King of Eschatology

Chapter 621: Seriously dying

Huang Yongsheng detailed the whole process from beginning to end, and accurately restored the entire incident.

It can be said that without the sudden emergence of members of the Western Holy See, the tasks of Huang Yongsheng and Yu Lenghui have been successfully completed, and it is impossible for so many things to happen.

In particular, Yu Lenghui is now being rescued in the medical room.

"What kind of **** is the Western Holy See? How dare you provoke our Tianyue base to find death!"

Ling Ze said aggressively that he really wanted to rush to Western Europe now, then this so-called Holy See organization was gone.

"It's just a bunch of vampires. It's ridiculous to have named themselves so tall!"

Hoyadin said sharply that it was clear that the serious injuries of the members of the God of Death team had seriously violated his bottom line and made his heart agitate.

"Mr. Lin, we ..."

With his face full of anger, Hoyadin turned and looked at Lin Xiaoxiao, suggesting that the Army of the Army should send troops to destroy the Western Holy See.

However, when he saw Lin Xiaoxiao's gloomy eyes, he was suddenly shocked, and hurriedly shut his mouth.

Just now he was stunned by anger, and until now he realized that all of this was caused by the non-compliance of military orders by the God of Death team.

Besides, Huang Yongsheng and Yu Lenghui are already representatives of the top military forces in the Lu Jiajun. Even they are planted in the other's hands, indicating that the Western Holy See organization is not simple.

Now that the boss has not returned, if he rushes into the army, he will probably plant it in the other's hands.

In addition, there are four days left for the founding ceremony of the Tianyue Empire. At this time, it is really not suitable for sending troops.

With Hoyad abruptly absent, the atmosphere in the entire medical room suddenly became calm and depressing.

When everyone looked at Lin Xiaoxiao, there was some fear in their hearts. No one knew whether this incident would provoke Minister Lin.

Everyone still talks less.

Lin Xiaoxiao's sharp eyes swept through the crowd, exuding a strong breath of the superior.

"Fortunately, I rushed back for the first time, otherwise these guys are going to be upset."

Lin Xiaoxiao had a little thought in his heart, and felt that Lu Fan's approach was really too correct. If he didn't return, this group of guys might really send troops without authorization.

"It seems that after the establishment of the Tianyue Empire, the first thing is to purge the military discipline. In the last days, only a strong army can strengthen the country. Otherwise, no matter how strong the individual strength is, it can only be scattered."

Lin Xiaoxiao was thinking silently, and he had begun to calculate the plans after the establishment of the empire.

At this moment, the door of the emergency room suddenly opened, and a middle-aged male doctor in a white coat walked out from the inside. The whole man looked distracted and sweating.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked at the same time, and immediately surrounded them, as if they saw a savior, and asked about the situation inside.

"Dr. Liao, how is Lao Yu?"

Huang Yongsheng ran the fastest, usually hugged the doctor and asked loudly.

Dr. Liao is the highest medical doctor in the entire Tianyue base, and he is also a seventh-order new human, with excellent technical ability and physical fitness, and is the highest-level doctor of the Lu Jiajun.

In his hands, numerous Lujiajun fighters have been rescued, and many new human fighters who have been bitten by zombies are restored to health under his scalpel.

Of course, this situation is limited to new humans. After all, the zombie virus has not yet been overcome. If ordinary people are bitten by zombies, no matter how small the wounds, they will cause corpses.

No human being has the ability to stop corpses.

Dr. Liao was surrounded by a group of high-level personnel here, and his forehead sweated even more. After a while, he responded, "Sorry, I have done my best."


"Team, what do you mean by this sentence, what happened to my brother!"

"Damn, aren't you the best doctor at Tianyue Base? Cao!"

The Lu Jiajun crowd was so excited that everyone heard the answer from Dr. Liao and everyone fry.

Although everyone knows how much Yu Lenghui's injuries are, no one is willing to accept this fact.

Dr. Liao was blocked by the crowd at the entrance of the medical room.

At this moment he was like a duckweed in the sea, unable to float up and down in the stormy sea.

It is not that Dr. Liao did not do his best. Yu Lenghui's injury was too severe. A four-finger wide blade penetrated the entire chest. Although he did not puncture the heart, his right lung was completely penetrated.

For ordinary people, I am probably dead.

In other words, Yu Lenghui lost a lot of blood every time he took a breath. When he returned to the base, the blood in his body basically dried up.

Yu Lenghui has always had a high fever, without blood circulation, his body can't dissipate heat at all, and his tissues and organs can't get the corresponding energy. It is a miracle to be able to survive.

People surrounded Dr. Liao in the center, yelling, and the whole medical room was in a mess.


Lin Xiaoxiao Jiao sighed and immediately shocked everyone.

Lin Xiaoxiao's face was extremely gloomy. She walked towards Dr. Liao in heavy steps ~ ~ others saw a path and immediately gave way.

When he came to Dr. Liao, Lin Xiaoxiao said gratefully: "Dr. Liao has worked hard, the soldiers are too anxious, please don't mind."

When Dr. Liao heard the words, it was like hearing Tianyin, and he nodded hurriedly in response: "No hard work, no hard work. I only blame me for not being good at medicine, and I cannot save my brother's life."

Dr. Liao was deeply moved. At this time, a word from Lin Xiaoxiao saved him directly. If he was surrounded by the unreasonable grandfathers, no one would dare to guarantee that someone would be tempted.

In fact, this is the sorrow of all doctors. If they succeed in rescuing patients, they will all be happy. If they fail, doctors will often have to bear the pressure that ordinary people cannot imagine.

As Lin Xiaoxiao spoke, the crowd's anger immediately returned to their senses. At this time, they apologized to Dr. Liao, saying that they were too anxious and had lost their squares.

The people here are all big brothers in the Tianyue base. Dr. Liao dare to offend and immediately responded one by one, proactively acknowledging that the medicine is not good, and lowered his attitude.

Soon, everyone was relieved. After all, Yu Lenghui's injury was obvious to everyone. Dr. Liao was not a fairy, and it was understandable that Yu Lenghui could not be saved.

It's just that it is unacceptable that his good brother died like this.

In a heavy mood, everyone followed Lin Xiaoxiao into the operating room and looked at Yu Lenghui, who was quietly lying on the bed, and no one dared to speak.

Now Yu Lenghui has only half a breath, and may die at any time, so he cannot be disturbed at all.

At the side of the operating table, half of the blood-stained blade was placed, which looked extremely dazzling at this moment.

It was this blade that almost killed his brother!

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