King of Eschatology

Chapter 637: He Fang rat, dare to commit me Huaxia

Because there is a group of more horrible beings around Tianyue base.

Lin Xiaoxiao stood face to face at the sentry tower of the Tianyue Base, looking coldly to the west.

She is ready to co-exist with Tianyue Base. The boss gave her the site, and she cannot lose a piece.

If she wants to break into the Tianyue base, she must step through her body first.

"Boss, if you don't come back again, the Tianyue Empire will become a ruin!"

Lin Xiaoxiao murmured to herself, a sad look in her eyes.

After such a long period of hard work, human beings still cannot escape the end, which is a regrettable result.

At the same time, in the high altitude of western China, Lu Fan dragged the heavy taurus roots and flew at a high speed, returning quickly towards the Tianyue base.

Hei Nai, the peach root is too heavy. Due to the special nature of the material, the density of the peach root is even greater, making it heavier than expected.

I can also say that Lu Fan, who is now carrying his peach root, is carrying a mountain.

If Lu Fan hadn't evolved to the seventh-order realm, I'm afraid he couldn't carry the Tao Tao Zugen to fly at all.

I am most surprised by Lu Fan. The peach roots are very strong, and the general metal is much stronger.

Previously, Lu Fan wanted to cut off part of the peach root and put it into the storage space to reduce the weight of the peach root.

However, the Red Flame War Halberd couldn't cut it off, which directly shocked Lu Fan.

Su Lufan even suddenly developed a strange idea. Guessing, wasn't Tao Tao's root still alive?

If the root of the peach is still alive, can a new peach tree grow? Bear a peach?

I thought of this, and Lu Fan's heart showed ecstasy. If this is the case, then he can hold the Tao Tao Conference like the legendary Queen Mother and Mother.

"God chain, tell me quickly, is this tao peach ancestor root alive?"

Lu Fan questioned the chain of God while struggling to fly.

Fang Shenlian rolled his eyes at Landing Fan and said, "The ancient peach tree has been dead for at least 10,000 years. Do you still want to revive it? Don't dream."

"Uh ..."

Lu Lufan was speechless and didn't know what to say.

"Finally, what can I do if my peach ancestors are alive? Thousands of years blossom, and thousands of years bear fruit. Can you wait until that time?"

The God Chain continued to spit, making Lu Fan speechless.

"Also, the growth of the root of the peach requires a lot of energy in the heavens and the earth, especially when the fruit of the Xiantao fruit is consumed. The energy consumed by each Xiantao is huge. Do you think the earth can support it now?

The more the God of Chains said the more excited his expression was, and it seemed to turn on the Voice of God mode.


Lu Fan immediately stopped and interrupted, interrupting God's linked words.

If Lu Fan doesn't interrupt the other person, according to God's urine, he will definitely say endlessly.

"What's so special about me is just asking casually, you tell me it's okay to live and die, where is there so much nonsense."

I saw that Lu Fan was angry, and God Chain had no temper, and said with a stern expression: "Live!"

"This is not over!"

Lu Fan grunted coldly.

Although Lu Fan has no ability to revive the roots of Tao Tao, it does not mean that he will not.

Also, the fact that the earth cannot support the energy required by the roots of the Tao peaches does not mean that it will not work in the future.

I do n’t think that the earth was the heart of the universe. If it can be fully restored, let alone an ancient peach tree, which is tens of millions, can also grow well.

When Lu Fan was indignant, his expression was abruptly stagnant, and his heart secretly said, "The growth rate of the zombie points has slowed down.

However, Lu Fan is really good. Zombies north of the Yangtze River have been cleaned up. Where do these zombie points come from?

"I was just concerned about researching Tao Tao's ancestors, and I don't know what happened to the Tianyue base."

Lu Fan whispered to himself, the mind quickly exited the super-shen link system, opened the spiritual enhancement, and scanned the whole of China.

After Lu Fan's strength skyrocketed, the range of his consciousness enhancement had expanded dozens of times, reaching a range of tens of miles. If converged into a straight line, it could reach hundreds of kilometers.

Lu Fan, now controlling his own spiritual consciousness, converges into a straight line, sweeping towards Tianyue Base.


Suddenly, Lu Fan's heart sank, and now Huaxia seems to be different from before, even so depressed.

It's winter now, and the cold wind in the north of China will make you look slightly depressed.

However, the ability of new humans to resist the severe cold has also greatly strengthened. Generally speaking, there has not been much change.

Lu Fanxin has a bad hunch, Tianyue base is likely to have an accident.

Lu Fan madly mentioned all the power in his body, and carried forward Tao Zugen to speed up. Soon after, the powerful breath of all parties appeared within Lu Fan's sensing range.

"Sure enough someone is doing something, it's really death!"

Lu Fan snorted coldly, his heart's intention of killing had surged like a tide.

With the appearance of Lu Fan, the strong men who surrounded the Tianyue base were shocked at the same time. They felt a suffocating pressure from the West.

Soon, the picture became clear, and a huge tree root crisscrossed between the heavens and the earth, tortuous, exuding an infinite desolation.

根 The root of this tree is like the body of a dragon. It seems to contain horrible energy. From far to near, it is approaching quickly.

Xun and the huge Xun Tao ancestral roots, Lu Fan's figure is too small to see him at a distance.

Lu Fan is located under the huge root of tao peach. It is really inconspicuous to support this behemoth with both hands.

"What the **** is this?"

Everyone looked up at the west ~ ~ and found a huge unknown creature approaching, and the breath of terror was shocking.

However, when everyone at Tianyue Base noticed this breath, everyone showed great joy.

This breath is too familiar, the boss!

But everyone couldn't figure out, how did the boss turn into this ghost? Has it mutated?

Lin Tianxiao looked at the west of the Tianyue base sentry tower, and a dignified heart appeared, secretly saying: "This time the enemy is too strong. I don't know if the boss can take us through the difficult times."

Although he was carrying the heavy rootless Tao Tao ancestor, Lu Fan was still very fast, and soon came to the city of Tai, near the Tianyue base.

When Lu Fan's figure gradually became clear, Bai Qi and Murong Zhan were startled, discolored.

不好 "No, that man is here, why is he so strong?"

At the same time, King Kong Ape, Super Heterogeneous King, Pharaoh Corpse King, and Western Pope were all frightened by Lu Fan's momentum, and the other party was out of breath only by their own breath.

"He Fang rat generation, dare to commit me Huaxia!"

A loud roar came, like a thunderous explosion, reverberating throughout the world.

Uh ...

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