King of Eschatology

Chapter 635: Withdrawal of Tianyue Base

With Xuebao's help, in conjunction with Shang Lan's horrible stealth enhancement ability, it has become one of the fastest people to kill zombies.

Although a large number of zombies were beheaded, many zombies crossed the line of defense of the Lu Jiajun and stormed towards North China.

The goal of the zombie is clear, and that is the Tianyue base.

Driven by Bai Qi and Murong Zhan, the Zombie Army will continue to go north to the headquarters of Tianyue Base in order to force Lu Fan out.

If Lu Fan is killed by zombies, it would be great.

"What's going on, we've been so careful, why hasn't that person shown yet?"

Murong Zhan saw that most of the zombies had crossed the river, and immediately asked with doubt, his waxy skin made his face even more haggard.

Bai Qi snorted, and said, "How can a character who can make the king jealous?"

"Then let's add another fire, how about keeping these people here?"

Murong Zhan sank, and asked in a cold tone.

Bai Qi's intention to kill soared in his heart, like the essence of murder, flowing down without concealment, permeating in the surrounding air.

Bai Qi said in a murderous way: "Although we can't kill people directly, we can still interfere with them."

Speaking of which, Bai Zhuang's eyes narrowed, his big hand waved forward.

Suddenly, a huge tornado column emerged out of thin air, rolling up the towering river and rushing to the Lujiajun soldiers in the sky.

These river waters are filled with special energy by Bai Qi, and once they contaminate the body of the army soldiers, they will freeze instantly.

Lu Jiajun soldiers who had intercepted the zombie frenzy at high altitude were almost all hit by the icy river water, then turned into ice sculptures, and fell heavily.

The Lujiajun soldiers are all high-level new humans. Although this height will not fall to death, they will also be severely injured, and their combat power will decrease sharply in the short term.

Seeing this situation, Lin Xiaoxiao felt a little helpless in her heart. She knew that there was no way for the Lu Jiajun to stop all the zombies when Bai Qi and Murong fought here to engage in ghosts.

Bai Qi and Murong intervened, the situation was reversed in an instant, and the scales of victory were tilting towards the zombie camp.

"Retreat, return to Tianyue Base, and play a defensive battle!"

Under these circumstances, it was impossible for the Lu Jiajun to win. Lin Xiaoxiao was in danger and immediately changed his combat strategy.

At present, only the defensive facilities of Tianyue Base can block this terror corpse.

The following time, Lu Jiajun and the zombies ran on the ground north of the Yangtze River and began a frantic pursuit.

However, the zombies received instructions from Bai Qi and Murong Zhan. The target was Tianyue Base, so they only ran and did not fight back.

Lu Jiajun attacked while running. I didn't know that he was pursuing and killing zombies faster than before.

Fortunately, all the zombies had the same goal, and all of them aimed at the Tianyue base. Therefore, the base north of the Yangtze River was not affected, but it was only a little scared.

Now the north of the Yangtze River is no longer safe, and everyone is apprehensive, praying that the Lujia Army can overcome the tide of corpses.

The moment the battle between the Lujiajun and the zombies started, the Pearl Base, located at the southernmost point of Huaxia, had sensed it.

Brothers and sisters Lin Wei and Lin Lian received the headquarters' news in advance, so they were not surprised.

However, people in Star Alliance don't think so.

Mandalay, Vaticana, and George approached Lin Wei and asked what happened inside Huaxia.

Lin Wei will certainly not tell them the truth, claiming that the Lu Jiajun may be conducting exercises so that they do not need to worry.

However, the three big stars of the Galaxy Alliance are all old fritters. They can clearly feel the difference, so they seem to be silent, and actually secretly leave the Pearl base.

With the strength of the three Mandalays, it only took more than ten minutes to drive from the Pearl Base to the Yangtze River. When they came here, they saw the scene of the Lu Jiajun retreating.

"This is the Army Army? Too weak!"

Mandalay looked at the Lujiajun soldiers running northward all the way down, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

To be honest, this is not the beginning of the last days. Few forces will be chased by zombies. Now human warriors have a great advantage in fighting against zombies.

At the moment, the legendary powerful Lu Jiajun was actually chased after by a zombie, just like a dog of a bereavement, despising.

It was just that the three came out this time as a covert operation. They were afraid of being found and did not come too close, so they didn't see it too clearly.

If they get closer, they will find that Lu Jiajun is chasing the zombies at this time.

What's more, there are still Bai Qi and Murong on the battlefield, or the tide of corpses is unlikely to break through the defense line of the Lu Jiajun.

Mandalay, Vatican, and George looked at each other and thought it was just stupid to surrender to Huaxia.

Judging from the current situation, the strength of the Lu Jiajun was unbeatable, and it was absolutely unbearable for them to submit to such an army.

"Fortunately, our materials are still in the Pearl Base. If we send it directly to the Tianyue Base, I am afraid that there will be no chance to repent."

Mandalay said stiffly, and he felt that the crowds came to celebrate the founding ceremony of Huaxia, which was simply the most stupid act.

"You can't say that. At the beginning, we all saw the strength of the Huaxia leader. As long as he is strong enough, our surrender is very meaningful."

Vacina said that she still remembers Lu Fan's methods so far, and she killed the tenth-tier strong with one finger. The purple beam of light was too horrible, which caused a great shadow to her psychology.

George took a deep breath and said, "Don't be too busy to conclude, let's talk about it. If the Chinese leader can't show the strength that awes us, it's not too late for us to leave."


The crowd nodded gently, followed quietly behind Lu Jiajun, and leaned towards Tianyue Base.

As time passed slowly, the Lu Jiajun returned to Tianyue Base as soon as possible, and activated the defensive facilities in the base. Galway weapons kept the fire open, blocking the tide attack.

Behind the zombie army, Bai Qi and Murong Zhan are hiding in it, looking at the large Tianyue base, with a murderous look in their eyes.

"It's not easy for the person who dare to jealous ~ ~ How could he be so forbearable, even if he was hit in front of the house and didn't come out to fight?

Bai Qi snorted, and his murderous power was a little more intense.

"What is tolerable? I think it's timid as a mouse. He knows our strength, and I'm afraid he's afraid to come out."

Murong said with a cold hum.

Outsiders are not aware of the restriction that they cannot kill. The two are middle-level fighters, and all the lower-level fighters are scum in their eyes.


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