King of Eschatology

Chapter 448: 1 group of food

Dalin base, the wedding scene became more and more popular, everyone waited for a long time, and finally began to serve.

How long haven't everyone eaten the fish?

No one can remember, in the last days, those who can eat are already very happy, but they still care about the quality of the food.

Soon, the dishes are coming!

Plenty of flavoured meat products were brought up, and the seductive fragrance could be smelled from a long distance. Many leaders of the base were almost unable to hold it and wanted to wear it.

"Why haven't we got here yet?"

Many people growled, because there were too many people here to celebrate the wedding, and there were hundreds of seats. Not only was the hall full of people, but even the upper floors were full.

The order of serving must have come first, the people in front of them started to gobble, the people in the back waited to be seen, and they rushed to eat now.

Fortunately, the Dalin base was adequately prepared, and additional staff were assigned to deliver the food. Soon the wine and meat came to the table. The entire hotel was full of gobbling voices, and no one spoke.

Everyone has only one mouth, and it is possible to eat less meat with one word of effort. No one can compensate for this loss.

For a moment, a very weird scene appeared in the entire lobby. Everyone was eating and eating, regardless of the image. From the outside, they were not like the leaders of the major bases, but like a group of refugees.

I have to say that Lu Fan is very satisfied with the preparation of the Dalin base. In order to prepare for this wedding, they hunted a lot of wild animals in advance, and all kinds of fresh meat and food were coveted.

Of course, this kind of thing caused the beast army of the black evil tiger king to be extremely dissatisfied, but when they learned that this was Lu Fan's order, they lost their temper.

The Heisha Tiger King has long been scared by Lu Fan's fierceness. The shadow area in his heart is very large. As long as Lu Fan does not hunt his subordinates, it pretends that nothing happened.

Suddenly, an extraordinarily rich and fragrant aroma came, making everyone mad at eating.

"What good thing is so fragrant?"

"This smell should only exist in the sky, it's rare to hear it on earth!"

"I know that I've smelled this scent before, it's the broth of an eighth-order peak beast."

"Well, Dalin base is really too grand, even such good things are brought up, caps!"

"Come up quickly, after we drink Dabu Tang, maybe we can accelerate evolution!"

Everyone talked, staring at a small cart with a huge white porcelain basin on it, containing the broth of the eighth-level peak python.

Several good-looking beauties enthusiastically helped everyone in the chief to serve the soup. Soon, Xiang Fang was wild, and everyone at Lu Fan's table got a full bowl of tonic soup.

To be honest, Lu Fan also drank this kind of soup for the first time. He tasted it first and it was delicious, so he politely took up the big bowl and drank it.

Others could not wait any longer. When they saw the boss drinking, they immediately started to drink, and soon drank a large pot of snake soup.

Immediately afterwards, a large bowl of specially made snake meat was brought up. It was white and tender, and its color was attractive. It seemed to be shining with a beautiful glow, which was extremely extraordinary.

This is the meat of the eighth-order python, which contains the majestic force of evolution, which has great benefits for the physique of new humans.

Under Lu Fan's leadership, the crowd began to eat.

At the beginning, everyone still cares about identity, and try to exercise restraint. After all, they are part of the Tianyue base and cannot be as ignorant as people in other bases.

But now, the meat of the eight-step mad python is so delicious that everyone can no longer care about restraint and eat wildly.

Many people eat glutinous noodles, as if in a shocking battle, sweeping wildly at the food in the basin.

Watching the person on the top eating and eating there, others were swallowing saliva, looking eagerly at the trolley, hoping to push it up quickly.

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, several young girls in charge of delivering soup added food to the chief executive again until all the soup had been distributed, and then pushed away with a cart.

Then there is no more.


Everyone was scolding in their hearts, expecting so long for the food, but it was unfortunately unbearable.

In fact, everyone knows that this kind of good thing can only be enjoyed by the internal staff of Tianyue Base. It seems that everyone is the same. In fact, there is already a grading division unknowingly.

For example, the veterans who have been following Lu Fan must be at the highest level. They are directly under the Tianyue base and enjoy the highest level of treatment.

Next, they are allies of the Tianyue base, such as the East China Sea base and the Zhongyu base, both of which have become vassals of the Tianyue base and enjoy second-level treatment.

Further down, all the base personnel who came here to celebrate the wedding, they knew in their hearts that only by becoming a vassal base of the Tianyue base can they hope to get a higher treatment than others.

"The Lu Jiajun is destined to rise. It is imperative that Tianyue Base establish an empire. Joining Tianyue Base one day earlier will hope to gain more benefits. If it is late, I am afraid that we will be behind.

The seemingly simple serving, in fact, hides a lot of mystery, let everyone understand the gap between each other, so that many people have the idea of ​​following Lu Fan.


In the northeast of Thailand, between the mountains and mountains, a powerful army is advancing rapidly, going over mountains and mountains, wading through mountains and mountains, and walking extremely difficult.

Originally it only took an hour to travel, and it took more than two hours to slow down the speed more than doubled.

At the rear of the army, the personnel of the Tomahawk base were quite dissatisfied and scoffed at Hu Feng's caution.

"A really stupid group of idiots, who don't walk along the fine roads, have to go over mountains and mountains, aren't they bothering themselves? Are they stupid?"

Mautansky muttered, drooling along the way, and was disgusted by this rugged mountain road.

The end of the world erupted ~ ~ The plants grew wildly, although most of them were withered, but the stumps were growing, making it very difficult for the army to move forward.

Paulan Shield behaved differently from Mao Tansky. At this time, his frowns froze, and he even felt a little anxious about this action.

"People at Tianjing base are so cautious, I am afraid that the Lu Jiajun in their mouth is more terrifying than we think."

Paulland opened his mouth and immediately caught everyone's attention.

The head of Ikris agreed, saying, "People at the Tianjing base already know the strength of our Tomahawk army. In this case, they are still so careful. I am afraid that things are really not easy."

Mao Tansky was puzzled and asked: "What does it matter? What is the difference between killing the past brightly and killing the past quietly? Isn't it true that the sword will be killed?"

With a stagnant expression, Paulan Shield said suddenly: "This is also what I worry about most. Do you remember what the other party has been emphasizing?"

Mao Tansky was startled, and asked, "Must, the other side quietly brought us close to the Tianyue base. Are you afraid of alarming the main force of the Lujia Army going out to fight?"

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