King of Eschatology

Chapter 330: 1 shot

Wang Baolu was sorrowful. Under the hard work of the members of the World Extermination Team, he was soon beaten into a pig's head, and the bones around him were broken in half, lying on the ground like dead dogs.

"Lao Liu, let's do it, we seem to be too heavy!"

Xu Tomb stood beside Liu Feng and said with a sneer.

Seeing this scene, Liu Feng couldn't help but jump wildly, saying that Wang Baolu hadn't beaten too much. This was less than ten minutes and he had already stopped eating.

Liu Feng couldn't help whispering in his heart, and secretly said, "Might it be, this kind of wine bag and rice bag are in the Tonggu base?"

Seeing that Liu Feng was silent, Xu Mu tossed the other side with his elbow and asked, "Old Liu, what should you do? You say something."

Liu Feng looked at the half-dead Wang Baolu, and his eyes leaped wildly. What's more, the other party was also a strong man from the base of Tonggu. In case the other party was angry, he sent a large number of strong men to avenge it, wouldn't it be a big trouble?

Although lying on the ground, Wang Baolu was half-dead, but now he still sees clearly and can naturally hear the conversation between the two.

Wang Baolu secretly said, "How about, regret shot? When Lao Tzu returns to the base of Tonggu, you must report your evil deeds to the leader. When the iron armored warship arrives, you will all be finished."

Liu Feng had no idea for a while, turned to look at Xu Tomb, and said, "We don't know much about the Tonggu base. If you just let this guy go, it will be a problem."

Hearing Liu Feng's words, Wang Baolu, lying on the ground, was proud and thought fiercely: "I now know that I'm in trouble, it's late! I solemnly tell you, you're doing something important!"

However, the next sentence of Xu Tomb suddenly made Wang Baolu fall like an ice cellar.

I only heard Xu Tomb say in a somber tone: "Lao Liu, now in the last days, there are accidents in the wilderness, walking alone, it is easy to be eaten by zombies or wild animals."

"what do you mean?"

Liu Feng lowered his voice and asked solemnly.

Xu Mu made a movement to wipe his neck, and said in a sensuous tone: "Just don't stop doing it, kill it!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Baolu lying on the ground was suddenly frightened and twitched. He secretly said that these people's hearts were so dark, this was to kill someone.

He struggled a few times and wanted to stand up.

When Xu Mu saw that the other party was still struggling, he immediately stunned and fainted.

Liu Feng disagreed with Xu Mu's statement and asked, "What do you say if the boss is here?"


Xu Mu thought for a moment, and responded, "There have been examples of this kind of thing before. At that time, someone at Huashan Sword Palace went to the headquarters to disrupt it. After being disabled by the boss, he was seized and changed a lot of energy crystals."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Feng immediately lighted up and secretly said: "Good way, we will follow the boss and seize Wang Baolu. If someone in the ancient base wants to save him out, let them exchange the energy crystal."

Thinking of a solution, Liu Feng and others were relaxed and immediately locked Wang Baolu into a small black house.

When Wang Baolu woke up, he found himself locked in a small black room, and immediately had the heart to die.

At the same time, outside the Tianyue base, a huge iron armored warship appeared, mixed with the sound of rumble and breaking, and came towards Tianyue base.

The battleship was silver and white, and shone a harsh cold in the sun. The sensible metal texture showed a strong tenacity, and it was very solid at first glance.

Iron armored battleship is the exclusive base of Tonggu. It is a supreme glory to be able to control the iron armored battleship.

At the foot of Mount Tai, detectives from major bases have already set up cameras and are preparing to broadcast the event live.

One side represents the strongest hidden forces, and the other side represents the strongest survivor base. The frontal collision between the two will be extremely fierce.

Especially when they saw the armored warships rushing into Taishan, each candid shooter showed an excited expression.

Tianyue Base claims to be an inviolable sacred place. When someone drove a helicopter directly into it, it was directly blasted by Lu Fan's overbearing arrow. The fiery scene is still vivid today.

Now, if the people in Tonggu base control the armored warships and break into the territory of Tianyue base directly, will the same scene appear?

At the foot of Mount Tai, the candids gathered in groups of three or five, and were whispering.

"You said, would Lu Fan blast the warship directly with bows and arrows like last time?"

"I don't think so, let alone say that the armored warships are far more sturdy than helicopters. It is a problem for Lu Fan to dare to attack."

"how do I say this?"

"The base of Tonggu is extremely powerful. No one knows how horrible it is. Most people dare not provoke it. Besides, Zuo Qiu Binger is playing the banner of challenging the evolutionary list. Is Lu Fan really dare to tear his face?"

"You're right, Zuo Qiu Binger is a bloodline strengthener. He can kill tens of thousands of zombies with his own strength. I am afraid that his strength is above Lu Fan."

Just as everyone was talking, a fuchsia light suddenly flashed on the sentry tower in the center of Tianyue Base, and the terror of the momentum surged.

The next moment, a gorgeous purple light burst out from above the sentry tower like a black hole that devoured everything. It was obviously purple, but the moment it came in contact with the air, a weird black awn bloomed.


The earth and earth shook, the void was scorching, and the purple light on the sentry tower, like the same black line, instantly broke through the sky, and a powerful force of destruction erupted.


Purple light and black mang bombarded on the armored battleship accurately. With the sound of a blast, the tough and incomparable armored battleship was suddenly shattered into pieces of metal debris.

At the moment when the battleship was broken, two rays of light rushed up, rushed out of the scope of the explosion, turned into two shadows, and fell toward the open space on both sides.


Zuo Qiu Binger stepped back three times in a row ~ ~ finally released the strong horizontal impact on his body, at this time when looking again at the Tianyue base, his eyes were already covered with ice, his body was full of murderous gas .

On the other side, Du Lingyun stepped back four or five steps before unloading the terrible power. At this moment, looking at the debris in the sky, he was still worried.

If it hadn't been for the violent explosion of her center, I'm afraid she would have fallen in that blow.

Infinite emotions emerged in Du Lingyun's heart, secretly: "The Tianyue base is really powerful, and the purple and black light just now, I am afraid that the seventh-tier strong can't bear it."

At this moment, there was a sudden sound coming from the tower tower of Tianyue Base. With the help of high-power speakers, overbearing words spread throughout the wild.

"Those who break into the Tianyue base, die!"

The candids who were still whispering all heard the words were all chilling in their hearts. They were really surprised. In the face of the mighty Tonggu base, Tianyue base was still so arrogant and overbearing.

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