King of Eschatology

Chapter 337: Hegemony world

Fall in love with you 630boo, the latest chapter of the last evolutionary king!

In the headquarters above Mount Tai, the senior personnel of Tianyue Base gathered together, except for the World Extermination Team and the Flying Eagles team, the rest of them were here.

The spacious headquarters has now been crowded, and Lu Fan has his hands folded back and forth in the room.

Everyone stared at him diligently, waiting for the final decision of Landing Fan.

With so many forces attacking at the same time, Rao is the powerful army of the Lu Jiajun and has to pay attention to it.

If the response is not good, the Tianyue base may be removed from history, and it will disappear afterwards, and be drowned in the long river of history.

After a long time of indulgence, Lu Fan suddenly said: "Inform the members of the Demon Hunting Team immediately to go to the Huaihe River of the Qinling Mountains and join the Wang Hai of the East China Sea base to stop the enemy forces."

With an order from Lu Fan, the members of Tiantong Organization immediately took orders.

After this period of development, the Demon Hunting Team has grown to ten, and each team is composed of five intensifiers. With their mutual cooperation, they are extremely powerful.

In particular, all members of the First Corps are fifth-order new humans, and the other members of the clan are fourth-tier strong men. With the help of the East China Sea Army, it is enough to withstand the beasts of the Nandu Army and Tiancang Mountain.

Lu Fan continued to say: "Inform Dong Yang immediately, the fighter formation of the Xichuan Military Region immediately took off, target the northwestern plateau, and block the flying beast led by the iron-winged goshawk."

"At the same time, to carry out fixed-point nuclear missile strikes on Tiancang Mountain, there is no need to worry about wasting elixir. I will erase Tiancang Mountain from the earth."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioning. Lu Fan, at the expense of a large number of nuclear bombs, had to blast Tiancang Mountain flat. It seemed to be really angry.

After Lu Fan had spoken, another member of the Tiantong organization took the lead and immediately conveyed Lu Fan's order.

Nowadays, in the entire Chinese land, only the Lu Jiajun owns fighter flight formations. This kind of air-defense weapon is extremely powerful. It was a powerful weapon to protect airspace during the civilized period. After the end of the last days, the power is still not let down.

As for the fixed-point strike of nuclear missiles, Lu Jiajun had already installed a locator on Tiancang Mountain. Even if the global positioning system was paralyzed, it could still perform a precise nuclear strike.

Lu Fan's breath was as strong as a mountain, and his eyes were scorching toward those present, and he said, "Hoyaddin and Lan Ying, you two led the killing team and the Tianmang team to take the initiative to intercept the four sword palace coalition forces."

Hearing Lu Fan's order, Hoya Ding nodded solemnly, and said, "Please rest assured that the boss team will complete the task."

Lan Yan's temperament was cold, and his tone was cold and cold, and he replied, "Rest assured that none of the people in the four sword palaces can survive this time."

Having said that, the two led away, and the high-end new humans of the Killing Gods team and the Tianmang team simultaneously acted, following their captains and rushing to the battlefield.

In the end, Lu Fan's eyes looked at Ye still, and he said, "The next is the most critical battle. The Lu Jiajun assembled together and took the initiative to launch a new type of aircraft to fight the iron armored battleship of Tonggu Base."

Ye still had bright eyes in his eyes, nodded solemnly to Landing Fan, and responded: "Relax, after this battle, the armored warships at Tonggu Base will become a pile of scrap iron."

Ye still left, and she led the main force of the landing army to board the new aircraft, and it rose aggressively to take off on the iron armored warship of Tonggu Base.

The battle between the two armies will inevitably produce devastating damage. Lu Fan must control such damage outside the base and cannot cause damage to the Tianyue base.

The strategic deployment was basically completed. Lu Fan turned his head to Chen Dapeng and said, "This battle may end soon, or it may last for a long time. The logistics department must ensure the supply of resources."

Chen Dapeng nodded, solemnly.

Nowadays, Tianyue Base has sufficient resources and is not afraid of the test of war.

Chen Dapeng immediately led away. Lu Jiajun's troops were divided into four routes. The logistics department must ensure that each party's resources were sufficient.

At this moment, there were very few people left in the entire headquarters. Only Lin Xiaoxiao and Lian'er were still with Lu Fan, and everyone else was busy.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked a little puzzled and asked, "Why do you want to do this? It's not the best way to take the initiative. The Lu Jiajun is so powerful. As long as the enemy comes here, we can completely wipe out the opponent."

Lin Xiaoxiao is an intelligence enhancer. He can clearly see the structure of the battle. Although the opponent's momentum is huge, in fact, he is not afraid at all, it is just a bluff.

The march in the last days was extremely difficult, not to mention that the two sides were thousands of miles apart. When they arrived at the Tianyue base, it was already at the end of the crossbow. The soldiers were exhausted, and the army of the army was ready to work. It was easy to destroy them.

Hearing Lin Xiaoxiao's question, Lu Fan's eyes glowed with coldness, and he said sternly, "Eradicating the enemy of the offending is just the beginning. I want the war to sweep the whole of China!"

Lin Xiaoxiao was startled and looked at Lu Fan in shock.

"Dormant for so long ~ ~ Are you finally going to dominate the world?"

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoxiao's heart rose with joy. At one time, she had been persuading Lu Fan to establish her own empire.

Now, with the Tianyue base constantly being provoked, Lu Fan is finally reluctant to be silent, ready to rise.

In fact, Lu Fan did not have much ambition to dominate the world. The reason why he did so was to gain more faith.

Since Lu Fan's belief reached more than 1.6 million, the growth of belief has reached a bottleneck and progress has been very slow.

Therefore, Lu Fan decided to break this deadlock, and the only solution was to acquire more people.

That's right, only by building a strong empire and having more survivors can his faith continue to increase.

Lu Fan is very looking forward to what changes will take place after the belief reaches 10 million.

At the same time, a middle-aged man in a black mid-mountain suit stood proudly on a giant iron armored warship at Tonggu Base, standing in front of a large screen.

There is a Huaxia map on the screen marked with the layouts of the major bases. At this moment he is looking at this map and is wondering what he is thinking.

This man has a formidable face, his face is like a knife, his eyes are bright and sharp, and it contains infinitely sharp light, which makes people dare not look at them.

He is Chang Sun Hongcheng, the founder of Tonggu Base.

The originator of all this is Chang Sun Hongcheng. Now he just wants to mess up the whole Huaxia, and then touch the fish in the muddy water to rise.

"Is there news from the Thousand Island Empire?"

Chang Sun Hongcheng suddenly opened his mouth, and the air around him instantly became dense, making people feel cold all over. Watch late-night welfare movies, please pay attention to WeChat public account: ok movie heaven

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