King of Eschatology

Chapter 684: Death canyon

"Are you going to dig up your uncle's belly?"

Lu Fan thought wryly that if he really couldn't find a way to leave, Lu Fan could only go this way.

Suddenly, the old chief seemed to think of something and said, "There is a mysterious place in our world, maybe there, you can find the answer you want."


Lu Fan became interested and continued to wait for the old chief to speak.

The old chief paused and continued: "That place is a mysterious canyon between the East Valley Tribe and the West Valley Tribe. It is very dangerous. As long as it is mistakenly entered, no one can live out.

Hearing the words of the old chief, Weier and Utaba next to her were shocked at the same time, exclaiming in unison: "Death Canyon!"

Death Canyon is the world's recognized place of death. Any person or beast entering it has never lived out.

It is said that the inside is full of bones, and there are demons living in it, which is very scary.

"Death Canyon?"

Lu Fan's eyes closed for a moment, and then calmness resumed.

Everything is relative. For things that are very horrible in this world, for Lu Fan, it may not be an issue at all.

Lu Fan thinks that the people here have a limited level of evolution, and even if there are any secrets hidden in this world, they will not be able to discover them.

Therefore, Lu Fan decided to take his own hands and go to the Death Canyon to see, maybe the channel to the outside world was hidden in it.

However, the old chief was imprisoned for a period of time, and his breath was still weak, so it was not appropriate to go out at this time.

Lu Fan set his sights on Weier and Utaba, saying indisputably: "You should know Death Canyon, take me there."

When they heard this, the two were startled at the same time, and they were frightened with cold sweat.

That place was terrible. In the East Valley tribe, adults scared children and said, "Cry again and throw you to Death Canyon."

At this time, no matter how fierce the child is, no one will cry immediately when he hears this sentence. It shows how terrible Death Canyon is in people's hearts.

However, in the eyes of Weier and Utaba, Lu Fan is God, and maybe he can come and go freely in that horrible place.

Or, if Lu Fan can enter it and kill the demon stationed there, the Death Canyon will not be horrible in the future.

Followed by Lu Fan, the two had a lot of energy in their hearts, so they nodded at the same time, expressing their willingness to lead the way.

So, under the lead of Weier and Utaba, the three walked quickly towards Death Canyon.

Death Canyon is located between the East Valley Tribe and the West Valley Tribe. It is the largest canyon in the world, with poisonous insects everywhere and horrible beasts everywhere.

Of course, this kind of situation only happens on the periphery of the canyon, and deeper into it, it is the real terrible area of ​​Death Canyon.

There is no life here. If the outside life breaks in by mistake, there will be no death or life, and it will become a life forbidden zone.

No one knows what the secret is.

About half an hour later, the three reached the outer area of ​​Death Canyon and stopped at the edge of the canyon.

This distance was a few breaths for Lu Fan, but in order to take care of Weier and Utaba, he walked for half an hour.

Looking into the distance, a huge gully ran across this land and stretched far into the distance. I don't know where the end is.

Lu Fan frowned, and immediately noticed that something was wrong with this canyon.

"A breath of life came out, which didn't match the name of Death Canyon!"

Lu Fan strengthened through spiritual awareness, and felt a breath of life at the bottom of this canyon, and was very vigorous.

And there is exactly what we call the Death Canyon, which is absolutely weird.

"How do I feel, this valley looks like a wound?"

Lu Fan suddenly thought with a nasty interest: "Is Mo Feiyu cut off a hole in the body, and then scars again, and finally forms this canyon?"

"If so, how did the people here appear? Did they come in from this wound?"

Fan Fan laughed absurdly, feeling that things were by no means so simple.

Regardless of whether this may happen, this wound alone is unlikely to occur.

How strong Lu's strength is, Lu Fan has personally coached him, that is, he has stepped into the mid-peak existence a long time ago.

May I ask, who can leave such a big wound on his body?

Anyway, Lu Fan thinks he can't do it. Even if he lays there and doesn't fight back, he can't make such a big cut on the other side.

In the realm of cricket, his body's defense power is extremely amazing, and ordinary attacks can't hurt him at all.

The more he thought about it, the more headache Lu Fan got. If not, he would have pinpointed a direction and broke out of the body.

It was as if at the bottom of Kunlun Mountain, he was swallowed by a giant toad, and then broke out easily, instead bombarding the opponent.

This time the situation is different from before, not only is the body's amazing defense, the most important thing is that it is too big. If you dig it all the way, it will take several years.

By that time, the earth would have been destroyed by the Beckett star, so what else would he go out for, it would be better to pretend to be an ancestor in this small world.

"Master, there is Death Canyon in front. We can only go here."

Weier spoke suddenly, interrupting Lu Fan's contemplation.

Lu Fan turned his head and saw Weier, who was close at hand, and found that the other side was pale and his face was cold and sweaty. It seemed to be under great pressure.

Lu Fan looked at Utaba again, and found that the other side was even more uncomfortable. At this time, the sweat had already wet the beast robe on his body, and the whole person seemed to be seriously ill, and he was about to collapse.


Lu Fan was surprised to find that the strong breath of life he perceived had caused great pressure on the two, and seemed to be extremely repelling to them.

Lu Fan himself,, felt nothing at all and would not be excluded.

"This canyon will instinctively suppress life in this world."

Lu Fan secretly said in his heart that the force of evolution erupted suddenly, sweeping across this land like a storm, causing the world to roll and sweep almost everything.

The powerful pressure that crushed Weier and Utaba disappeared instantly under the impact of Lu Fan, and all the horrors were disintegrated.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth returned to clear, as if even the environment in the canyon became more beautiful.

The two felt loose, and the suffocating pressure disappeared.

"Master is so amazing that he has suppressed such a terrible atmosphere!"

The light shining in Weier's eyes was once again shocked by Lu Fan's means.

Utaba looked at the rolling clouds in the sky, and rejoiced in his heart, secretly: "It is indeed the ancestor of Tianyue, maybe he can really kill the demons in the Death Canyon."

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