King of Eschatology

Chapter 690: 1 meteor

A painful howl came out abruptly at the bottom of the North Sea, and the force of arrogant deterrence instantly caused the North Sea to boil.

Numerous wild beasts in the sea were shocked by this roar. All the ice that had been frozen for thousands of miles was shaken into ice.

The entire North Sea was instantly red with blood, and a strong **** gas burst into the sky.

In the death canyon, Lu Fan was surprised to find that after the beating, the shocking blow had just broken this small world. Through the endless flesh and blood, he had seen the rolling sea.

"It really is in the belly of the uncle, I did not expect that Death Canyon is the exit of this small world."

Lu Fan murmured in his mouth, and through the obsession with broken sword and residual sword, he understood everything.

Too late to think, Lu Fan leaped forward, jumped out of this huge wound, and rushed into the sea.

After a while, Lu Fan's body stormed out from the bottom of the sea and returned to the main space of the earth.


Re-breathing the fresh air on the earth, infinite joy emerged in Lu Fan's heart.

Only when Lu Fan stood on the ground again did he really feel down to earth.

Looking at the white fish belly in the East, a new day is coming, Lu Fan said to himself: "It's dangerous. It's been two days and it's almost too late."

Lu Fan knew that the Beckett was coming soon, and now he rushed back one day in advance, and finally had time to arrange it.

Lu Fan's many years of dark disease was torn by Lu Fan, and he suddenly screamed in pain, rolling in the North Sea, causing waves to roll, seeming to destroy the world.

However, now Lu Fan already knows his past and knows that the other party will not destroy the earth, otherwise it would not have risked his life to save humanity.

Alas, in the final analysis, it is still a member of the earth. When encountering invasion by foreign enemies, it is natural to stand on the side of the earth.

"Brother, offended, this injury is the cost of you swallowing me, let's clear it up!"

Hong Liang's voice resounded above the North Sea, Lu Fan said kindly to the underwater cricket.

If it wasn't for Lu Fan who knew in advance what he had done, he wouldn't talk to the other party at all at this time, and he would be cut straight.

It provokes Lu Fan who is still alive and well, basically not.

At the bottom of the North Sea, I heard Lu Fan's voice. Originally, it planned to completely kill this abominable fellow, but when it sensed the breath emanating from the other person, it was timid.

Relying on her perception of living endless years, I can detect that now this young man has become very scary.

Don't look at the other person's appearance is only a medium eighth-order evolutionary, but if it really broke out, it might play a terrible lethality.

Therefore, I could only hum, dived into the bottom of the sea again, and healed.

In other words, Lu Fan just blasted a mouth that was more than two meters wide, and judging by his giant body, he seemed to be stabbed by a needle tip, and he could recover in a few minutes.

Lu Fan chuckled, looked at the white belly of the east, chose the direction of the Tianyue Empire, and left the place directly.

At the same time, in the space of different dimensions, the spacecraft from the Beckett star was moving at a high speed, and Gupa stood in front of the operation panel with a horrified look, his expression was extremely tense.

"I can live, it's up to you, go out!"

The voice didn't fall, Gupa's stout fingers hit the console, and the entire spaceship trembled in vain, jumping directly out of the different dimension space.


In the universe, a dark spot of light suddenly emerged, and then quickly expanded, as if being torn apart stiffly, creating a huge black hole.

With the sound of shattering space breaking, a blue spaceship jumped out of the void, sailed out of the different dimension space, and appeared on the space channel.

In the spacecraft, everyone held their breath, staring carefully at a light curtain, waiting for the calculation of the positioning of the universe.

Focalu looked so cold all the way, and when the results came out, if he was not satisfied, he would slap Guppa to death.

The other three guys must also be shot dead together.

Everyone looked at the light curtain in horror, praying secretly in their hearts, hoping not to be too much.

"Ding, the spacecraft has been successfully positioned. It is now in the solar system's Mars orbit and has a ten-minute flight from Earth."

Hearing the news from the spacecraft positioning system, Guppa froze, and then showed great joy.

Originally, he was ready to die, but he did not expect that he was wrong, and the distance that the spacecraft jumped out of the different dimension space was greatly shortened.

According to the calculation of the previous route plan, it takes at least four hours for the spacecraft to jump out of the space node near Neptune and then reach the earth by interstellar sailing.

Now it appears directly near Mars's orbit, only ten minutes away from Earth.

Coupled with the time saved in the space of different dimensions, half of the time was saved before and after, which really made Guppa cry.

Fukaru did not expect that the **** Gupa shortened the range after being hit by accident, and immediately sneered, saying, "This is your luck, if there is another time, hum."

Although Fukaru didn't say anything later, anyone could feel the strong intention of killing each other. The four of them immediately nodded and said they would never dare.

Ten minutes elapsed, and the Beckett starship was extremely fast and soon approached Earth.

In fact, the speed of the spacecraft can be faster, but the highest speed that can be maintained in space is the speed of light. If it exceeds the speed of light, it will enter different-dimensional space.

Now it is so close to the earth, in case the spacecraft is speeding, accidentally enters the space of different dimensions, and jumps out again, I am afraid I don't know how many light years have gone.

Gupa, who drove the spacecraft, became obsessed with work, for fear of accidentally making mistakes again ~ ~ and was directly slapped to death by Fukaru.

Finally, the spacecraft arrived at Earth without any risk and began to enter the Earth's atmosphere.

Intense friction generates intense heat, forming a dazzling flare on the surface of the spacecraft, which illuminates the night sky.

In the western part of China, a mighty body sits in a high-rise building. Just as the spacecraft rushed into the atmosphere, he raised his head sharply and frowned.

Bai Qi was preparing to go to the Tianyue Empire to find Lu Fan's revenge. At this time, he suddenly saw the shooting star, and immediately felt a bad feeling.

"How can there be a meteor at this time? Ominous omen!"

Bai Qi snorted coldly, and he no longer hesitated, looting directly toward the east.

Right now, the sky was bright. Bai Qi went to Lu Fan to get revenge. When the two sides fought, it was just dawn.

There was a bold idea in Bai Qi's heart. He had to cut off Lu Fan in front of people all over the world, and then became the new Tianyue Emperor.

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