King of Eschatology

Chapter 694: Bright Chinese civilization

Fukaru's cold eyes narrowed, and he was about to make a sudden stop, and looked curiously at Bai Qi.

"Are you a subordinate of Zheng Zheng?"

Leng Yong's discourse exited, without the slightest human emotion, directly shaking Bai Bai's heart.

It is worth mentioning that the words spoken by the other party turned out to be Huaxia, which was incredible.

In fact, if you follow the history of the earth, this thing will become very simple.

Once, the earth was extremely prosperous, almost the center of the universe. As the most powerful race on the planet, the Chinese people have an unshakable right to speak.

Therefore, major galaxies are eager to learn the Huaxia language, hoping to establish friendly relations with the Chinese people on Earth, in order to obtain a better evolutionary law.

The brilliance of the Huaxia nation has illuminated thousands of races and become the strongest nation recognized by the entire universe.

Although the earth is now declining, the glory of China's past is too bright, and it still has an impact today, that is, people in the universe basically speak Chinese.

This is the glory of the earth people and the sadness of the earth people now.

Under the combined suppression of the major galaxies in the entire universe, the earth was sealed and the evolutionaries were slaughtered, which caused the earth's civilization to travel faults, and did not know that it had retreated for thousands of years.

In the eyes of all races in the universe, the earth now is a barren planet. Sci-tech civilization is not even the lowest and lowest civilization, and the evolutionist is dead.

They tried to completely exterminate the humans on this planet with an eschatology, but they did not expect that things would turn for the better, and some people on the planet took the road of evolution.

Although their degree of evolution is very low, the earth people are talented, and over time, they will definitely stand in the forest of the strong universe.

In particular, the Huaxia people have fighting genes hidden in their bones and have unlimited potential.

Although they love peace, they will one day erupt completely, and the entire universe will not be suppressed.

Bai Qi knelt on the ground, his whole body trembling, and his lips became purple.

In order to prove his identity, Bai Qi took out Qin King's token, jade pull fingers and beast teeth necklace.

Seeing these two items, Fukaru's complexion finally eased down. For these two items, he was still impressed.

In particular, this jade pull finger was originally created by the Qatari Beggit star, and played a great role in their plan.

"Where's Zheng Zheng? Why don't you come see me?"

Fukaru threw the jade fingers and the beast tooth necklace back into Bai Qi's hand, and asked in a constrained voice.

Bai Qi immediately bowed and responded: "The king is still asleep and he is not awake."


Upon hearing this answer, Fukaru became furious.

No wonder such a long time has passed and I have never heard a report from the earth. It turned out that Zheng Zheng failed to wake up within the prescribed time.

"This idiot, the bad old man was scolded by King Beckett for a dog-blood sprinkler. It has been more than two thousand years.

Focalu scolded his mouth, his breath became more and more gloomy, and his complexion became blue again.

Seeing this scene, Bai Qi was terrified, and said secretly in his heart: "This is so special, the other party won't be angry with me?"

At the time of Bai Qixin's panic, there were a few airborne sounds in the distance, and it was Guppa from the Beckett star who followed them.

Seeing the arrival of the four, Bai Qi immediately bowed and worshiped, his attitude seemed extremely respectful.

Although Bai Qi's combat effectiveness is far more than these four Beckett stars, but the other party's status is distinguished and he must take it seriously.

Guppa, Ullen, and the other two Begitt stars were shocked when they saw Bai Qi. Looking through the combat glasses, the opponent had at least 90 million combat capabilities.

In other words, this Earthling is a strong man who has only half stepped into the middle tenth order. If it was not for the presence of His Excellency Fukaru, I am afraid they would turn around and run away.

"Lord Focalu, is this man?"

Gupa and others came late, and naturally did not know Bai Qi's identity.

Bai Qi understood the thought and immediately reported to his family, claiming that he was under the authority of Qin Wangzheng, and was a close ally with the Begit star.

"What ally, just a dog from the Beckett."

Wu Lilun said with a poor expression, his eyes were full of jealousy.

In other words, U Lilun considers himself a noble Baggett, and so far has only 40 million fighting power, which is equivalent to a medium-eighth-level evolutionary.

His strength is a lot worse than that of Bai. A subordinate's strength is higher than himself, and U Lilun naturally feels uncomfortable.

Bai Qi looked cold when he heard the word, but with Fukaru here, he didn't dare to attack, and could only silently remember the words and deeds of the other party in his heart.

Although Bai Qi was under the command of King Qin, he had fought numerous battles throughout his life and had his own pride.

At this time being compared to a dog, naturally angry.

Of course, Bai Qi was furious and dared not to speak, offending the Beggite star, how terrible he was, he knew better than anyone.

"Where are you going?"

Focalu didn't even care about Bai Qi's thoughts, and asked directly.

Bai Qi immediately took a breath and responded: "Hua Xia has just established a Tianyue Empire. I am going to kill some people there and solve some problems for the king."

In fact, Bai Qi wanted to be the emperor of the Tianyue Empire, but in this case, he didn't dare to say anything, and he could only push the pot to King Qin.

When Fukaru heard the word Huaxia, his eyes were full of resentment, and he said in a bad voice: "The nation of Huaxia has not been destroyed, it is really tenacious!"

While talking, Focalu gritted his teeth and seemed to have deep hatred with the Huaxia people.

More than two thousand years ago, in the last battle between the Starlings and the Earth, the two brothers of Fukaru died in the hands of the Huaxia people.

If his two brothers are still alive, then his status will not be as it is now, and even a potion that breaks through to superior life cannot be won.

Really hate it!

Fukaru's eyes fluttered angrily ~ ~ This time, he would kill the Chinese people anyway, take their heads back, and sell them on the interstellar market.

"Go, take me to Huaxia to see, let me also see this Tianyue Empire."

The evil fire was beating in Fukaru's eyes. In his eyes, the Tianyue Empire was a joke.

How powerful can the descendants of the extinct evolutionist be?

However, they hadn't had time to act yet, but a slender teenager was looting from the East.

The flaming sun had just lifted off, and the glow of the sun shrouded the earth, shining on the boy's body, stretching his figure for a long time.

The young man came from the east. Under the reflection of the morning glow, he seemed to step on the colorful glow and merged with the heavens and the earth in one step. The scene was grand and shocking.

Lu Fan carried the exaggerated red flame war halberd, like a peerless king coming to the world, with a loud roar.

"The Emperor Tianyue is here, come here to kill me!"

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