King of Eschatology

Chapter 697: Keep slowly abuse

After swallowing this dark-green bead in his head, Ulilun's fighting power increased in a blowout manner, and it quickly climbed to 50 million.

Utilizing the power of this bead, U Lilun unexpectedly forcibly increased his strength to Tier Nine, and his combat effectiveness soared by 10 million.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan's complexion became dark instantly.

Unexpectedly, the Beckett star has this weird way to improve his strength. Although it looks disgusting, the effect is obvious.

Wu Lilun is a medium-eighth-order powerhouse. After swallowing his beads, his strength has been improved by a first-order and he has become a medium-nine-level powerhouse.

Although this improvement in strength is unlikely to last long, when the two sides are at war, it is very practical to come up like this.

Lu Fan didn't pay much attention to the improvement of U Lilun's strength. He only cared about the other party's means.

Wu Lilun is in the middle eighth order, and after the first order soars, it is only the middle ninth order. Lu Fan can also cope.

However, if Focalu himself had this means, the consequences would be unthinkable.

Fukaru is a mid-tier ten peak powerhouse, and belongs to the most powerful existence in mid-life. If his strength is promoted by another rank, wouldn't it become a first-class life?

If the opponent is only a medium life, no matter how strong the combat effectiveness, Lu Fan is not afraid.

After all, Lu Fan's mental strength has reached the category of first-class life, and he has not much fear of middle life.

If the other party can break through to the superior life in a short time, then the trouble will be great.

Lu Fan's physical evolutionary power has not been made up for. If the other party has a way to break through to the superior life in a short time, then Lu Fan will definitely lose.

Thinking of this, Lu Fan's mood became cold.


Not far away, Focalu, Guppa, Bai Qi, and others were watching silently. When Ulilun spit out the bead, everyone knew that the battle was about to end.

This dark green bead is called the beast of life by the Stars of Begit, and it takes one year to conceive.

In other words, this method of the Beckett can only be used once a year. After eating this bead, if you want to eat it next time, you need to breed at least one year.

At the same time, this method of the Beckett people needs to pay a great price. After swallowing the soul beads, the whole person will have a period of weakness.

Therefore, before the critical moment, most people are reluctant to spit out their own soul beads. This time, Ulilun was really anxious.

Watching the side, Bai Qi was shocked, and was frightened by this method of the Begit star.

The method of upgrading by one's strength and strength is absolutely a big killer in the battle, and it will become the key to the final victory.

At first, Bai Qi thought that he should not be afraid of anyone except Fukaru.

But now it seems that Guppa certainly has mastered this method. The opponent is a medium-nine-level powerhouse. Once this method is used in combat, maybe he can obtain the middle-tenth-level power.

Bai Qi's eagerness gradually cooled, and he had recognized his position, and he would still be honestly behind the Beckett star and hold his thighs tightly.

"You can force me to use this method, and you are proud to die!"

U Lilun snorted, and a powerful and unmatched force soared into the sky, and then poured into the black stick in his hand.

Suddenly, U Lilun's figure disappeared, passing through the space like a lightning, appearing directly above Lu Fan, and struck Lu Fan.

Lu Fan did not shy away, the red flame war halberd in his hand waved at a rapid speed, and as a group of flames lingered around, the sharp blade hit the opponent's stick together.


The sound of shaking the deaf came out, and a violent energy shock wave, centering on two people, spreading wildly in all directions, showing a powerful destructive force.

At this moment, everyone smiled. In their opinion, Lu Fan couldn't take the shock anyway.

Just now everyone has seen through the combat effectiveness glasses. Lu Fan is just a mid-tier eight strong man with a combat effectiveness of more than 40 million.

After U Lilun performed his secret method, the combat effectiveness soared by 10 million, and at this time he had more than 50 million combat effectiveness.

50 million against 40 million, you can use pig brains to know who wins.

Originally, Wu Lilun also thought so. This stick was absolutely destroyed. Lu Fan must be broken by his own body, and each bone had to be broken.

However, when his stick was bombarded with the opponent's weapon, Ullen's complexion changed.

Because the attack of this level was easily blocked by the opponent. The opponent did not fight back too much, nor was he beaten down on his own.

It seems that this strength is just right, as if the other party has unlimited power, and seeing his own power increase, the other party improves a little at will.

"This is impossible!"

U Lilun was stunned, he immediately pulled back the big stick, tried his best to bombard again, and the arrogant momentum even destroyed the sky.

However, the opposite Lu Fan still understated, holding the Red Flame Halberd in one hand, blocking U Lilun's attack.

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised, and Gupa was yelling.

"Damn, he has hidden strength!"

Even a fool can see that Lu Fan had not used all his power before, but was slowly getting familiar with his opponent, as if he was trying something.

In fact, they didn't know that Lu Fan was just delaying time.

Wu Lilun is a medium-level eighth-order powerhouse, which is just the right target for procrastination.

And by the way, can you try to find out what means the Becketts have, and do more than one thing?

Actually ~ ~ Lu Fan's real combat power is only more than 40 million. The reason why he could easily block the opponent's 50 million combat power just now is because he blessed his spiritual power in Chiyan War Halberd.

Just like the sword-enhancing technique of the intelligence enhancer, when the spiritual power is strong to a certain extent, the strength is definitely not inferior to the power of evolution.

At the same time, because of its concealment, spiritual power has many advantages that cannot be reached by evolutionary power.

For example, Lin Xiaoxiao's extermination sword, even if it is several strong superior to her, even without a defense, a extinction sword can make the other party suffer a lot.

Lu Fan blocked U Lilun's attack, but he did not intend to defeat him. Such a good training object, he really couldn't bear it.

If Ullen loses, the next one is likely to be Bai Qi or Gupa.

The fighting strength of both of them is good, especially Bai Qi. The fighting strength has reached 90 million. If they go to war, it will definitely cause great pressure to Lu Fan.

Therefore, Lu Fan still kept U Lilun slowly abused, waiting for his barbecue.

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