King of Eschatology

Chapter 692: Enemy

In the morning, the sun fell on the ground. With the rising sky, Lu Fan returned to Tianyue Base.

Today, Lu Fan is full of vitality. With the help of broken swords and residual swords, his mental strength has soared to the realm of superior life, which is aloof.

Of course, his own power of evolution is still at the middle eighth level. If he wants to improve further, he needs to supplement the power of evolution in time.

According to time, there is still a day left before the arrival of the Beckett star, and it is not very urgent. Lu Fan has enough time to evolve his strength to the middle tenth peak.

Due to the limitation of the earth's main space, no one can break through to the superior life, and even the superior life of the outside world cannot enter here.

Therefore, Lu Fan is likely to be the only human who stepped into the upper life with only half a foot.

Of course, the premise is that Lu Fan has to make up for the power of evolution, otherwise he has a strong mental power and his own combat effectiveness is still insufficient.

"I still have a huge toad here. If I grill it and eat it, it should increase a lot of evolutionary power."

Lu Fan secretly said in his heart how to improve his evolutionary power silently.

He didn't know at all that the Stars of Beijit had landed on the earth in advance, and Bai Qi had also been forged in the tomb of Qin Shihuang and was about to kill the Tianyue Empire.

Just two days have passed, and the strength of the Tianyue Empire has undergone tremendous changes.

With the help of the Yijin evolution method, a large number of tenth-order new humans broke through the trance and evolved to intermediate life.

Although it is only the first level of the intermediate level, the combat effectiveness has undergone an amazing transformation, reaching a million combat strength directly.

After the summary of the research department Shi Hongji, human evolution has several leaps.

The first is when the fourth tier is raised to the fifth tier, the combat power of the fourth tier is 4,000, and the combat power of the fifth tier skyrocketed to 10,000.

The second one is the ninth tier to the tenth tier. The combat power of the ninth tier is 50,000, and the combat power of the tenth tier has skyrocketed to 100,000.

In addition to these two leap points, the evolution of the life level has become a larger leap point.

After the Ministry of Scientific Research's evaluation of the combat effectiveness, the combat effectiveness of the first-order evolutionary is one million, which has increased tenfold.

The Tianyue Empire's research on combat effectiveness formed an expert group, and everyone boldly predicted that the middle-fifth and middle-tenth tiers were also leap points in combat effectiveness.

According to data calculations, the medium-level fifth-level evolutionary has at least 10 million fighting power, while the medium-level tenth-level evolutionary will have more than 100 million fighting power.

This is an astonishing number. When the calculation results came out, the expert team of the scientific research department was shocked for a long time, and it was unbelievable.

However, this shock soon disappeared, because at this stage, the strongest in the Lu Jiajun is only the first-tier, and there are still ten thousand miles away from the middle-tier ten, so don't worry.

As a result, the Lu Jiajun continued to step by step, the latest team formed by Lu Fan himself, has been promoted at this time, ready to return to their own city under the leadership of their respective city leaders.

Lin Xiaoxiao has arranged everything, until dawn, come here to congratulate the survivors of the establishment of the Tianyue Empire will leave one after another, return to their own cities, and start the next development.

When Lu Fan arrived at Tianyue Emperor's Palace, without greeting anyone, he rushed into his own palace directly, preparing to take a hot bath.

At the beginning, Lu Fan cut open a hole on his body and rushed out, his body was more or less stained with blood, and he wanted to wash it first.

"After taking a bath, stew the giant toad, eat it beautifully, and wait for the upgrade!"

Lu Fan thought happily and immediately took off and began to take a bath.


Suddenly, a voice came from the Super God Link System, which shocked Lu Fan's spirit.

In the womb's inner world, the Super God Link System closed for some reason, and now it is turned on again, and Lu Fan suddenly shows great joy.

Just when Lu Fan wanted to **** each other's words, the quick voice of God Chain was ringing.

"There are powerful enemies coming from the northwest, and they are back!"

When he heard this, Lu Fan was embarrassed, and immediately showed a touch of disdain, and responded: "It's just a defeat, but dare to come back at this time? It's not guts."

Lu Fan didn't know that Bai Qi had gained a chance, and now it is not what it used to be, so he is not too worried.

ShenChain ignored Lu Fan and continued: "Beggite descended on the earth in advance, and is now approaching this place quickly, arriving about three minutes later."


Lu Fan was startled, shocked.

"Don't you say that the Beckett arrived tomorrow? Why did you arrive so soon?"

Lu Fan said as he finished the shower, the power of evolution in his body shocked, the body's water was dried, and then he took it out and put it on.

Divine Chain said eagerly: "How do I know why they arrived early, don't talk nonsense, I will close it again, otherwise the Beckett will detect the genetic shackles in my body."

The genetic shackles in the chain of God were sealed by the Qin king. The Beckett people had a sense of the Qin king's genetic shackles, which only shows that the Qin king is also a Beckett.

However, the Qin King in history is an authentic native evolutionist, not an ugly double-headed blue monster, what has happened?

Too late to think, Lu Fan immediately prevented the self-closure of Divine Chain.

"Why are you waiting for a while, I'll take out the contents of the storage space and close it!"

Lu Fan yelled, immediately began to take things out of the storage space, and filled them into the space ring.

In particular, that giant toad was unloaded by Lu Fan eight pieces and placed in different space rings.

Although the space ring's capacity is limited, but there are many advantages. Very soon, Lu Fan's ten fingers were full of rings, and I didn't know that it was a local tyrant.

There is no way. Once the Super Link System is closed, the storage space cannot be opened. Lu Fan has already suffered a loss and has to make plans early.

Finally, Lu Fan put the Red Flame War Halberd into the space ring and said, "Well, you can rest in peace."

Divine Chain has long been impatient. After hearing Lu Fan's words, he directly closed the system ~ ~ disappeared without trace.

Fan Fan searched for a while, but he couldn't find it, he couldn't help wondering.

"This shameless system runs fastest every time there is danger."

Lu Fan murmured dissatisfied and rushed out of the palace.

Right now, the enemy is coming, and Lu Fan is too late to sigh the shame of the Super God Link System. He must find a way to improve his strength as soon as possible.

"Ye still, come out!"

Lu Fan stood in front of Tianyue Emperor's Palace, and a loud roar awakened many survivors in his sleep.

When winter was about to dawn, it was the time when people slept the most. Lu Fan roared and scared everyone directly.

However, everyone was very surprised. The emperor did not say goodbye two days ago, but now he is looking for Ye still. What happened?

Couldn't Ye Ye still be wrong?

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