King of Eschatology

Chapter 488: Interceptor missile

Above the aircraft, the five superpowers of the Galaxy Alliance are sitting on them. They actively bypassed the western region of China and entered the interior of China.

"I'll just say, after a brief round, all the problems are solved without any danger."

Mandalay said with a smile, and after nearly half an hour of recovery, his injury was no big deal, and it is estimated that it will be healed soon.

The resilience of the tenth-tier powerhouse is truly amazing.

George laughed mockingly: "You still have the face to say, how could we waste so much time if you hadn't insisted on exploring the western China?"


Mandalay's anger soared and stared.

George and Mandalay had resentment. When George had not yet evolved to the tenth level, Mandalay went forward as a messenger to answer, but unpleasant things happened.

Mandalay looked after George's woman and wanted to make fun of it. Of course, George didn't agree, but he was a ninth-order evolutionist at the time, not an opponent of Mandalay.

So the tragedy happened, and George was cleaned up by Mandalay.

From Mandalay's point of view, the woman in the Tenth Tier who wants to play with you is deserving of you. You don't even agree.

George felt that this was an insult to the personality, so the beam came to an end.

If it weren't for the Galaxy Alliance, it wasn't possible to fight internally, I'm afraid George had already shot Mandalay.

Even so, George always confronted Mandalay, and satirized as soon as possible. Since he couldn't do it, he went to the head office.

Just when the two were about to quarrel, everyone shivered and turned back.

With the super-perception of their tenth-order evolutionaries, they found that a horrifying killer was flying from the south at a rapid speed.

"what happened?"

Romantique suddenly got up, went to the console, and quickly turned the picture.

At this moment, everyone saw that at the back of the aircraft, two missiles were flying at high speed. It seemed that in another 30 seconds, they could hit the aircraft.

Seeing this scene, everyone's complexion became gloomy, while feeling incredible.

They are the strongest men from all continents, and they know quite a bit about military forces. This kind of missile attack is obviously a means of attack only during the period of civilization.

"How can Huaxia launch missiles? Isn't the positioning system all paralyzed?"

The hearts of everyone were stunned, and their understanding of Huaxia had risen to a new level.

Other continents have also seized military bases, but most of their weapons have been ineffective, and powerful missiles have lost their positioning systems and their ability to strike targets.

However, it now appears that Huaxia has apparently resumed control of the missile system, which is not good news for the powerhouses on other continents.

"Well, who will intercept the missile?"

Romantique asked in a deep voice.

Although the missile hit the aircraft, they may not necessarily be killed, but this is a facial issue. The first time the Galaxy Alliance arrived in Huaxia, the aircraft was blasted into slag.

"Let's go and let this group of ants look. In the face of absolute strength, everything is a chicken and a dog."

Kadar snorted and jumped out of the cabin.

Suddenly, the tenth-tier evolutionist's arrogance broke out madly. As soon as the clouds moved in all directions, it seemed that a **** was born, overlooking the entire earth.

The energy at Kadal's feet spit, and the surface of the body was radiant, like a fiery ball of light, shaking people's eyes.

On this day, many people found in horror that there was an extra sun in the sky, and the horror and coercion could be sensed even from a long distance.

"Look, there is a light ball there, it seems to be an individual!"

On the ground, many Chinese survivors exclaimed that they had discovered a weird sight in the sky.

New humans have strong eyesight and can see things far away. Kadal appears so high-profile in the sky over China, and it is difficult not to attract people's attention.

It's so terrible that no one thought that someone could be so powerful that it was a god-like existence.

It was not until then that people saw an elliptical aircraft behind this figure. He emerged from the aircraft as if waiting for something.

Then, a scene that shocked the world happened.

I saw two long-range missiles flying across the air, and the back of the tongue fired, generating a huge push force, causing the missile to continuously accelerate, the target is exactly that aircraft.

The figure appeared in mid-air, just waiting for the two missiles.

Kadar stood in the air, and the majestic energy formed a mask that protected his body and blocked the cricket wind.

He sneered, and his sharp eyes swept towards the earth, with a demeanor in the world. He shouted, "Shake, ants!"

The words didn't end, Kadal punched him fiercely at the missile approaching at speed.

Suddenly, the wind and fury rolled, and the power of the tenth-level evolution came out like a mountain, forming a huge light fist in the sky, bombarding one of the missiles.

After doing all this, Kadar kept moving, and continued to attack the second missile, and the bright energy fistprint appeared again ~ ~.

Cardal sneered, he had confidence in his strength. With these two punches, he could definitely detonate both missiles.

"I intercepted your missile in advance, and see what else you can do."

Kadal stood with his hands on his back, with a light, cloud-like appearance, looking like a good man, pretending to look.

He didn't care about Huaxia's missile attacks, and he didn't think ordinary missiles could hurt himself.

However, he did not notice that these two missiles had major problems.

In the aircraft, Mandalay and others saw this appearance of Kadal, all of them were dissatisfied, and indignantly said: "I wasted a chance to pretend to be in vain, sorry."

At this time, the survivors on the ground must be paying attention to this matter, and maybe someone will film it, but this is an opportunity to show their faces in front of the people of the world, and those who have not gone out are sorry.

When Kadar went out to intercept the missile, the aircraft stopped in the mid-air space not far away, because everyone knew that there was a Tier X strong man to block it, and this level of missile could not hurt the aircraft at all.

At the same time, the Central China Military Region missile launch base.

A thin young man stood in front of a launch pad with a stunned face, his hands trembling, his eyes full of fear, and his tears were about to fall.

The boy is responsible for this missile launch mission. Just now, he inadvertently launched two nuclear bombs.

In other words, what is flying in the sky are not ordinary missiles, but strategic nuclear missiles.

The teenager knew that the trouble was so great that he had made a big disaster himself.


Send in the second, ask for a monthly pass!

In addition, thank you Xiaochun for giving me a reward, Moda!

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