King of Eschatology

Chapter 674: Awakening of the ancient beast

With the departure of everyone, the scientific research department became deserted again.

Shi Hongji didn't respond until a long time later, and said secretly in his heart, "What's so special about this, a group of wonderful works."

However, the three high-tech products have been recognized by the boss. Shi Hongji has the bottom of his heart. Now he goes to mass production and equips the Lujiajun soldiers with a pair of combat glasses and a space ring.

As for the nutrient solution, Shi Hongji will surely provide it to the logistics department as soon as possible, and when the soldiers go out to perform tasks, they will no longer have to worry about the issue of material distribution.

At the same time, a storm just over the North Sea caused this vast sea to be frozen for thousands of miles without knowing how thick the ice is.

Three feet of freezing is not a day's cold, but this temperature can definitely be done now.

There is no doubt that if this super-low temperature continues, the entire North Sea will be frozen into a large ice block and all life inside will be blocked.

On this day, there was a sharp sonic boom over the North Sea, and I saw the space can't help but tremble, and ripples like water ripples rippling in all directions.

The next moment, a human teenager stepped out of the void and landed on the ice.

The young man's eyebrows are clear and beautiful, his temperament is extraordinary, and his hands and feet are full of the breath of the superior, as if a supreme king came to earth, making this space throbbing.

The young man was Lu Fan. He had more than 8,000 kilometers from the Tianyue Empire to the North Sea. It took him only ten minutes to get there, faster than the average flying machine.

After falling on the ice, Lu Fan frowned, and the entire area of ​​the sea was frozen, and his thoughts of trying to awaken the giant monster on the sea floor were blocked.

"Godlink, you said I called the cricket across the ice, could it hear it?"

Lu Fan found the chain of God and asked directly.

GodChain responded: "I don't know, it has been asleep for too long, maybe it is dead, how to wake up?"


Lu Fan was speechless. He obviously told himself that there was a wild monster hidden here. Now he told himself that he might be dead, wasn't he kidding?

Immediately after seeing Lu Fan, Shenlian explained immediately: "Relax, this maggot is a monster of ancient times, and its vitality is extremely tenacious.

Lu Fan was finally relieved, as long as he was not dead, he also expected this fierce beast to deal with aliens.

My heart is not as good as action, Lu Fan yelled directly. In any case, wake up the other party first.


The sound was like a thunderous thunder, bombarded on the ice surface, and with a click, the ice layer hundreds of miles wide was shattered, and began to follow the waves of the North Sea.

Lu Fan knew that this level of roar could not wake the other person up, so he strengthened the roar.

"Get up!"

A sound like Hong Zhong-Da Lu broke out again, hitting the bottom of the sea, making the sea level sinking rapidly, like a huge vertebral body, stabbing towards the bottom of the sea.

Lu Fan strictly controlled his voice in the North Sea region to prevent the sound from spreading.

If not, his roar would cause panic throughout the world.

However, there was no movement at all in the whole sea area, as if no giant beast was sleeping at all.

"Shall I take a trip to the bottom of the sea?"

Lu Fan had a little thought in his heart and wanted to dive directly into the ocean floor.

With Lu Fan's current strength, Heaven can do everything in the sea. The only thing that worries him is that the ancient giant beast will wake up against him.

If it is in the sky, Lu Fan is not afraid of the other party, and if the other party has the ability to pass through the sky, as long as the other party cannot escape from this sea, he cannot pose a threat to Lu Fan.

But it is not the same when it reaches the bottom of the sea. He is originally a beast in the sea. Unparalleled power can erupt on the bottom of the sea, and Lu Fan can't compete.

Lu Fan came here to talk to the other party to discuss the conditions. Once he entered the sea floor, his advantage would be gone, maybe he would be eaten by the other party.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Lu Fan decided not to continue and shouted on it.

"Little sister, get up and pee!"

Lu Fan shouted for himself, regardless of whether the other party could hear it.

"Xiaoyu, come out quickly, Emperor Tianyue is here to send you a good fortune!"

"Little sister, if you don't come out again, I will go down!"


After shouting for half an hour, Lu Fan shouted dry mouth, but there was no movement in the sea.

Instead, the creatures in the sea were shocked to death by Lu Fan's voice. At this time, they floated to the surface, squeezed with the broken ice, and scarlet blood stained the sea.

Lu Fan knows that it doesn't make sense to continue shouting. Since he can't wake the other person up, he can only change it.

"Purple Ziqi points!"

Lu Fan burst into a roar, and the horrible breath burst out suddenly. A bright purple beam of light suddenly appeared, and a loud boom blasted towards the bottom of the sea.

Suddenly, the entire North Sea trembled, and in an instant, a huge wave was set off, like a mad dragon wrathing the sky.

Lu Fan's stature was so high that he avoided the attack of the waves. His gaze stared through the sea with the pillar of purple light and looked towards the bottom of the sea.

After dozens of seconds, the purple beam of light bombarded the sea floor severely, and immediately triggered a high-intensity earthquake.


Lu Fan's eyes narrowed and he felt a little bad.

The entire North Sea suddenly became turbulent and surging, and sea levels were rising at a rapid speed. Looking at this momentum, it seemed to drown the entire world in one fell swoop.

Lu Fan was terrified. He just established the Tianyue Empire. If the sea level is allowed to rise, I am afraid that all land will be flooded by seawater.

By then, humans will really have no place to stand.

Thinking of this, Lu Fan suddenly opened his arms, and the horrific medium-tier seventh combat power was fully opened, directly forming a huge light curtain of energy, pressing down towards the surface of the sea, trying to stop the tide of the sea.


Lu Fan was shocked that this power was so powerful that he couldn't stop it.


Lu Fan yelled at the **** chain, directly consuming 10 billion zombie points, and chose to evolve to eighth order.

"Ding! Congratulations on the successful evolution of the host to the intermediate eighth level, the points needed for the next upgrade ~ ~ 100 billion zombie points."

Lu Fan has no time now to care about what the concept of 100 billion yuan is. At this time, he consumed the previously accumulated zombie points and successfully evolved to the middle eighth level.

At this moment, Lu Fan's strength skyrocketed. If you can see through the combat glasses, his combat strength has risen by 10 million, reaching over 40 million in terror.

"Give me down!"

The strength of Lu Fan's body was surging, and the huge light curtain of pressure exerted pressure again, stopping the rising seawater and pressing it back again.

However, Lu Fan had not had time to be happy, and a terrible breath appeared at the bottom of the North Sea, and then skyrocketed.

Coldness, tyranny, terror, and killing, all kinds of negative feelings erupted at the same time, and the horrible wild beast, alas, woke up in vain at this moment.


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