King of Eschatology

Chapter 714: Dalin Temple

Feeling the extraordinaryness of this young man, he secretly guessed that maybe the other party could really help himself to realize his wish, from Huapeng Peng, to evolve into superior life.

Anyway, the world in your belly is big enough, and it is a trivial matter to accommodate thousands of humans. It is better to bet on it.

In case of losing the bet, it's nothing to yourself.

Thinking of this, I acted and immediately opened my mouth. A terrible black hole suddenly appeared in the North Sea.

With a big mouth, the void was torn, the sky was trembling, and the huge black hole immediately caused a severe tsunami.

An incomparable suction suddenly appeared, and the whole area suddenly fell into darkness. All the light was swallowed up by the black hole, and it seemed to be able to destroy everything.

However, there is a special force at the edge of the black hole that prevents seawater from entering the black hole.

Seeing this scene, everyone was frightened and could not help but recede.

"It's so special, monsters can eat people!"

Different from everyone ’s reaction, Lu Fan showed great joy, staring at the black hole in front of him.

Lu Fan knows that I have opened the way to the inner world, and I am grateful for it.

"Thank you, if I succeed in the future, I will live up to today's words!"

The words didn't fall, Lu Fan waved his hands at the crowd and said, "Jump down, you will enter a special small world, stay in it, wait for me to find you."

Everyone was horrified and shaken.

However, out of trust in Lu Fan, no one backed off at this time, all jumping rashly.

Even if they jumped and died immediately, everyone's brows wouldn't frown, and Lu Fan's orders prevailed.

"There is a girl named Weier, who is my apprentice, and went to help take care of it."

Lu Fan suddenly remembered something and said to Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "You have a lot of secrets. There is even a female apprentice, must be a little beauty, right?"

Lu Fan smiled awkwardly, speechless.

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "Fun for you to play, rest assured, I will take care of your little apprentice, how to say, I am also a teacher, right?"

The words didn't fall, Lin Xiaoxiao leaped into the black vortex and entered the inner world through the black hole.

Soon, there was only Lu Fan alone in the entire North Sea. He really wanted to jump in and hide in that small world and continue to be his ancestor.

However, reality does not allow him to do so. Once he appears a little slack, I am afraid that he can no longer have the power to fight against Qin Wang.

After introducing everyone into the world inside her belly, she slowly closed her mouth and immediately looked at Lu Fan again before sinking under the North Sea.

From beginning to end, I didn't say a word. Although he had hope for Lu Fan, he didn't have much hope.

The black hole disappeared, and the sky was bright. There was only Lu Fan in the entire North Sea. The cold wind blew through, making his figure look slightly lonely.

Lu Fan looked at the calm sea that had been restored, and felt mixed in his heart, then it was time to race against fate.


Lu Fan took the giant battleship back into the storage space and plundered directly towards the south.

Now Lu Fan is already a tenth-ranked peak powerhouse, and his speed is unthinkable. The white fog behind him is tumbling, and soon there are air explosions, which are the sound of air explosions.

First stop, Songshan!

Today's Wuyue, Lu Fan has explored Mount Tai and Mount Hua, leaving Hengshan, Songshan and Hengshan.

With Lu Fan's current strength, to climb these famous mountains is not a problem, the key is how to find the creation that unlocks the genetic chain of the **** chain.

Lu Fan came to the foot of Song Mountain at a very fast speed, looking at the tall and towering peaks, and could not help raising a trace of awe.

Since entering the era of people's evolution, the famous mountains and rivers have become even more extraordinary. At this time, Songshan has exuded a wild atmosphere, which seems to conceal terrifying murder.

Lu Fan started spiritual enhancement, and he found that the whole mountain was glowing.

This light is not visible to the naked eye, but can be truly felt under the strengthening of spiritual perception.

Just after a cold winter, Songshan didn't seem to be affected much, the green pines were still standing, and the vigorous tree roots pierced into the rocks like a steel knife.

Lu Fan started climbing along the mountain road.

Songshan is the source of the Three Religions, where you can find traces of Buddha, Tao and Confucianism.

Of course, Lu Fan didn't have time to pay attention to this. He just wanted to know where the creation is hidden and whether he could unlock the genetic shackles of the God Chain.

Lu Fan went all the way up the mountain trail and did not find any valuable information.

"Godlink, is there any reliable news from you?"

Lu Fan just asked this question casually, and did not have much hope for Shenlian. After all, when exploring Taishan and Huashan, Shenchain did not give useful information.

However, this time, the chain seemed to be different.

"You can try it at Dalin Temple!"

The chain of God suddenly opened, and suddenly Lu Fan stunned.

"Dalin Temple?"

Lu Fan frowned. He knew that there was a Shaolin Temple on the Songshan Mountain, and he had never heard of any Dalin Temple, and could not help but wonder.

The chain of gods that has always been simmering suddenly became cherished, and after that, there was no sound.

Lu Fan would like to continue to ask something, but Shen Chain seems to be affected by the coercion of the heaven and earth in Songshan ~ ~ and entered a special state.

Lu Fan directly changed the course of action and ran away in the direction of Shaolin Temple.

Both Dalin Temple and Shaolin Temple are inseparable from the temple. Lu Fan feels that if he goes to Shaolin Temple first, he should gain something.

Shaolin Temple is located under Wuru Peak on the north foot of Shaoshi Mountain of Songshan Mountain. With Lu Fan's horror speed, he came here in just a few minutes.

The Shaolin Temple in the last days has become a little different. To Lu Fan's surprise, this place is not as broken as the outside. All the temples are well-preserved and there are no signs of destruction.

Just don't know where people went.

Furthermore, Lu Fan has an illusion. There are many ancient temples here, which never appeared in the civilized period, and stood proudly in the depths of the clouds.

Looking from a distance, Bao Xiang is solemn and seems to be emitting the light of Buddha.

"There must be extraordinary creations there!"

In Lu Fan's eyes, the light flashed, and his feet slammed into the ground, his body rushing out like an arrow off the string.

At the same time, in the direction of the Tianyue Empire, King Qin came here aggressively, looking at the huge empty city under his feet, and there was a sense of coldness in his eyes.


King Qin was unbelievable. He bit his tongue again, spit out a spit of blood, and the light curtain appeared again in the void.

Among the light curtains, Lu Fan is climbing, surrounded by pines, and the light of the Buddha is soaring to the sky. There are ancient temples soaring into the clouds, seemingly connecting the heavens and the earth.

There is a special world coercion there, making the light curtain of Qin King unclear, looming and sometimes absent.

Qin Wang's eyes looked at everything in the light curtain, and his mind was carefully thinking about Lu Fan's position. After a moment, Qin Wang suddenly changed color.

"No, he found the Dalin Temple!"

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