King of Eschatology

Chapter 660: Began to practice Yijin Evolution

Huang Yongsheng's eyes were swift and his hands were fast. He caught the big bowl that came over and looked at Ling Ce somehow.

Yu Lenghui shrank his neck and said, "Well, there is still a piece of meat here, I'll eat it first."

Yu Lenghui decisively shifted the topic and ran away.

Huang Yongsheng looked at Ling Ce's appearance, and suddenly guessed that someone who pretended to fail was Ling Ce no doubt. It seems that this **** was still abused by Ye.

Huang Yongsheng pretended not to know anything, and picked up the Yijin evolution method again, pretending to sigh: "Everything is floating, only reading is high, hey, I have a problem, and I often indulge in learning and cannot help myself."

Before I said this, another big bowl smashed over.


The soldiers returned to their seats one after another, and also discovered the Yijin evolution method. Everyone was extremely happy, feeling that they were about to reach the peak of life.

However, the logistics department only issued half, and the other half were not finished.

At this time, Chen Dapeng had a clever idea and shouted to the soldiers who had not been assigned the Yijin evolution method: "Brothers, there is no Yijin evolution method to come over to lead!"

For a while, the scene became lively, and the members of the logistics department held a large number of books and waited in place for the soldiers to collect them, and they were no longer used to go back and forth.

It has to be said that such a workaround is much faster, and the remaining Yijin evolution method is completed in ten minutes.

Until the book was delivered to the last soldier, Chen Dapeng was relieved and finally completed the task of the boss.

When the members of the logistics department were busy publishing books, the soldiers had filled their bowls with hot soup, and they drank beautifully.

Do it yourself, get plenty of food. This is a good thing. Drinking an extra bowl is a bowl.

"The boss said it was true, the soup is still hot!"

Ye Dalong took a big sip, and the hot old face turned red, so he said with emotion.

Liu Feng laughed immediately when he saw this scene, and said, "Of course it's hot. Didn't you see the fire under the pot?"


Ye Dalong was speechless, so he drank another hot soup and was shocked.

"Ah, unfortunately, there is too little meat. I have only got one piece, and now I can only drink soup eagerly."

Ye Dalong said in a loss, that he still remembers the deliciousness of that piece of meat.

However, Liu Feng stared at him and cursed: "You are so content. There are more than two million soldiers on the scene. It is good to be able to get a piece of meat. I dare say that someone must have not got a piece of meat. "

Ye Dalong felt that the other party was justified and said, "It sounds really like you to say that."

Liu Feng smiled proudly and patted the badge on his chest, saying: "Of course, we are people of identity. Look at the people around you and you can't even drink the soup."

Ye Dalong glanced in the direction pointed out by Liu Feng, and found that many people were looking at it with jealous eyes, not even qualified to drink soup.

These people's congresses are from bases that have a bad relationship with Tianyue base. Any base that has a good relationship with Tianyue base can more or less get a bowl of soup at this time.

As for the foreign survivors from the Galaxy Alliance, it's even less likely to get anything at this time.

Grow melon, grow beans for beans, this result is their own choice before, no wonder others.

"Hey, I said you guys know how to eat and drink, and they have gotten the Yijin evolution method. Why not read more books?"

Liu Feng asked earnestly, of course, he was drinking delicious broth.

Ye Dalong saw the neuropathy and responded, "I saw it so early, but I don't understand it at all, what do you say?"

"I told you a long time ago so that you can study hard. Now I don't understand. Regret it?"

Liu Feng looks like a master, like a pointing pupil.

Upon hearing this sentence, Ye Dalong was angry and cursed: "What kind of a minute do you have to pretend to die? Come on, you explain to me what does the first page mean?"

While speaking, Ye Dalong opened the Yijin evolution method and handed it to Liu Feng.

To be honest, since I got the Yijin evolution method, Liu Feng hasn't opened it yet. At this time, when I saw the content of the first page, it was a bit aggressive.

However, at this point, he can only bite his head.

"Reiki comes into the body, tempers the whole body, and the meridians open up, the world resonates."

"The meaning of this sentence is that you have to get the reiki into your body first, and let the reiki wash your whole body. As long as you open the meridians, you will break through."

After Liu Feng said, he smiled with satisfaction immediately, and secretly muttered, "I'm so clever."

However, Ye Dalong's face turned black, and he asked, "Then tell me, how do you get the aura into your body?"

"Where do I know, drink your soup!"

Liu Feng resolutely responded with a sentence, and then he stopped himself.

"Drink the soup. The soup contains majestic power. Is it just aura?"

Liu Feng asked uncertainly at Ye Dalong.

Ye Dalong was also stunned, showing a moment of great joy, he seemed to understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Yes, do you still remember that when the soldiers break through, there will always be an air explosion. Does that sound resonate with the world?"

The two were very clever once, and both showed surprise.

"As for opening up the meridians, although we don't know yet, there are definitely benefits to being more active. Maybe, the boss took us to fight, that's the purpose!"

Liu Feng said his guess, and immediately caught the attention of the soldiers around him.

Recalling the soldiers eating and drinking before, coupled with the warm-up in the Western European battlefield, and the efficient breakthrough on the final return, it is clear that they walked in accordance with the cultivation mode.

"Boss is helping us cultivate!"

Everyone's heart warmed, they respected Lu Fan, and their hearts were full of emotion.

Boss has always been this kind of person ~ ~ treats the enemy cruelly and ruthlessly, like a demon, treats his own people like friends and relatives, even if you pay too much, don't say it.

It is a blessing to have such a boss in this life, even if he goes to the fire and dance for him.

Knowing all this, the soldiers were so touched in their hearts that they were determined not to disappoint the expectations of the boss. At this time, they opened the Yijin evolution method and began to realize.

The chief of the banquet, Lu Fan sat back to his original position and continued to eat.

Of course, there are many precious and wild beast meat foods here, and there are many people who follow Lu Fan.

Most importantly, these meat foods contain a lot of evolutionary power, and the more you eat, the better your strength.

Of course, everything has a degree, and people who are too low in order to eat too much are not good.

Their bodies are too weak to bear. If they eat too much wild animal meat food at once, they may be burst by the surging energy.

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