat grinder. The sages of the past went there. None of them could come back alive. Even the corpses were not found. Lu Fan didn't want to go there.

Lu Lufan felt that it was simply stupid to work hard for a needless mission.

Suddenly, Lu Fan realized a problem. The previous day was only twenty-four hours. Now the earth has been unsealed with twelve seals. The area has soared many times, and the cycle of rotation has become longer.

There are more than two hundred hours in a day, which is equivalent to ten days in the civilized period. Then the question arises. Which ten days is required after the advent of the law?

Thinking of this, Lu Fan immediately became very enthusiastic. He entered the Super God Link System for the first time and asked: "System, the ten days prescribed after the advent of the law, is it the ten days of the civilized period or the ten days now?"

The Super God Link System heard Lu Fan's question and immediately responded: "Time prevails."

When I heard this answer, Lu Fan suddenly smirked.

A day is now equal to the past ten days, so the ten days now are the past one hundred days, and there is still more than three months before the deadline!

Lu Fan was overjoyed. He used to think that time was not enough, but now it seems enough!

The most important thing is that among the ancient heavenly inheritance he got, there is a kind of evolutionary method of heaven, called moving stars to change buckets, which can lead people to move across the stars, and the speed is extremely fast.

As long as he learns to move stars and change buckets, Lu Fan can bring the landing army to appear anywhere in the universe, which can save a lot of interstellar travel time.

At this time, Lin Xiaoxiao realized that Lu Fan was wrong, and asked a question casually. Is it so difficult? Need to think for so long?

"Hi, what are you thinking?"

Lin Xiaoxiao stretched out her light fingers and poked Lu Fan gently.

Lu Fan patronized with joy, only then suddenly realized that he thought too long.

Lu Fan stopped Lin Xiaoxiao's waistline and said with a smile: "The other things are trivial, and we should do the business."

Lin Xiaoxiao blushed suddenly, Jiao Qiong said: "It's still this time, is it still so unruly, is it a trivial matter to fight in outer space? It has to do with the rise and fall of the earth.

Lu Fan was out of breath under the pressure of time, but now there is so much time suddenly, a big stone in my heart suddenly disappears, and I feel I can let myself go.

来 "Come and come, the last process is not completed, our wedding is not perfect."

Lu Fan said solemnly, one hand stopped Lin Xiaoxiao's small waist, and took her delicate body by the way.

Lin Xiaoxiao was a little puzzled, and Beiya started lightly and asked, "The last process? What process?"

"The cave house!"

When Lu Fan coughed, UU reading immediately caused Lin Xiaoxiao to look ashamed.

Next, Lu Fan hugged Lin Xiaoxiao and climbed onto the wedding bed, starting the first time after the wedding.

Uh ...

At the same time, in the space of different dimensions, a huge ancient god's corpse floated up and down in the flow of alien dimensions. It seemed to be stimulated and wanted to wake up forcibly.

古 The status quo of this ancient **** is extremely tragic. His head was smashed, and only half of his face was left. There were scars and scars all over his body, and there were rules and runes lingering on it, making him unable to heal for a long time.

The chest of the ancient **** was hollowed out, and the heart seemed to have been crushed by powerful enemies. At the edge of the minced meat, countless black beetles crawled in and out, constantly biting his body.


Suddenly, a mantra exploded inside the body of the ancient god, like a horrible ripple of energy, swept away along the body of the ancient god.

The black beetles who were biting the corpse of the ancient **** were all shocked. At this time, they began to flee wildly in the distance. It seems that the corpse of the ancient **** is now extremely scary.

However, the speed of the black beetle is still too slow compared to the power ripples of Mantra. I saw countless black beetles that burst directly after this energy impact and turned into flying ash in the chaotic flow of different dimensions.

At this moment, the dead body of the ancient **** who had already died for an infinite number of years suddenly moved suddenly, and there was a blue flame beating above the rotten half of his head, like a phosphorous ghost fire, terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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