King of Eschatology

Chapter 655: Vampire's Lifeline

Charlie endured the pain in his body and justified loudly.

Pope Youker gritted his teeth and yelled, "You stupid, even if Mi Chen kills the other party, now Mi Chen is here, the other party will kill him!"

With that said, the pope raised his hand as a slap and slammed into Charlie's face.

Suddenly, Charlie's face was deformed by a fan, his mouth full of teeth fell in half, and the blood spit to the ground, looking miserable.

Seeing that Pope Yuk was going to take another shot, Charlie was trembling with fright, and hurriedly yelled out.

"Master Pope, I have a way to solve this problem!"


Pope Uke, who was about to take a shot, suddenly stopped and stared at Charlie with a gaze.

As long as the other person's answer dissatisfied him, next shot, he will shoot him!

Feeling the strong killing intention of the Pope, Charlie shuddered and hurriedly explained: "Master Pope, as far as I know, the dust has escaped from the Tianyue base, and those two people came to catch him back."

"and then?"

The murderousness of Pope Uuke slightly converged, and he returned to his seat and sat down again.

Charlie didn't dare to neglect, and continued: "We can grab the dust and tie it up, and then send it back to the Tianyue Empire."

"In this way, all the killings are pushed onto the dust, so that we can retreat all over."

"Moreover, the other person looks at the face of the Pope, and certainly will not be held accountable too much. We will send some congratulations, and this matter will be done."

Charlie patted a horse fart without a trace, and also looked at the face of the Pope, the Pope had a fart face at 6 Fan.

However, this remark was very useful to Pope Uke. Anyway, now that things have been resolved, his mood is much better.

"Well, just do it now, go and grab the dust and give it to Tianyue Base, no, send it back to Tianyue Empire."

At this moment, all the vampires in the hall were relieved and secretly said, "Fortunately, the waste was not killed at the beginning, and it is really useful to keep it."

Now everyone just hopes that after receiving the dust, Tianyue Empire can calm down the anger in their hearts.

No one had expected that the worthless fan dust became the life-saving straw of a vampire.

At the same time, there are ten UFOs traveling through the high-altitude poles of Asia-Europe University 6, and the speed is simply undescribable, almost limping in the void.

I didn't know I thought I had penetrated into the space wormhole.

On the interstellar battleship, 6 Fan and others were sitting in the cockpit and were learning about the situation with Huang Yongsheng and Yu Lenghui.

Huang Yongsheng sat there with a serious face, not saying a word, because it was too shameful to do that, so far he couldn't believe that, as a big brother, he turned over in a gutter.

If the King of the Golden-winged Eagle did not find the two in time, Yu Lenghui might be hanging in the middle of the road. If that happened, Huang Yongsheng would be alive.

Yu Lenghui told 6 Fan what happened, and apologized for the last bottle of life potion he used.

6 Everyone nodded meaningfully and said, "You mean, in the end, Du Lingyun saved you?"

"Um, yes!"

Yu Lenghui nodded awkwardly, his face was eccentric, and secretly said: "The boss's point of concern seems to be different from ours."

According to Yu Lenghui, the life potion is extremely precious, and the baby who can save his life at the critical moment was just drunk by himself. The boss didn't even react at all.

6 Fan chuckled at Yu Lenghui and said, "Don't be so serious. Victory or defeat is a routine thing. Don't blame yourself."


Yu Lenghui was full of emotions in his heart. He knew that the boss had never mentioned the life potion, and was afraid that he would have a psychological burden.

In fact, Yu Lenghui really misunderstood, because 6 Fan got a better prescription of life medicament from Shenlian. Now the scientific research department has produced it secretly, but people don't know it yet.

For 6 Fans, the amount of life potion is not precious.

However, in this way, it seemed that 6 Fandan was magnificent, making his brothers worship him more.

"Du Lingyun is a good girl. When I first met her, I was very impressed with her, so I let her go."

6 Fan said to people like Yu Lenghui and Huang Yongsheng that the atmosphere seemed not so dignified when talking about this topic, and everyone felt relaxed a lot.

"Boss, what will you do when you see Mi Chen?"

Suddenly, Yu Lenghui asked this question to 6 Fan, and everyone's expression became dignified again, and his eyes looked towards 6 Fan together.

6Every time his eyes narrowed, his breath followed the coldness and said, "I said at the beginning that if he had stayed at Tianyue Base safely, we would always be good brothers."

"But from the moment he stepped out of the Tianyue base, the brotherhood between us was cut off, not to mention that he also shot at Lao Yu and made Lao Yu almost killed."

"So, he is no longer the brother of my 6 army, if you meet, kill!"

6 With a cold hum, the killing intention on his body was revealed unabashedly, and everyone in the room was stunned.

However, Yu Lenghui and others were overjoyed in their hearts. What they were most worried about was that the old congress would care about the old feelings and let go of the dust again. If that is the case, I am afraid to leave another time bomb.

Suddenly, everyone felt the center of gravity flashing, all of them showing surprise.

"Why did you stop? Could the boss’ Starship be broken? "

It's only been five minutes since the fart. The stocks haven't even been sitting hot, have they broken?

"Boss, here it is!"

A Tiantong organization member came to the cockpit of 6 Fan and reported loudly, but his face was aggressive.

Not only was the member of the Tiantong organization responsible for communication aggressive, everyone on the scene was embarrassed, too fast?

The Tianyue Empire is in the easternmost part of Asia-Europe University 6, and the Holy See is in the westernmost part of Asia-Europe University 6. The distance between the two is tens of thousands of kilometers. It should have arrived in five minutes.

For all of this, 6 Fan didn't pay much attention to it. He already knew the starship of the Star Warships at the chain of God. You must know that this is a warship that can shuttle between the solar systems. The speed must be fast enough.

In fact, the authenticity of the interstellar warship has not been waved at all, because when it has not climbed to the highest level, it must start to decrease again, otherwise it will pass its destination.

"Let's go, let's meet the pope, let him run last time, this time to see where he runs."

The voice did not fall ~ ~ The hatch of the Star Wars ship opened, and 6 Fan flew out of the hatch first, and his body flickered.

Everyone froze in their hearts, knowing that the battle was about to begin, and everyone's eyes were dazzling.

This is the first battle since the founding of the Tianyue Empire. The power of the Tianyue Empire must be played!


The fourth chapter is sent up, and there is a fifth chapter.

Well, book coins and red envelopes are still being put on, adding groups is effective before 12 o'clock, everyone will continue to work hard!

(End of this chapter)

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