King of Eschatology

Chapter 605: 9th-order evolution agent

When Huang Yongsheng and Charlie battled, Yu Lenghui was not idle. He threw the dust on the ground with a bang and then kicked him severely.


Mi Chen was already so weak that she was stunned by Yu Lenghui's violentness.

Without worries, Yu Lenghui finally broke out, and the big axe in his hand bloomed with a cold light.

"Since you are actively seeking death, you can't blame me!"

Yu Lenghui snorted coldly, and his body shaped like a light beam into the enemy camp.

The seven-member squad from the Western Holy See, except for Charlie, who is an eighth-order blood strengthener, is mostly a seventh-order evolutionist.

This kind of strength is considered to be relatively strong among the general forces, but in Yu Lenghui's eyes, everything is a jerk.

All six were evolutionaries, and they did not have the perverted ability of Charlie.

Suddenly, blood flashed under the sharp giant axe, and someone was beheaded by Yu Lenghui with an axe, and the entire head was cut diagonally along with half of his shoulders.

The blood sprayed, and the heat was rumbling, making everyone feel cold.

Drus was stunned when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that the opponent's strength would be so strong. One face-to-face killed a seventh-tier powerhouse.

It wasn't just Drews. Everyone showed a horror of fear. Everyone was a seventh-tier powerhouse. If they faced Yu Lenghui, wouldn't they end up like the one just now?

There was no time to think about it, because the killing **** with the big axe had already rushed up, and in the blink of an eye, another seventh-tier strong was killed, and blood poured out like a waterfall.

No one noticed that the blood on the ground kept flowing, and gradually fell under the dust of the coma on the ground, soaking his body in the blood.

At this moment, the dusty body's pores were wide open, and like a hungry wolf, devouring blood on the ground frantically, terrifying energy began to recover in his body.

At the same time, Kunlun Mountain.

Lu Fan and his party have already climbed more than half of the distance. During this period, mad beasts rushed out, making Lu Fan's mood extremely irritable.

"It doesn't look like Sanshan Wuyue here!"

Lu Fan once boarded Mount Tai and Mount Hua, knowing that there is special coercion in the world, and ordinary beasts cannot approach.

But Kunlun Mountain is different. Although it also has powerful world coercion, it is not exclusive to wild animals, as if all wild animals can come up.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth here is obviously stronger than other places, and the wild beasts can evolve better when they come here. Therefore, the ranks of the wild beasts are generally higher.

If these mad beasts go elsewhere, they can definitely dominate the king, but no one wants to leave here just to become stronger.

Lu Fan frowned, the existence of these wild beasts greatly delayed his climbing progress.

If there were only Lu Fan alone, these wild beasts were not worth mentioning at all, but Lianer and Lin Xiaoxiao were with them. If they rushed too fast, they would likely be targeted by wild beasts.

Lin Xiaoxiao is extremely intelligent. She has seen that she has become a drag on Lu Fan, so she took the initiative to say, "Let's move on separately, I and Lianer, you and the carving king continue to go up."

Lu Fan smiled and said, "What stupid words are here, so dangerous, how can I rest assured that you two are here."

During the conversation, Lu Fan's mind has entered the Super God Link system, and he directly exchanged a bottle of a nine-stage evolutionary agent with zombie points and handed it to Lin Xiaoxiao.

"This is a 9th-order evolutionary agent. Take it, and your strength can soar in a short period of time and become a 9th-tier powerhouse."

Lin Xiaoxiao and Lian'er were shocked at the same time. As high-level personnel of Tianyue Base, they certainly knew what Lu Fan brought out, which was a nine-stage evolutionary agent worth hundreds of millions of merits.

As long as it is served, the eighth-order new human can easily break through to the ninth-order, which is absolutely amazing.

Wang Xiaofan's sincere eyes, Lin Xiaoxiao did not shirk, she knew that Lu Fan was really for her own good, and she did not want to be Lu Fan's towing oil bottle.

Therefore, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't hesitate, took over the nine-stage evolution agent handed out by Lu Fan, and drank it in front of him.

Lu Fan nodded with satisfaction, and said secretly in his heart: "Being generous and unpretentious, this is worthy of being his own woman."

On the other side, the King of the Golden-winged Eagle looked at Lin Xiaoxiao with a strange look, and scoffed at her words.

"What kind of ghost thing, can you directly break through to the ninth stage after drinking it? Liar ghosts!"

Since the Golden-winged Eagle King Guishun Lu Fan, he has been living on Mount Tai, and has little contact with Lu Jiajun. He is not aware of the exchange platform of the Tianyue Emperor Palace.

As a Tier X monster, of course, the Golden-winged Eagle King knows how to improve his strength. He must move steadily and step by step.

Even if he was baptized every day by the power of Huashan Heaven and Earth, the level was raised little by little, and it took a long time to break through the ninth rank.

Therefore, when the King of the Golden-winged Eagle heard Lu Fan's words, he immediately reduced his words to the ranks of nonsense.

After all, the King of the Golden-winged Eagle has already seen Lu Fan's flirtatious beauty along the way, so he instinctively thinks that Lu Fan is flickering again.

At the time when the King of the Golden-winged Eagle was full of complaints, Lin Xiaoxiao, who had just taken the evolutionary agent, suddenly burst into a bright light on his body.

The next moment, the endless brilliance bloomed above Lin Xiaoxiao's head. At the same time, her breath also rose and she began to rise sharply.

"how can that be?"

The King of the Golden-winged Eagle was incredulous, his eyes widened, and the crooked eagle's mouth widened and stunned.

The Golden-winged Eagle King is a tenth-order powerhouse. He can clearly feel the change of breath on Lin Xiaoxiao's body, and is moving from the eighth to the ninth.

The King of the Golden-winged Eagle did not expect that there are so many things in the world that can enhance the strength of new humans in a very short period of time.

Of course, if the King of the Golden-winged Eagle knew Lu Fan's genetic medicine, I am afraid that he would be shocked to suspect that he was living, but it is a medicine that changes human genes.

That's really against the sky.

Lin Xiaoxiao made a breakthrough directly at Kunlun Mountain ~ ~ attracted the constant agitation of the surrounding world, and also attracted the attention of a lot of wild animals.

Soon, it was surrounded by overwhelming wild beasts. In the current position of the crowd, most of the wild beasts around were in the ninth stage.

Lu Fan patted the shocked King of the Golden Winged Eagle, reminding him: "Old Vulture, here is the business, hurry up!"

The King of the Golden-winged Eagle was shot by Lu Fan, and immediately returned to God, but when he saw the countless wild beasts around, a carved face suddenly darkened.


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