King of Eschatology

Chapter 199: Terrible woman

The skyrocket's roar sounded, and suddenly Lu Fan and others changed their faces.

不好 "Not good, the wise corpse king is summoning other zombie kings, you must quickly decide!"

Lu Fan roared loudly, no longer entangled with the surrounding third- and fourth-order zombies, and his feet slammed on the ground, his body leaping into the air, striding directly over a distance of hundreds of meters, and rushing towards the corpse king.

Huang Yongsheng and others wanted to help in the past, but there were too many fourth-order zombies around them, they couldn't get away at all and couldn't help the boss.

Lu Fan held his breath, and a leap was hundreds of meters. When he landed, Chiyan War Halberd swept out mercilessly, and immediately emptied a large area of ​​high-level zombies blocking the way.

Today, Lu Fan is a fifth-order evolutionary, plus four enhancements of speed, power, precision, and consciousness. To deal with zombies below level four is like cutting grass.

In addition, the red flame war halberd in his hand has been successfully upgraded once, and now it is a second-order blade, and its power is even more surprising.

Lu Fan can be sure that no matter what kind of terror means this fifth-order corpse king has, he cannot be his opponent, otherwise he will be sorry for his dual evolutionary path.


Seeing the strongest human being rushing towards himself, the corpse king of wisdom screamed a roar in the direction of the comer, and the waves of horrible sounds burst like a tsunami.


Xu Lufan was shocked, and the scene in front of him was so familiar.

I recall that when Lu Jiajun attacked Tianlong Mountain, he also encountered the fifth-order corpse, whose strength was similar to that of the corpse king here.

凡 At first Lu Fan was just a fourth-order evolver. At the beginning, he was not an opponent of the fifth-order corpse. Later, he started a dual evolution path and stepped directly into the fifth-order. An axe split the fifth-order corpse into two halves.

Wu Lufan always remembers that the fifth-level corpse is best at spiritual attack. Its roar is mixed with endless charm sounds. It has a powerful impact and is also lost.

Although this kind of mental attack does not have much impact on Lu Fan, it is fatal to Huang Yongsheng and others. Once they are deterred by the roar, their fighting power will be severely suppressed, and it is likely to be massive. High-level zombies kill.

So, as a last resort, Lu Fan shouted at the corpse king of wisdom, the roaring sound like a lion's gong, and even suppressed the roar of the wise zombie directly.

Lu Lufan deserves to be a fifth-order evolver. With a full-scale eruption, his voice also became louder.

When Lu realized this, Lu Fan was overjoyed. At this moment, he no longer had any jealousy, and rushed towards the corpse king of wisdom.

The corpse king's pale eyes flickered above him, and he felt the terrified expression on the opposite human body.

However, the face of the corpse king was horrible, and at this time it seemed even more embarrassing. Anyone would be shocked to see it.


I was a fierce roar again, the wise corpse king roared, and turned and rushed directly into the zombies and fled.


Lu Fan couldn't help swearing, his most worried thing finally happened.

In fact, Lu Fan didn't care about the strength of the corpse king of wisdom, because as soon as he just broke through the fifth-order evolutionary, he once killed a fifth-order corpse.

Coupled with the fact that the Red Flame War Halberd has been successfully upgraded to the second level, Lu Fan's overall combat power has been greatly improved, otherwise he would not dare to take the three of Huang Yongsheng alone into the zombies.

Lu Fan's only worry is that the four corpse kings are united together. If they lose the chance of being defeated, it will be extremely difficult to kill the corpse king zombies.

At the moment, the corpse king of wisdom fled without a fight, and Lu Fan's complexion suddenly turned out. If the four corpse kings appeared at the same time, it would be extremely troublesome for him to kill the other party.

"What the **** should I do?"

Lu Lufan fell into deep sorrow. He thought about it as if the only feasible solution was chasing!

在 When Lu Fan and others launched a powerful attack inside the zombies, all the human coalitions showed great joy. Although the two sides were far apart, the roar of high-level zombies was clearly transmitted.

"It's great, Lu Fan took the shot, all the zombie-level zombies were attracted back, and the next battle should be much easier."

Xi Fuwenbin exulted in his heart and shouted to the other senior personnel of the base.

Zuo Zuoqiu Feilong sat on a bench with a poor expression and said coldly, "What a fuss, since our secret weapon has been exposed, even if Lu Fan does not come, we can wipe out the zombies here."

Hu Feng looked at Zuo Qiu Feilong with a frown, and said sharply, "You don't want to say anything here. If Lu Fan doesn't do anything, how are you going to deal with the corpse king?"

Zuo Qiu Feilong was scolded by Hu Feng face to face, and suddenly felt no light on his face, so he fiercely responded: "There are only four zombies at the level of corpse king. As long as we destroy the low-level zombies, why not leave a few light pole commanders ? "

"Don't be stupid, okay, if the zombie king-level zombies do not die, it will still be our human coalition that will eventually die, understand?"

Hu Hufeng's tone grew colder, and there was a little contempt in the eyes of Zuo Qiu Feilong.

Of course Zuo Qiu Feilong understood this, but he just didn't want to admit it.

Suddenly, Zuo Qiu Feilong seemed to think of something, and immediately joked: "I remember ~ ~ someone once said that if Lu Fan is here, he will kneel on the ground to pay for his sins, really looking forward to it."


Hu Hufeng stared at his beard with anger, lamenting how there could be such a shameless person under the sky.

若 If it wasn't for Lu Fan's embarrassing request for Lu Fan to shoot, the defeat of the human coalition could not be undone. As long as Lu Fan can help solve the four dead kings, the human coalition can definitely defeat it.

What Hu Feng didn't expect is that Zuo Qiu Feilong, who also benefits, said this kind of ghost talk at this time. You said that you were not angry.

Seeing that the two sides were about to quarrel, Ma Shulin immediately sang and said, "Well, the war is not over yet, so save energy for both of you."

When Zuo Qiu Feilong heard Ma Shulin speak, he was very happy. He knew that Ma Shulin and Lu Fan had a deep hatred. Although this hatred was inexplicable, it was always on the same front as himself.

Qi Zuoqiu Feilong came to the spirit and said immediately: "Lu Fankeng has given us a hundred cold weapons and 10,000 kilograms of grain. In the end, it only solved the four corpse kings. Is it too cheap to make too much money?"

Ma Shulin's beautiful eyes showed strong hostility, and said coldly, "I said a long time ago that Lu Fan is not a good thing. Such a person is the sorrow of all mankind."

Speaking of this, Ma Shulin suddenly lighted up in her eyes, her heart was stunned, and her voice was low: "Maybe we can use this operation to hang Lu Fan together here."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Even the original creator Zuo Qiufeilong felt the air in his neck, and said in his heart, "A woman is the most terrible animal. It is too scary."

Uh ...

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