King of Eschatology

Chapter 411: Invincible and overbearing King Banyan

"Huang Yongsheng!"

In the distance, the detectives hidden in the dark were all shocked and stunned.

Compared to the unknown Xu Xiaopeng, Huang Yongsheng is the number one dangerous person in the hearts of major bases. The golden flames emanating from him are really special and very recognizable.

Huang Yongsheng stood on the hilt of the sword, exuding an endless arrogance, and the weak man was trembling with fright only at first glance, and did not dare to fight against it.

"It's over, Huang Yongsheng has become seventh-order, and it's a trouble now."

The news came back to the temporary station, and the leaders of the major bases all showed an incredible look. They did not believe this was true, so they all quietly concealed their breath and leaned towards Nandu.

Everyone decided to observe in person to ensure the accuracy of the message.

With the emergence of Huang Yongsheng, the five of Geng Yang hurried back two steps, looking at Huang Yongsheng who was like a **** of war in front of them, all of them were pale and frightened.

The horrific momentum erupted by the seventh-tier intensifier is not comparable to that of the sixth-tier evolutionist. Even if Geng Yang and the five men joined forces, they were still suppressed by Huang Yongsheng.

In addition, Xu Xiaopeng stood not far away, holding the bursting thorns as his eyesight. His speed was too fast, and no one had the confidence to escape his bursting attack.

However, the five did not retreat, and the Rong Wang stood behind them. If they did not take action at this time, they would be killed by the Rong King instantly.

Besides, all five are under the command of King Rong. The King Rong is extremely powerful, and he will certainly not watch his men die tragically.

Figured this out, the five shot decisively.

As soon as the war broke out, Huang Yongsheng picked a five, and the momentum was like a rainbow. No one could compete with it.

The golden sword is full of qi, and the slashing of qi and qi is generated between the slashing, which is violently vertical and horizontal, cutting the space.

Xu Xiaopeng stood aside with a burst of thorns, his eyes were cold, he was ready to attack, and he could launch a raid at any time.

King Rong licked his lips, revealing a smile of coldness. He was quite satisfied with Huang Yongsheng's body, presumably the golden flesh and blood must be extremely delicious.

Originally, King Rong wanted to lead Lu Fan out, kill the other party, and then devour Lu Fan's flesh and blood.

But now, the majestic vitality emanating from Huang Yongsheng's body is too strong, and the King Rong can't help but want to swallow him.

King Rong drooled drastically, the thick liquid overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and it fell to the ground with a click, corroding the earth into a dark pit.

King Rong raised his hand and pointed it out. The dark, ink-like beam of light burst out like a flash of light, and instantly penetrated Huang Yongsheng's chest.

This beam of light was too fast, Huang Yongsheng could not escape at all.


Huang Yongsheng fell to the ground, a transparent hole burst into his chest, and blood burst out like a waterfall.

Huang Yongsheng held a sword on the ground with a single sword, and his right hand was draped over the hole in his chest. The blood instantly stained his palms red, transparent back and forth, and the blood flow was endless.

Huang Yongsheng was horrified. The man in the black robe on the opposite side was unfathomable. If he had not evolved to the seventh level, I am afraid he has been killed on the spot.

King Rong sneered, his big hand was lifted, and a violent suction suddenly broke out, turning into a wind that restrained Huang Yongsheng's severely injured body, and pulled over instantly.

At the same time, under his arm, a dark tree root suddenly appeared, digging into the blood hole in front of Huang Yongsheng's chest.

The roots of the tree seemed to be able to smell the deliciousness in the blood, and at this time it was extremely excited.

Behind Huang Yongsheng, Xu Xiaopeng was frightened. His whole body soared, his soles slammed on the ground, and his body turned into an afterimage, rushing towards King Rong.

The burst of thorns in his hand shone, and the endless coldness of the forest instantly came, and the target pointed directly at the neck of King Rong.

King Rong didn't bother to look at him, and he swayed it, a dark vine appeared, like a shocking whip, and Xu Xiaopeng was flew out in an instant.


Xu Xiaopeng fell heavily on the ground, coughing up blood, and his chest ribs were completely broken. He could not afford serious injuries.

The seventh-tier powerhouse did not have any fight at all in front of King Rong.

In the distance, the leaders of the major bases who have just arrived here are all shocked. The rudeness of King Rong is beyond imagination. The seventh-tier strong man is like a ant in front of him.

Everyone desperately concealed his body, for fear of being discovered by King Rong, the horror of the other party has surpassed the human category.


At this moment, a sharp gunman hole penetrated the void, as if crossing the floods of the universe, erupted directly in front of King Rong, and the endless gunman poured out.

This is a dark, long pistol. The surface of the pistol flashes with black light, the killing intention is extremely cold, and it bursts out like a stormy sea.

King Rong raised his eyebrows and hurriedly backed up two steps. The big hand that had been probed out immediately withdrew, and slammed on the suddenly appeared gunman.


The sharp and sharp gunman was enough to penetrate a mountain peak, and was shot and scattered by the king Rong. The terror strength was shocking.

When Ling Ce appeared, he held Huang Yongsheng, who was seriously injured, and retreated instantly, avoiding from a distance.

King Rong's strength exceeded the image of everyone, raising Huangsong Sheng and Xu Xiaopeng during the heyday between his hands, and even shot Ling Ce's gun with a palm.

Hidden in the distance, the leaders of the major bases speculate that even the eighth-tier powerhouse is not likely to be the opponent of King Rong.

Behind Rong Wang, Geng Yang and others were shocked, and then exulted.

It was shocking that three seventh-tier powerful men emerged one after another in the Lu Jiajun. It is pleased that all of them are chickens and dogs in front of King Rong. Even the seventh-tier powerful are also ants.


King Rong showed a bloodthirsty smile. Originally, Huang Yongsheng let him drool, but now a high-ranking new human popped up, apparently full of flesh and energy.

At this moment, there were several outrageous breaths, and members of the Killing Gods team were nearby. At this time, they noticed that a powerful enemy had invaded and rushed over.

Yu Lenghui was holding a giant axe ~ ~. Standing on the side of Ling Ce, the tyrannical breath of the seventh-order evolutionary soared to the extreme. The warfare in the eyes was surging, and his violent breath expanded his body.

Hoyadin also appeared at this time, and the power of the seventh-order evolution was unreservedly revealed. The Shura sword in his hand shone as if he was already hungry and thirsty.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of members of the Killing Gods team came here, all high-level new humans.

Seeing this scene, instead of being afraid, Wang Rong showed great joy.

For King Rong, the more high-level new humans, the better, all of which are his advanced nourishment.

"Fresh meat, if all of them are swallowed, the king can definitely evolve to Tier 9! From then on, the king is invincible under the sky!"


Thanks to Leng Yexuan, loneliness such as shame, dashing son, a happy puppy, 1 minute and other friends for their rewards. Everyone is so supportive, we must make three changes today!

(End of this chapter)

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