King of Eschatology

Chapter 513: Robot warrior

After Lu Fan finished speaking, he was immediately despised by everyone.

However, Lu Fan did not care and went away with a big laugh.

Huang Yongsheng and others followed Lu Fan's **** tightly, shouting: "Great magician, teach me some magic tricks!"

"Okay, I can teach you how to become blue and swollen."


Lu Fan is in a good mood. After accepting this secret research institute, the science and technology development of Tianyue Base will have a rapid growth, especially in biology, and it will develop by leaps and bounds.

This is crucial because in the last days, all living things have evolved, especially plants, with many more characteristics that humans don't understand.

For example, an inconspicuous grass in the civilization period may contain extremely powerful medicine in the last days and become the main material of a certain medicine.

It is because of the uncertainty of this plant variation that all medical pharmacology will be completely changed.

Especially those old Chinese medicines, where there is no place to use them at this time, the original remedies for curing illnesses may now become a peerless poison.

Everything must be overthrown and re-validated.

I just do n’t know if there will be a great person in the last days who cares about the world, taste all kinds of herbs, and write medical books like Compendium of Materia Medica.

Lu Fan knows that the Galaxy Alliance has developed several drugs, which has made humans make great progress in the field of medicine.

Among them, Lu Fan is more satisfied with life potion and evolution potion.

The potion of life potion is extremely amazing. It is said that no matter how serious the injury, as long as there is still breath, you can come back to life.

Even the broken arm can be reborn, which is comparable to the legendary elixir.

However, the formula of this life potion is too complicated, and there are too many herbs. The useful ingredients are extracted little by little, and it is impossible to make a mistake in the ratio.

So far, the secret research institute of the Galaxy Alliance has only produced three bottles of life potion, but one bottle was taken away by the Galaxy Alliance bosses a few days ago, and it is not known which of them was fatally injured.

Therefore, the remaining two bottles of life potion are even more precious, and Lu Fan packed it directly into the storage space. This life-saving potion may be used someday, and no one will be too much.

As for the evolutionary agent, it is much more advanced than the evolutionary agent at Tianyue Base.

The evolutionary agent of Tianyue Base is to grind the energy crystals into powder, then add some delicious spices, and add a little medicine that is good for digestion.

The evolutionary agent of the Galaxy Alliance was successfully developed by extracting energy substances from wild plants and matching them in a reasonable proportion.

This evolutionary agent is much better than the evolutionary agent of Tianyue Base in both taste and accuracy.

For example, the evolutionary agent of Tianyue Base, if you drink too fast, it will easily cause stomach pain, especially when the violent evolutionary power inside spreads, the body will suffer very great pain.

The evolutionary agent of the Galaxy Alliance can be configured according to the level of the evolver, and can be applied to each level.

In fact, this evolutionary agent is similar to the approach of the Tonggu Base in the past. The Tonggu Base cultivates the fruits of the power of evolution, which can be taken by evolutionists.

However, the growth of each plant is different, and the evolutionary power contained in the fruit is also different, which cannot be accurately located.

The evolutionary agent of the Galaxy Alliance can perfectly avoid this.

Judging from these two medicaments alone, we know that the Galaxy Alliance is not useless and the technology is developing rapidly.

However, from this moment on, all these things changed their surname to Lu, and became exclusive to Huaxia.

I don't know if the Galaxy Alliance was ransacked by Lu Fan, is there any ability to re-establish an institute.

Fan Fan and others walked out of the Secret Research Institute and continued to follow Ussova in the other direction, where is the arsenal of the Galaxy Alliance.

To be honest, Lu Fan did not report much expectations on the arsenal of Xinghe Alliance. After all, Tianyue base also has an arsenal, and under the development of Wu Haochen, he has now taken the lead in the world.

Especially the cold weapons that can grow, but also the treasures of Zhenshan in the arsenal, will probably be difficult to be surpassed for a while.

According to incomplete statistics, half of the soldiers in the Lujia Army use this cold weapon, and some lucky guys have started to advance their weapons, becoming tougher and sharper than before.

Whether it is defense or attack, there has been a significant increase.

Therefore, Lu Fan held a try attitude and followed Ussova to enter the arsenal of the Galaxy Alliance, intending to take a look.

However, just as Lu Fan stepped in, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw a large square full of robots. Every robot was made of special metal, which obviously has extremely powerful lethality.

"Crooked Sun, so domineering!"

Behind Lu Fan, Yu Lenghui couldn't help but sigh, his eyes flashed, he wanted to rush to try the fighting power of these robots.

Ursova introduced with a look of excitement: "This is the first robot warrior built by the arsenal, which has a very strong combat effectiveness."

"The purpose of establishing the arsenal was to create this type of combat robot. These robot fighters were not manufactured until half a month ago."

Listening to Ursova's introduction, Lu Fan could not help frowning.

"It was created half a month ago. Why didn't Star River play with them?"

Lu Fan questioned the exit. It is said that this combat-type robot was produced and must be pulled to the battlefield to test it, otherwise no one can accurately figure out their combat effectiveness.

Ursova immediately smiled and said, "It's not because you don't want them to go to war, but because you don't have the right energy."


Everyone showed weird colors. What's so special, without energy, wouldn't these robot soldiers be a pile of scrap copper and iron?

Ursova knew the doubts of everyone ~ ~ immediately explained: "At the time of design, robot warriors should install energy crystals. However, it consumes too much energy, and ordinary energy crystals simply cannot bear it. It will soon be squandered. "

"Unless an advanced energy crystal is found, these robot warriors will not have a chance to land on the battlefield."

Ursova's words had just been finished, and everyone's brows were frowned.

"Advanced energy crystal, is there such a thing?"

Hoyadin questioned, as the captain of the God of War team, he knows a lot about energy crystals, and has never heard of advanced energy crystals.

Next to Usowa, Vic interjected: "Some advanced energy crystals are available. In our Ladis Mountains, some people have dug up fist-sized energy crystals. The evolutionary power contained in them is one of ordinary energy crystals. Thousands of times. "


The third send!

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