King of Eschatology

Chapter 657: You **** it!

Corpses were piled up everywhere, most of them were still bleeding, and Yu Wen hadn't subsided yet.

On the battlefield, the King of the Black Tigers, with his own beasts, was devouring the body of vampires madly, and all the vampires beheaded by the Lu Family Army entered the belly of the beast army.

For this, Lu Fan did not stop, and all available resources in the last days must not be wasted. After the beast army swallowed up these vampires, their strength could definitely be further improved.

Lu Jiajun soldiers frowned, but said nothing.

In essence, these vampires no longer belong to humans, and exist similar to xenobiotics, but more like humans than xenobiotics.

Besides, these are the enemies. What kind of mercy does the enemy have after his death?

In the last days, mercy is the least needed.

"Boss, the dust is in front. Would you like to meet?"

Ye still came to Lu Fan and asked softly to Landing Fan.

Lu Fan sighed and said: "No need, it is a mortal person. When you meet, you can only add sadness and kill."

To this point, the dust must be dead.

Lu Fan wants everyone to understand that no matter who they are, they have betrayed the Tianyue Empire and there is only one way to go.

Ye still bowed his head gently, no longer questioning the matter, so he began to arrange for the Lujiajun soldiers to clean the battlefield and search for the materials stored by the Holy See.

I have to say that Pope Youk is very greedy, and the Holy See's warehouses are full of materials, food and daily necessities.

Especially the mountain of brand-name clothing shocked the soldiers.

Although these clothes are good-looking, they are far from practical in a military coat. Now, under such bad weather, these brand-name clothes cannot be worn at all.

However, not being able to wear now does not mean that you will not be able to wear it in the future. When the cold winter passes and spring comes, these good-looking clothes can be worn.

"Packed and taken away!"

The leading Lu Jiajun soldiers did not blink their eyes, and immediately arranged for the hands to start packing, ready to take these things back.

This man's name is Wu Shengwei, an eighth-order evolutionary man, with a big body, a big head, a thick neck, and a smile like a gourd.

Wu Shengwei looked more and more happy. There are so many good things here. After taking it back, it will definitely improve the living standards of the people of the Tianyue Empire.

However, Wu Shengwei quickly frowned. There were too many supplies here, and the Star Warship couldn't hold up at all.

"How to do it!"

Wu Shengwei frowned and found Ye still, and expressed his concerns.

"Captain Ye, there are too many supplies here, and Starcraft can't fit at all. What should I do?"

After hearing this, Ye was still touched by Wu Shengwei's IQ and asked, "Do you know how long it took us to fly here from the Tianyue Empire?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Wu Shengwei didn't know why Captain Ye suddenly asked himself such a question, but he couldn't figure it out.

"answer me!"

Ye still looked stunned, his tone became harsher.

Wu Shengwei was suddenly shocked and hurriedly responded: "I didn't pay attention to the specific time, about five minutes, right?"

"Well, now you put things on Star Wars, can you go back and forth in a maximum of ten minutes?"

Ye still said patiently, as if teaching a pupil.

Hearing this, Wu Shengwei knew it even if he was stupid again, and immediately showed great joy.

"Yeah, we can ship a few more times. Why didn't I think of it!"

Looking at Wu Shengwei standing there smirking, Ye still resisted the urge to curse, and said to him, "Go ahead and do not delay the return of the army."


Wu Shengwei immediately saluted a standard military salute to Ye, and then went to work silly.

Ye still couldn't help stroking his forehead and secretly said: "It seems that the Lu Jiajun cannot select the team captain based on his strength alone, but also has to arrange an exam.

On the other side, the rope on Mi Chen's body has been untied. At this time, he is sitting on the ground with blood on his face, looking depressed.

Opposite to Mi Chen, a teenager was crying and snotting, and slapped him fiercely.

"You bastard, this is what you like? For this, you don't even care about brotherhood?"

The teenager looked sad, holding up a lot of blood, and splashed it on the dusty face.

Fan Chen has been indifferent and has no slight reaction. Even if the other party slaps him hard, there is no response.

"Look at me, you look at me!"

The teenager clutched the dusty shoulder with both hands and shook it hard, and the hot tears in his eyes fell into the pool of blood.

Fanchen lifted his head weakly, his dry white lips finally opened, and said softly, "Dark moon, sorry!"

The young man is the dark moon. Among the Tiantong organization, only he has the deepest relationship and the closest relationship with Mi Chen.

Dark Moon is the leading generation in the Tiantong organization. Now it is an eighth-order evolutionary and has a good position in the Lujia Army.

He joined Lu Jiajun at the same time as Mi Chen, and has been following Xu Xiaopeng. He was one of the first members to join the Lu Jiajun.

Darkmoon was emotional and cursed: "You bastard, when you awakened bloodthirsty blood, no one will blame you, as long as you don't **** blood, everything will not happen!"

For those who have awakened bloodthirsty blood, blood is like drugs. Once they are drenched, they can no longer quit, let people step by step into the abyss, and eventually become a vampire.

"Do not!"

Fanchen roared, and the man shouted frantically: "Why do you have become so strong one by one? Why only I stand still? I am not willing!"

"I want to become stronger than anyone ~ ~ I want to enjoy the awe of everyone, I want to stand on the pinnacle of all evolutionaries, I want to be the king of those last days!"

Fanchen's crazy roar almost hysterically made Darkmoon unbelievable.

"That's why you betrayed the boss?"

Darkmoon is hard to understand. Michen is an old member. By relying on his relationship with the boss, he can live in Tianyue base without worry and live a good life that everyone yearns for.

It's a pity that Michen didn't know contentment at all. Seeing that his brother who joined Lujiajun gradually became stronger, he was full of desire for strength, and his ambition became bigger and bigger.

In order to gain strength, Michen betrayed Tianyue Base and even betrayed Lu Fan.

Mi Chen suddenly got up, kneeling in front of Darkmoon, and begged bitterly: "Darkmoon, we are good brothers. Please intercede for me and the boss. Maybe the boss looks on your face and can save my life . "

Darkmoon suddenly stood up, wiped her tears with her sleeve, and said in a heavy voice, "You are not worthy of being a brother of the Lu Family Army, you **** it!"

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