King of Eschatology

Chapter 563: Super black technology

Hua Shan Nanfeng, Lu Fan stepped on a raised strange stone and stood proudly. w.QDD

There are countless sword qi around him, as if he is guarding and worshipping, it is difficult to understand.

In front of Lu Fan, a huge rock was suspended quietly, and finally, at a certain moment, the rock shattered, turned into a dusty powder, and dissipated between heaven and earth.


The gale screamed, and the sword's air was rolled up. With the fragmentation of the sword array stone plate, all disappeared.

At this moment, Lu Fan's eyes were shining brightly, because he knew that he had another big killer, and his heart was even more energetic.


Divine Chain appeared comfortably in Lu Fan's mind and said with a smile: "Finally, the third genetic yoke has been broken, so comfortable and beautiful!"

Divine Chain is very happy, she really did not expect that Lu Fan broke the three genetic yoke one after another in such a short time, so that she saw the hope of restoring freedom.

Lu Fan had just harvested a big killer, and he was very happy. When he heard the word of God Chain, he immediately laughed happily.

"I helped you unlock the third genetic yoke. Is there a reward?"

Shen Chain gave a glance at Lu Fan in a variety of styles, twisted his slender waist, dangled in Lu Fan's mind, and said, "What reward do you want?"


Lu Fan is speechless, saying, you are a robot, is this really good?

Lu Fan asked: "You have opened three genetic yoke now. Have you added any new functions?"

For now, this is what Lu Fan cares about most.

The **** chain gave Lu Fan a big white eye, saying: "Of course there are new functions. Of course, as the **** chain of the invincible style of the universe, there are many functions."

Speaking of which, ShenChain's attitude has become serious, saying: "As the third genetic yoke is opened, the science and technology column is correspondingly opened. Like other columns, points need to be redeemed."

"Tech column?"

Lu Fan showed curiosity.

Divine Chain introduced: "In the galaxy universe, there are two kinds of arguments, which have been controversial."

"Some people say that natural selection, survival of the fittest, and evolution are the root of everything, and there is no substitute."

"Some people also say that science and technology are the first fighting force. If you study the avenue and understand the rules, you can gain the power to destroy the world."

"Both theories have their own reasons, no one is right or wrong, only one is better than others."

"Earth is only inferior planet. Technology can only be regarded as inferior and inferior, and its combat effectiveness is poor."

"In my technology column, the most junk technology can be regarded as medium, and the earth can definitely be regarded as super dark technology."

Shen Chain said a lot in one breath, and Lu Fan's eyes gradually lightened. He was the first to hear the theory that technology is the first combat force.

In the period of civilization, no matter how much skill a person has, a bullet is finished.

At that time, technology was invincible.

But with the end of the last days, ordinary people have awakened and become new humans, and the threat of bullets to new humans has gradually become much smaller.

Especially after the new humans have passed the fifth stage, let alone bullets, they will not be injured if they come over.

In this way, an imbalance gradually emerged between technology and evolution, and technology gradually fell behind, and evolution was at the forefront.

But everyone knows that it is not because technology is useless, but because people have not mastered more powerful science and technology.

Now, the Super Link System has opened the technology bar.

----- This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Fiction netizens please remind: please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. Recommended reading:

---- This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

All the technologies are above medium level, and Lu Fan can't wait to try it.

Suddenly, Lu Fan thought of a question, and asked, "How is the medium and low technology distinguished? Which technologies on the earth have reached the middle technology category?"

Divine Chain responded in an unhurried tone: "There is a very obvious way to distinguish between intermediate and inferior technologies, and that is whether they have surpassed the laws of heaven and earth."

"In your words, has it caused irreversible damage to the environment and has it exceeded its limits?"

Afraid that Lu Fan couldn't understand, Shenlian explained.

Fan Fan had a little thought in his heart and started thinking about this issue.

Divine Chain continued: "The technology of the earth is too backward, and there are very few technologies that can reach the middle category. For now, only nuclear bombs, space shuttles, and life potions."

"So few?" Lu Fan asked incredulously.

ShenChain smiled indifferently, and said, "A lot, except for life potions, nuclear bombs and space shuttles can only be regarded as rubbing edges, and barely can be counted."

Hearing this, Lu Fan was a little bit upset and asked, "What do you have in your science and technology column? Where is the technology better than the earth?"

Shenlian chuckled and said: "No more nonsense, I will give you a few simple examples. In the face of middle technology, broken arms can be reborn, there is no mortal disease, whether it is cancer or AIDS are drizzle, one grain Pills, it works in two minutes. "

Lu Fan pouted his mouth and retorted: "Some of these eggs are used, and those who have survived have been screened several times. Anyone who is not healthy is dead, and all of them are better."

Divine Chain continued unwillingly to continue: "Your planet ’s most powerful space shuttle can reach the moon when it reaches the sky ~ ~ No matter how far away it is, and there is a space battleship in my technology column You can cross the void and swim between the major galaxies. "

Lu Fan responded unsuccessfully: "Earth people have no intention of leaving the earth for the time being, so your black technology is also useless."

Although Lu Fan said so, he had already set off a terrible storm in his heart.

If human beings have such a space warship that travels between major galaxies, wouldn't it be possible to leave Earth and look for other planets suitable for human habitation?

In this way, wouldn't human beings be able to open up a new world and take root again?

Next, the God Chain unwillingly said a lot of black technology, Lu Fan bluffed.

However, Lu Fan has always been very calm, no matter what the other party said, he was unmoved.

"Don't you just want to see how shocked I am? I just don't shock, you can shudder!"

Lu Fan laughed secretly in his heart. Although the black technology mentioned by the other party was all shocking, he had long been mentally prepared and always maintained a gentle and elegant style.

"So much, isn't technology still operated by human beings? Technologists are weak and lose the foreign object of science and technology. How can they be more powerful than evolutionists?"

Lu Fan held his head high, and an evolutionist was the best.

At this time, the chain of God spoke in a tone, and asked, "Who told you that the technologist's body is weak?"

"Technologists have already developed genetic medicines. With a single shot, their strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and they can fight the tenth-tier evolutionary."


At this moment, Lu Fan was finally calm and could not hold it anymore.


Keke, sorry, the day after tomorrow is Valentine's Day, I remember it wrongly ...

Seeing that a brother wants to confess to his girlfriend, then, everyone, I wish him a success!

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