King of Eschatology

Chapter 374: Sacking Tonggu Base

Under the leadership of Ye Yiliang, Lu Jiajun spent 17 days and finally dealt with those guys who opposed Tianyue Base.

Ye was still overbearing. All the enemies with rebellious feelings were killed by force. The following people were very obedient to the Lu Jiajun, and all progress was surprisingly smooth.

For 17 days, the Lu Jiajun turned around for more than half a circle around Huaxia. I have to say that the Lu Jiajun was very efficient.

However, when we think about it, we are relieved. There are too many high-level new humans in the Lujia Army. Ye is still leading the team, Liner is in line, the God of Death team and the Tianmang team are assisting. Can anyone in the entire Huaxia team stop?

Finally, the Lu Jiajun found the base camp of the Tonggu base and drove straight in.

I have to say that the base of the Tonggu base is very well located, close to the mountains and the water, far from the city. Due to the terrain, the cold wind can't blow here, making this area not as cold as other places.

"It's so strange, it's weird. This place is so amazing, it's not cold."

Huang Yongsheng looked curious, his eyes were round and he looked around, like a clay bun that had never seen the world.

Ling Ce said with a sneer look: "Dahuang, can you be mature and see how you have never seen the world, don't say that you are a member of the God of Death team in the future."

When Huang Yongsheng heard the word "huang", his face suddenly turned black and he turned to Ye still said, "Captain Ye, Ling Ce has become more and more arrogant recently. You must discipline him well."

Ye still glanced at Huang Yongsheng coldly, and suddenly shrank his neck.

Along the way, Ye still killed the decisive, many leaders of the base were ordered to kill, never blinking.

Over time, Ye still left the shadow of the devil's head in the hearts of everyone, that is, a few old friends of the Killing Gods team dared to joke with her. If they were replaced by other people, they might have shot out.

Ling Ce kicked Huang Yongsheng's **** fiercely, cursing: "What are you doing, can you not find excitement, these two days, I still just like me, don't destroy Lao Tzu's image."

Huang Yongsheng stared at Ling Ce with a grimace and cursed: "Asshole, it is you who scold me first!"

"Grass, man, do you care about this?" Ling Ce grabbed Huang Yongsheng's shoulders.

Huang Yongsheng looked disgusted, and despised: "Roll the calf, I don't like men."

During the talk, Lu Jiajun had come to the gate of the Tonggu base. The tall city wall was as high as five stories high. The gate was very courageous, with a huge stone lion on each side, looking mighty and domineering.

It is a pity that the current Tonggu base has already gone to the sky. With the defeat of Chang Sun Hongcheng's main force, the left-behind personnel have already withdrawn, and now they do not know where they fled.

"Ling Ce, go open the door, be careful, don't disrupt it."

This gate is very sturdy and cannot be opened by ordinary people. It would be a pity to destroy it directly.

Ye still had an idea in his heart. Maybe Lu Fan will build an empire someday. At that time, the Lu Jiajun will definitely send troops to station in various places in China. The Tonggu base is well-built and a good choice.

Ling Ce has strong strength, good moves, and good relations, so Ye still let him open the door.


When Ling Ce heard Ye still had the task to hand to himself, he immediately laughed happily. His feet slammed on the ground, his body burst out like a sharp arrow, and he jumped up in place and fell easily on the wall.

Seeing this scene, Hoyadin's face suddenly darkened, and he mumbled softly: "This bastard, as the captain of his son, the task assigned to him has never seen such an intrigue, it is really annoying."

Anyone who knows Ling Ce knows that this guy's despair for Ye still loves. In front of Ye still, others have to stand aside.

Ling Ce was standing above the city wall, and was shocked by the heavy steel gate. From the outside, the iron gate was more than one meter thick. I am afraid that the fifth-order zombie could not be broken.

Lu Fan rolled over and jumped down the city wall, standing inside the iron gate.

Ling Ze soon showed weirdness and whispered: "Are people in Tonggu Base mentally disabled, what's the use of making such a thick door? How hard it is to open and close the door!"

The thickness of the iron gate, the fifth-order zombies can't really be broken, but the problem is that the third-order zombies can jump up to a height of nearly 100 meters, and the fifth-order zombies cross the city walls without any effort.

So, should such a thick iron gate be used for eggs?

People jumped in all of a sudden, okay, who would hurt the egg to smash your iron door?

Recalling the battle with the Tonggu base, Ling Ce concluded that the people in the Tonggu base were a group of theorists without actual combat experience.

With this iron gate alone, Ling Ce has determined that the senior staff at the Tonggu base are a bunch of idiots.

Ling Ce found the location of the iron lock. A gun stabbed and the gunman spit out. With a loud impact sound, the heavy iron lock broke at the sound.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ze burst into a roar, and the power of the sixth-order evolution exploded madly, opening up this heavy iron door.

After doing all this, Ling Ce laughed and looked in the direction of the team, ready to invite Ye Ye to continue.

However, there was nothing in front of him, not even a ghost, and Ling Ce only muttered secretly for so many people in Lu Jiajun disappeared.

"It's too slow, procrastinating, like a girl."

Huang Yongsheng stood on the city wall and looked at Ling Ce with a look of disgust, and there was a hint of gloat in his eyes.

Ling Ce suddenly looked up, suddenly speechless, almost spit out blood.

What a special thing, everyone in the Lu Jiajun even stood on the city wall, and even the third-tier soldiers jumped up and crowded the tall city wall.

"Does this door make sense?"

Although in my heart, Ling Ce would definitely not find Ye still troublesome. If he changed to someone else, at least he would have to scold him.

As if he could see Ling Ce's dissatisfaction, Ye still comforted immediately: "It is impossible to take all the materials at the base of Tonggu, and we will send someone to pull the good things back here and pass through this door."

Hearing Ye Sang's consolation, Ling Ce was in a better mood ~ ~ and responded with a smile: "That's right, of course, I know that the words still make sense."

The Lujiajun soldiers quickly acted, and the Tonggu base was scoured inside and out.

Not to mention, the Tonggu base really has a lot of good things. A lot of materials were found by the Lujia Army and used directly as marching materials.

The most important thing is that the Lu Jiajun found three fruit trees in the most central area of ​​the Tonggu base. Although it has now entered winter, the fruit trees still exude vitality, which is obviously extraordinary.

"Red cherry plum fruit!"

Ye is still very happy in her heart. She once heard that the Tonggu base has a strange fruit that can accelerate the evolution of new humans after eating. It should be the three fruit trees in front of her.

Compared with other materials, this is the real good thing.

"Dig up these three fruit trees with roots and transport them back to Tianyue Base!"

Ye still ordered, and several soldiers immediately started to dig up three fruit trees with roots and soil.

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