King of Eschatology

Chapter 666: The whole world belongs to the Tianyue Empire

The King of the Golden-winged Eagle stood beside Heisha Tiger King. At this moment, he heard that Heisha Tiger King was named the city owner, and he was very upset.

You know, in terms of strength, the Golden-winged Eagle King is no less good than the Heisha Tiger King, and even because he has mastered the air superiority, his real combat power is much stronger than the Heisha Tiger King.

However, who made the freight of Heisha Tiger King good? He first surrendered to Lu Fan, resulting in the Golden-winged Eagle King being only second.

"Your body takes up too much space, and you have not transformed into a human form!"

A word from Lu Fan immediately shocked everyone and looked at Heisha Tiger King one after another.

"What the hell? Transfiguration into human form? Could this big tiger be perfect?"

Of course, it is impossible to become refined, but the black evil tiger king has taken the transformational medicine given by Lu Fan, and now he can transform into a human shape like the king of gold wings.


The air exploded, and the black king of tigers, the size of a house, suddenly disappeared, replaced by a tall man with a tall figure.

It's just that the huge tiger's head is really uncomfortable. Now he is free from a monster with a tiger head.

"Oh, Big Black, when did you learn this trick!"

Xu Tomb looked at the black evil tiger king after transformation, with a curious look.

He mingled with the Heisha Tiger King all day long, and really didn't find out when the other side had practiced such a transforming skill.

Of course, the Heisha Tiger King will not tell the other party that he has taken the transformational magic medicine, and asked seriously: "Am I handsome?"


Xu Mu was speechless and simply ignored him and played with Ergouzi.

After the black evil tiger king transformed into a human figure, he walked towards Landing Fan with a huge tiger head, and looked extremely funny.

However, none of the people present dared to ridicule. After all, this is a tenth-order mad beast, and dozens of adults are not enough for each other.

For a long time, Lu Fan was very satisfied with the Heisha Tiger King, especially the other party provided Lu Fan with millions of beliefs. This alone is worth training.

Lu Fan handed over the city owner's token to the King of Hexar Tigers, admonishing: "Restrict yourself, and don't conflict with the people of the Tianyue Empire. Otherwise, these big iron pots are always ready for you."

After speaking, Lu Fan followed his finger and pointed at the large iron pot in the distance, where the meat of the medium beast was also stewed.

After seeing this, the Heisha Tiger King shuddered immediately after seeing it, and immediately promised that he would not allow his subordinates to conflict with the people of the Tianyue Empire, otherwise he would do it himself and kill any discordant factors.

Lu Fan nodded with satisfaction and sent the Heisha Tiger King away.

Then came the final moment, it was time to announce the status of Thai city.

"Ninth, the city of Thailand was designated as the capital of the Tianyue Empire and renamed the city of Tai, with Lin Xiaoxiao as the city's owner."

After hearing this, everyone's expression shook, and Tai City became imperial. After all, Tianyue Base is located here. However, many people were incomprehensible when Lin Xiaoxiao was appointed as the city owner.

Theoretically speaking, the major cities of the Tianyue Empire are subject to the jurisdiction of Taicheng. The boss asked Minister Lin to be the city leader of the imperial capital, did he not give her all the rights?

The boss of the imperial capital should be done by the boss, so it is reasonable.

But then I thought it was wrong, the boss was the Emperor Tianyue, and the emperor was above everything. It would be even worse if he was the master of the city.

In this case, it is understandable to make Minister Lin the lord of the capital.

Besides, Minister Lin is the boss's woman. The entire Tianyue Empire is in charge of the boss's younger brother. The identity of the boss as the emperor is unshakable.

When Lin Xiaoxiao heard this expression, she had a hint of clarity. She had already guessed that Lu Fan would definitely arrange it this way.

In the eyes of others, the Lord of the Imperial City is a beautiful person, but only Lin Xiaoxiao himself knew that in such a high position, there were too many things to worry about.

If it wasn't because she liked Lu Fan, she would definitely not accept the title of city lord.

"Come, I'll put it on you!"

In front of the whole world, Lu Fan wore the Lord of the City badge on Lin Xiaoxiao's chest, and whispered, "I will trouble you again for a while."

Lin Xiaoxiao's affectionate hope of landing on the ground, the previous unhappiness was swept away long ago, looking at the vicissitudes in the eyes of the other party, she really could not bear to refuse.

Gently nodded, Lin Xiaoxiao took the city owner badge, which is equivalent to taking this heavy responsibility.

Lu Fan turned around and walked towards the only high platform above the square. Each step was accompanied by a special sound. It seemed to contain a certain avenue charm, which was calming.

Standing on the high platform, Lu Fanhu's body shook, and he said imposingly: "All the Killing Troops, the Tianmang Team, and the elite troops of the Lujia Army were all named the Royal Forest Army, stationed in the Imperial City, and obeying the master of the city."

"At the same time, the army of one million soldiers of the Lujiajun Army must obey the orders of the Lord Lin Cheng.

"The major city masters of the Tianyue Empire shall be under the jurisdiction of the emperor, and shall be uniformly managed by the master of the forest city."

Lu Fan's series of imperial edicts suddenly shocked people all over the world. At this moment, Lin Xiaoxiao was carried under one person and over ten million people.

As for Lin Xiaoxiao's ability, everyone is aware of it. Lu Jiajun soldiers are convinced to take it orally.

So, when Lu Fan finished his last sentence, millions of Lu Jiajun soldiers shouted in unison: "Tian Yue is invincible, Long live the great emperor!"

Suddenly, the whole world was filled with strong killing air, and the iron blood displayed on the soldiers of the Lujiajun made everyone moved.

People can clearly feel the trance displayed by Lu Jiajun. This is a special breath that can only erupt from the real strong.

The performance of the Killing Gods Team, the Tianmang Team, and the Demon Hunting Team is particularly obvious. It seems that this world can no longer tolerate them, and it seems to break the sky.

After the tsunami-like sound of the mountain, the soldiers of the Lujiajun gradually recovered their calmness, and each person's eyes shone with the bright gods.

At this time ~ ~ The people in the Star Alliance who are in the corner are bitter and bitter. Seeing that the Tianyue Empire has been closed, there is no mention of the Galaxy Alliance from beginning to end.

Could it be that Lu Fan is not satisfied with the gifts from the Galaxy Alliance?

Just when the Star River Alliance was lingering, Lu Fan finally spoke.

"Given that all human beings are one family, when the Tianyue Empire was established, the Army would help survivors around the world eliminate security risks."

"The African continent is run by Mandalay, the Australian continent is run by George, and the American continent is run by Vatican."

"All continents must obey the rule of the Tianyue Empire. This is an imperial order and must be followed."

"If there is a disobedience, kill without amnesty!"

The words did not fall, the whole world detonated a big earthquake again, and was frightened by Lu Fan's overbearing.

The soldiers of the Lujiajun army are surging blood, because they know that from this moment, the entire world is the Tianyue Empire.

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