King of Eschatology

Chapter 561: Deadly crisis

For Fan's answer, Lu Fan was speechless. This is the South Peak of Huashan. He thought that Quanzhenyan would be the highest place, but it turned out to be Songjing Peak on the east side.

To be honest, Lu Fan didn't know Huashan very well. He had only studied in the text before and had never been to this place, so it was normal to find no place.

"Only the sky is above, and there is no mountain or Qi. Raise your head, the red sun is near, and bow down the white clouds."

Lu Fan sighed in his heart, humming the ancients' description of Huashan's poems, and continued to climb.

Since choosing the wrong place, Lu Fan is not ready to change, he decided to go straight to the top and then jump over.

普通 For ordinary people, it is impossible to jump between two mountain peaks, but Lu Fan is a middle-level second-order powerhouse, which is nothing to him.

As it got higher and higher, the surrounding sword qi became more horrible, and even started to attack Lu Fan, trying to obliterate the intruder.

Lu Fan didn't care, he arbitrarily held up a defensive mask and directly climbed to the top!

Finally, Lu Fan reached the peak and looked out into the distance. The surrounding mountains were undulating, the clouds were spreading everywhere, the Zhouye was open, and Huang Wei was flowing.

"It really is a good place!"

Lu Fan sighed secretly, his eyes began to glance at the whole Huashan.

Mount Luhua is composed of five peaks: east, west, south, north, and middle. Lu Fan's location is the highest south peak. With his superb vision, he can overlook the whole picture of Huashan.

"Where is the front line of the Tenjin Beidou Formation?"

Lu Fan asked to the chain of God, because Lu Fan's spiritual enhancement had been turned to the extreme, and there was no abnormality found there.

It is not that Lu Fan's spiritual enhancement is not strong enough, but because the five peaks of Huashan are exhilarating sword qi. Although they cannot be seen by the naked eye, they can be clearly perceived under the enhancement of spiritual perception.

It was precisely because of these unmatched sword qi that affected Lu Fan's judgment, if there was only one place where sword qi was issued, Lu Fan would have rushed past.

At the moment, the five mountain peaks are all exhaling sword energy, and Lu Fan didn't know what to do for a while.

Wu Shenlian responded in a cold tone: "This question involves ancient secrets, and I cannot answer it."


Lu Fan is speechless, the chain of God is always off at critical moments.

Suddenly, ShenChain asked, "When will you help me unlock the third genetic shackle?"

卧 "Slump? You asked me a question, strange."

Lu Fan teased to God Chain, it seems that since he got the Super God Link System, God Chain has always been a role to answer questions, and has never actively asked questions.

However, Lu Fan must be disappointed with Shen Chain. He couldn't find even the eyes of Tian Bei Beidou Sword Formation, let alone how to help Shen Chain unlock the genetic shackles.

"When I was in Mount Tai, I received purple gas. Was there a special energy in Huashan?"

Lu Fan secretly said in his heart, for the moment there is no clue.

既然 "In that case, I'll go to Quanzhenyan first to see, maybe I can find something."

Lu Fan secretly murmured, and then the whole body burst into momentum, rushing towards the Songpi Peak on the east side.

However, what made Lu Fan unexpected was that, just as he had just got up, the abnormality suddenly appeared.

Suddenly an invisible sword air suddenly rushed from the bottom of Huashan and rushed to Jiuxiao in an instant.

Suddenly, the thunder trembled between heaven and earth, and in those high altitudes, countless light clusters bloomed endlessly, one by one, exuding an unparalleled horror.

After the horrible sword qi rushed into the sky, it instantly flipped down, transformed from invisible to tangible, and began to condense the vitality of heaven and earth.

Lu Fan couldn't help looking up at the sky. When he saw a scene in the sky, his eyes were cold.

After seeing that the Qi of the sword had gathered enough vitality, a morphological change took place. At this time, it turned into a huge axe and split down against Huashan.

To be more precise, the giant axe was slashed against Landing Fan, and the terrifying air machine had completely locked Lu Fan.

"this is?"

Lu Fan was terrified. Under this terrifying axe, he felt the threat of death.

惊 This shock is no trivial matter. You must know that Lu Fan is already a middle-level second-order powerhouse and can make him feel a deadly threat. Then this huge axe must be shocking.

The power of evolution in Lu Fan's body soared wildly. With one stroke, a fire dragon appeared on his right hand.

With the fire light shining, this fire dragon turned into a huge war halberd with incomparable handle, exaggerated and overbearing in shape, shining a striking edge.

At this moment, Lu Fan took out the Red Flame Halberd, and he had to go all out to face the horrible axe in the sky.


Lu Fan burst into a roar, and the flames of the Red Flame War Halberd suddenly swelled. Suddenly, an incomparable sword gas burst out, tearing the void directly and rising into the sky.

At this moment, Lu Fan's horrific momentum erupted on his body. This was a kind of warfare, which showed his domineering power to the fullest.

"Hold my war halberd, kill for nine days, shed my blood, and go forward!"

In the blink of an eye, Lu Fan's sword qi collided with the giant axe. The two powerful forces fought fiercely, glued to each other, and instantly burst.


Above Mount Huahua, a terrible big explosion erupted instantly, and the vast void was torn to form a terrible black hole that seemed to devour the entire vastness.

Lu Fan did his best to block the shock of the giant axe, but the crisis did not resolve. At this moment, the five peaks of Huashan broke out at the same time, each emitting a bright sword spirit, killing Lu Fan.

"Sit down, Tenchu ​​Beidou Sword Formation!"

Lu Fan exclaimed ~ ~ He really couldn't figure it out. The formation was clearly in his own hands. Why could the Tian Bei Beidou Sword Formation still trigger?

五 These five sword qi are too fierce. Lu Fan didn't dare to carelessly. The red flame war halberds in his hands danced wildly. A series of violent sword qi cascaded out, constantly bombarded with each other's sword qi.

At the same time, the invisible sword qi rose to the sky again, condensing into a giant axe above the nine days, ready to split against Lu Fan again.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan's mood fell into a trough. This is so special. As long as the sword array is not broken, the sword energy will be endless, and sooner or later he will have to consume himself here.

Suddenly, the anxious voice of Shen Chain sounded in Lu Fan's mind: "Quickly, break Quanzhenyan, otherwise you will die here."

Hearing the voice of the **** chain, Lu Fan no longer tangled with the surrounding sword air, his body swooped down, and rushed towards Songliao Peak.

"found it!"

Lu Fan's heart was a joy, he had seen Quanzhenyan suddenly protruding out of the mountain peak.

At this moment, Lu Fan had no mood to appreciate, and raised his hand and pointed at Quan Zhenyan.

Suddenly, a horrific purple beam of light burst out, pierced through the void, and severely bombarded Quanquan.

"Purple Ziqi points!"

Lu Fan yelled loudly, and Quan Zhenyan shattered in response.

Uh ...

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(End of this chapter)

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