King of Eschatology

Chapter 294: Break the illusion

The earth-shattering explosion detonated the entire space, and Lu Fan's powerful blow hit the sixth-tier bird together, immediately causing a big explosion.

Lu Fan was a bit surprised, but he didn't expect that this sixth-order bird was so powerful. In the case of hitting an arrow, a fierce fierce power still erupted.

However, Lu Fan was not a fuel-saving lamp. When he discovered that the strength of the sixth-tier bird was overwhelming, the strengthening of power turned on instantly, and the power of the Red Flame Halberd suddenly increased.


After the blessing was strengthened, the Red Flame War Halberd became more powerful, and instantly cut off the wings of the sixth-order bird, and the blood poured down like a heavy rain.

With a scream coming out, the sixth-order bird dropped to the ground, slammed **** the ground, smashed the hard rocks, and the blood instantly stained the earth.

Lu Fan did not give the other party the slightest chance to breathe, attacks followed, and Yi Hal went over, chopping off the head of the sixth-order bird.


Lu Fan booed a long breath, if he hadn't calculated everything, this blow would not have killed a Tier VI bird.

The beasts have reached the sixth level, and their strength has changed dramatically. With their arrogant physical advantages, humans are far from their opponents.

Fortunately, there is limited space in this area. If the sixth-tier bird is flying high, even if Lu Fan resorts to the astonishing method, it is impossible to kill the other party so smoothly.

The sixth-order bird is destroyed, and there are still many beasts of fourth-order and fifth-order. However, in the eyes of Lu Fan now, it is not worth mentioning at all.


The Red Flame Halberd roared endlessly, killing a large number of wild beasts with each sweep, and emptying a large area in front of it.

At this time, Lu Fan didn't know how many wild beasts he had killed. He only remembered that he had killed more than a dozen super wild beasts with the strength similar to a sixth-order bird.

"Where is the front eye?"

Lu Fan murmured in his mouth, his mood was ups and downs, if he couldn't find his eyes, he could only endlessly kill.

"The front eye of the fog area on the first floor is a broken temple, the front eye of the fog area on the second floor is a huge stele, what is the front eye of the third fog area?"

Fan Fan's brain is moving fast, and now two days have passed, and the situation outside is unknown.

Lu Fan has smashed many temples along the way, and he has smashed hundreds of stone tablets, but none of them was in the foggy area.

"Hey, it's time to find some ancient books and learn about array formation. It always turns around like a headless fly. It's not a solution at all."

Lu Fan's heart was stunned, and it really was that when the book was used, Fang hated less.

At the same time, in the same area, Lianer had the same confusion, with a lot of corpses piled up under her feet, the endless blood had already stained the earth, but there was nowhere to look.

Lian'er is powerful. With a seventh-tier combat power, she can sweep through the entire foggy space, but she can't find where her eyes are, and she still can't break them.

Lian'er sighed. After two days of persistent killing, she was already numb, and at this time she opened the guardian of the lotus, no longer going to kill the beast, waiting for the landing Fan to break.

Lu Fan originally expected that Lianer could break the battle, but after so long, Lianer had no movement at all, and it must have encountered the same trouble.

Lu Fan jumped up and jumped to the top of an old pine tree. He single-footed his feet on the leaves, like a piece of woolen hair, hovering on it.

The field of vision here is extremely wide, and you can see all the scenery in the entire misty area. Lu Fan is looking far away and wants to find a difference.

"As an array of eyes, it must be different from other scenery. Although the temple on the first floor was broken, it was able to bloom. The stone monument on the second floor, although I didn't see it myself, must be extremely extraordinary."

Lu Fan thought in his heart that he would not let go of the grass and the trees, and take all the scenery of the whole area into his eyes and identify the extraordinary places.

Suddenly, a low-lying land attracted Lu Fan's attention, because in that space, there was a burst of cold air.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan couldn't help but shine, something happened!

Lu Fan was a bit on the tip of his feet, loosing down like a giant peng bird, and drifted towards that low-lying land.

Above the ground, a large number of wild beasts chased wildly, as if to prevent Lu Fan from going to that area, all of them were mercilessly killed by the flames of the Red Flame Halberd.


Lu Fan landed on both feet and stood on the edge of this low-lying land. He looked down and found that there was a pond.

The spring water is clear, and the sand and stones at the bottom of the spring can be clearly seen. Many crystal clear sand grains roll up and down beside the gap where the spring gushes, bringing a little vitality to the place.

The spring seemed to be very cold, and the surface was cold, rising vertically.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan's heart suddenly opened up, as if he understood something.

"The biggest difference in the foggy area is that there is no vitality. Where vitality is, it must be where the eyes are."

At this moment, Lu Fan thought of the broken temple in bloom, and thought of the tall stone that recorded the life of cypress trees, and then looked at the ancient springs that rushed to his feet. He finally figured out the truth of the foggy area.

"Originally, vitality is an array of eyes. Tarzan is extraordinary. The purpose of existence is to bring vitality to the last days!"

Lu Fan murmured in his mouth, banged his fingers against Guquan, and a blazing light of the thickness of his thumb rushed out, hitting the quiet water of Guquan.


A light sound came, and ripples spread on the calm waters of Guquan, spreading in all directions.

Strangely, when the ripples rippled to the edge of Guquan, they did not stop, and continued to ripple toward the void.

Suddenly, the world was clear, and the entire area seemed to be reborn. With the ripples opening, the veil was unveiled and reappeared under this world.

At the same time, the earth, which had been stained with blood, was restored to its original color, and a large number of wild beast corpses also disappeared. The rich vitality flooded over.

Everything is an illusion ~ ~ When the illusion is broken, everything is destroyed.

Only that ancient spring is still there, don't gush, it hasn't changed from beginning to end.


Lu Fan breathed a sigh of relief, fighting for two days and two nights in a row, and finally he successfully eliminated the magic array in the third layer of fog.

However, this moment is of great significance to Lu Fan. He has found the key to breaking the array and believes that the next time he cracks the foggy area on the fourth layer, it will definitely help.

Lu Fan looked fiercely at this ancient spring, and said secretly in his heart: "The mountain spring above Mount Tai has been extraordinary since ancient times. Now in the era of global evolution, Mount Tai has already recovered. I don't know if this ancient spring is a legendary spring? "

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