King of Eschatology

Chapter 252: Lu Fan's Strategic Deployment

On the spacious airstrip of the Xichuan Military Region, more than a dozen fighter jets have landed one after the other. Although the flight attitude is ugly, but fortunately, there is no danger.

Liu Feng jumped down from the fighter excitedly, yelling, "It's so cool!"

Lu Fan stood at the other end of the airport runway, smiling at the returning crowd with a smile.

Ling Ce jumped down from another fighter plane. Several ups and downs came to Lu Fan, and asked with excitement: "Boss, are there any missions, where next?"

As a powerful new human, Ling Ce has always used cold weapons to fight, but since he turned on the fighter, he only knew what was cool.

Pressing the attack button lightly, the powerful firepower is gushing out. You don't need to aim at all, and a single cannonball can kill a large area.

"Technology is the first fighting force, and the ancients would never bully me!"

Ling Ce murmured to himself, and was immediately kicked by Lu Fan against his butt.

Lu Fan smiled and scolded: "What are you special, which ancient people told you that technology is the first combat force?"

Ling Ze scratched his head awkwardly, and responded: "Zi once said that no matter how high the martial arts, but also afraid of kitchen knives, no matter how good the kung fu, the bricks fell down."

"Roll, what's the situation like this time?"

Hearing Lu Fan's questioning, Ling Ze immediately responded: "The fighter planes have too little ammunition. I haven't enjoyed it yet, and the artillery shells have been destroyed. I was almost in a hurry to kill them."

During the talk, other people came to Lu Fan one after another. A total of sixteen people were the first to learn to fly fighters.

Everyone's eyes were filled with excitement, it seemed that it was a good feeling to fight a fighter.

Looking at many young faces, Lu Fan nodded with satisfaction. There are more than 200 fighters here. Due to tight time, only 16 people have learned to drive.

Lu Fan believes that it will not be long before Lu Jiajun will give birth to a group of pilots and launch the big killer in the warehouse into the sky.

Lu Fan said to the crowd: "Don't be too excited. If there is a new situation, gather immediately and prepare for a meeting."

Soon, the three members of the Killing Gods team, the Tianmang team, the Flying Eagles team, and the extinction team all came together. Lu Fan sat in the headquarters of the Xichuan Military Region and analyzed the situation at this time with everyone.

"Xu Tomb, please introduce the latest information to everyone."

Lu Fan beckoned to Xu Tomb, Xu Tomb stepped forward solemnly and introduced the latest information to everyone.

"According to the latest news from the Tiantong organization, a super-terrorist Banyan King has appeared in southern China, and many human survivor bases have been destroyed by it."

Xu Mu just opened his mouth and immediately caused everyone to question.

Huang Yongsheng immediately asked, "What did you say? I heard that right, King of the Banyan Tree, is it because the Banyan Tree is perfect?"

Others were also curious, and secretly guessed that it would not be someone or a zombie or a wild beast named himself Rong Shu Wang?

Hearing Huang Yongsheng's question, Xu Tomb nodded solemnly and responded: "Yes, it is a fine banyan tree that can fly across the surface of the earth. The root is the sharpest weapon, not only its combat power. Hell, they can eat human flesh and blood. "

When everyone heard this, everyone was shocked, and the trees became fine. It was difficult to imagine what kind of scene it was.

Xu Tomb continued: "So far, this mad banyan tree king has destroyed more than a dozen human survivor bases, and now it has been non-stop all the way up to the Cangnan base."

"The Cangnan base is the largest human survivor base in southern China. At least 800,000 people live in it. It has a very important position in the entire human camp."

"If the Cangnan base falls, it will be an immeasurable loss to the human camp."

Many people frowned, listening to Xu Mu's introduction, feeling a little surprised.

Yu Lenghui asked heavily: "I want to ask, is it a banyan tree king or a group of banyan tree kings?"

Xu Mu turned to look at Yu Lenghui and responded, "One."

At this time, Yu Lenghui was a little unhappy, and responded: "It's just a banyan tree, it's done by a fire, and it was destroyed by a dozen human survivor bases. It's stupid!"

Xu Tomb responded awkwardly: "Brother Yu, you may not know. The king of the banyan tree is huge, more than one hundred meters tall, and the branches are endless. Its roots are within ten miles of each other. Force is terrifying. "

"In the past, a base tried to burn each other with fire. A lot of petrol was burning, but it was immediately extinguished by the other party, and it was directly covered by the overturned land."

"Furthermore, the King of the Banyan Tree has a strong ability to regenerate. The branches in the front have just been smashed, and the new branches in the back have grown up, which can't be killed at all."

Talking, Yu Lenghui's complexion became dignified, the others also thought a little bit, the more they got scared the more they listened.

Through the tomb of Xu Tomb, people gradually realized that King Banyan Tree had formed a forest by itself, and it was a forest of death carrying terror.

When Xu Tomb's introduction was complete, there was silence in the entire headquarters, leaving only the solemn gasp of everyone.

Huang Yongsheng couldn't bear the solemn atmosphere, and immediately said: "Well, don't worry too much. King Rongshu appears at the southernmost point of Huaxia, which is ten thousand miles away from our Tianyue base. We are not affected for the time being."

Ling Ce also echoed: "Rhubard is right, it doesn't matter that he hangs high, so we don't need to worry about it blindly."

Huang Yongsheng did not expect that Ling Ce would agree with his point of view, and he felt a bit surprised at first, but he soon felt that something was wrong.

"What are you calling, who is called rhubarb!"

Huang Yongsheng stared at him suddenly, looking angrily at Ling Ce, which sounded like a dog's name.

Ling Ce responded with a sneer: "Don't worry, this is a nickname, why not!"

Huang Yongsheng looked ironed and cursed: "Get out of your uncle's nickname, what's the matter, stinking?"

"Why do you say shameless!"

"Say you, shit!"

While talking, the two were going to work ~ ~ and Lu Fan was kicked out by himself.

These two **** can quarrel at such a critical moment, which is really superb.

However, due to the interruption by the two men, the atmosphere in the headquarters eased a lot.

"Okay, everyone knows the matter, and we are going to start."

As soon as Lu Fan opened his mouth, the crowd calmed down and listened carefully.

Lu Fan suddenly stood up, flashing in the sharp eyes, his body naturally exuding a breath of superiors, said solemnly: "Three things!"

"First, the Flying Eagles took over the Xichuan base and sent a large army to the Xichuan Military Region to guard this arsenal and wait for deployment!"

"Second, the World Extermination Team took over the Dalin base and controlled this strategic place. In the future, the Dalin base will be our springboard for expansion."

"Third, the Tianmang Team and the Killing Gods Team returned to the headquarters of Tianyue Base with me to explore the foggy area of ​​Mount Tai and accelerate the pace of the Army's evolution."

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