King of Eschatology

Chapter 358: Adventurer's Intelligence

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The war in China was raging, and with the passage of time, the situation became clearer.

During this time, the survivors of Huaxia are paying attention to the situation of the two camps. Many survivor bases are eager to try and send troops at a critical moment to share a share.

You know, the Tianyue base has 400,000 tons of grain, and all kinds of materials are extremely abundant. If you can grab some of it, you don't have to worry about it this winter.

Soon, the frequent reports of war reports from various places shocked the whole of China.

"Zhongyu Base successfully intercepted the iron-winged goshawk. At the critical moment, the army fighter formation landed, hitting the flying beasts and defeating them.

"Iron wing goshawk escaped with serious injuries. Its men were basically destroyed and could not do evil in a short time."

When the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

No one had thought that the Zhongyu base, which had already suffered a lot of vitality, actually stopped the iron-winged goshawk.

The Chinese survivors talked a lot, and people with a good eye knew that the success of this matter was entirely dependent on the Lujiajun fighter formation.

The fighter jets driven by Lu Jiajun were the most advanced fighters during the Chinese civilization. They were fast and aggressive, and they were always the hegemons of the sky, very fierce.

Although the beast evolved, combat and defense have improved significantly, but compared to this fighter, it is still far behind. Unless it is beyond the fifth stage, there is no resistance at all.

Flying beasts have the advantage of air control, but also have the disadvantage of weak defense.

The same level of beasts, flying beasts are more difficult than land beasts, but the defense is much worse than land beasts.

For example, the attack on the same missile caused serious injuries to the land beast, and the opponent can still get up and continue fighting.

However, the flying beast was severely injured and would fall directly from the sky, which basically wasted.

Therefore, the battle between the Zhongyu base and the iron-winged goshawk ended as early as possible. The army fighter formation and the artillery camp of the Zhongyu base cooperated with each other to obtain the first battle victory.

At this moment, Fu Wenbin was full of spirits. For the base of the Central Region, he had not fought for too long, and the soldiers' spirits were almost worn away.

Now after this battle, the flames are burning in the hearts of every Midland Warrior. Fu Wenbin knows that in this battle, Midland Warriors followed Lu Jiajun to show their arrogance, and Midland Base will rise again.

Soon, news came again that shocked the world again.

"Killing Gods team and Tianmang team jointly shot and hit the four sword palaces in Luo Shigang!"

"Huashan Palace Master Liu Zhenfeng was defeated by Captain Hoyadin, the dead body, and the first one was shot dead."

"Hengshan Palace Lord Ji Chengwen was defeated by Ling Ce, a member of the Killing Gods team. He was shot in eight holes by Ling Ce's spear. The last shot broke his heart, and the second was shot."

"Hengshan Palace's Qiu Mingchen was severely wounded and tried his best to get rid of Huang Yongsheng's entanglement. He ran alone, and his weapons maces were left on the battlefield, which was extremely embarrassing."

"Songshan Palace master Xiao Shi was caught alive by members of the Killing Gods team. In order to prevent the opponent from using the earthen sword to escape, Yu Lenghui locked him into a mule with an iron chain."

It is reported that the survivors of Huaxia, such as falling into an ice cellar, are completely unexpected.

The four major sword palaces sent 8,000 elite warriors, led by four sixth-tier strong men, enough to crush all the strength, and even lost to the two teams of the Lujia Army, it was incredible.

Many people questioned, and some people asked, "Aren't there the 8,000 elite warriors in the Four Sword Palaces? What about them?"

Soon, some adventurers sent the news back: "Eight of the 8000 elite warriors in the four sword palaces died in the hands of the Tianmang team. The captain of the Tianmang team Lan Yan killed 5,000 people in a rage. Everywhere, the entire Luo Shigang was stained red. "

People were once again scared by the Tianmang team. The most terrifying army in the Army has always been the Tianmang team, because almost all of them are natural killers. Everyone kills people like hemp. There are countless heads in their hands.

At this moment, people felt fear once again. As long as the Tianmang team still exists, even if the Tianyue base is destroyed, it is believed that the major bases are difficult to survive.

Some people have doubts that the strength of the Four Sword Palaces is extraordinary. Even if they killed each other, they must have paid a heavy price?

Soon, some adventurers responded, and it was not clear whether they had paid a heavy price. They only knew that after the four major sword palaces were destroyed by the two teams, more than 100,000 zombies were killed by hand, and then they left.

Luo Shigang's **** atmosphere was too strong and attracted a large number of zombies. However, these low-level zombies were nothing in the eyes of the two major teams and they were easily destroyed.

At this moment, the survivors of Huaxia were really shocked. How strong are the Killing Gods team and the Tianmang team, who can give an accurate conclusion?

The palace masters of the four major sword palaces are all sixth-order strong men. Two of them were killed in battle, one was captured alive, and one was seriously injured to flee.

"Sixth-order strong are walking around, and fifth-order strong are like dogs!"

Soon, someone commented on the God of Death team and the Tianmang team, which was concise and terrifying.

As the situation in various places became more and more clear, the eyes of Huaxia survivors began to focus on the main battlefield.

The battle between the Lujia Army and the Tonggu Base can be said to be the key to all battlefields. If the Lujia Army is defeated to the Tonggu Base, the previously obtained advantages will be lost.

At this moment, survivors around China have begun to predict that they are not optimistic about the Tianyue base.

After all, the strongest fighting force in the Lujia Army is four teams, but now, the Flying Eagles team is in the Xichuan base, the World Extermination team is in the Dalin base, the Killing Gods team and the Tianmang team have just defeated the four sword palaces.

In other words, ~ ~ The current Lu Jiajun does not have much high-level combat power, and is likely not an opponent of the Tonggu base.

You know, the Tonggu base is composed of a large number of bloodline strengtheners.

As we all know, after the Blood Vein Awakener is awakened, the combat power is much stronger than the Evolutionist. Under the same order, the Evolutionist is not an opponent of the Blood Vessel.

Of course, if there is no absolute, there are too many factors on the battlefield, and a little carelessness will disappear.

Chinese survivors learned that the Tonggu base was intercepted by the Lu Family Army in a mountainous area near Cheling Village and is now fighting.

In order to know the situation of the two sides as soon as possible, many adventurers leaned towards the area in the hope of getting first-hand intelligence.

However, when they arrived at the scene, they were frightened by the fierce battle in front of them.

The peaks that were soaring into the clouds were cut off with a single blow. The combat power is absolutely terrifying. How can humans do it?

Many people have speculated that such a brutal blow must not have been done by the Lujiajun soldiers. Is it the mysterious leader of the Tonggu base?

Most of the Lu Jiajun's strongest, Huaxia survivors, are familiar with it. In their opinion, no one has such a ferocious combat power.

Therefore, that kind of brutal attack can only be done by the leader of the base of Tonggu.

As a result, some adventurers published what they saw and their guesses in their hearts, which immediately caused an uproar.

"The leader of Tonggu Sun Hongcheng covered the sky with great power and destroyed half of the mountain in one hit. He has taken control of the whole battle."

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was shocked. Those indecisive wall grass finally saw the situation clearly and made the final decision.

"Declaring war on Tianyue Base!"


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