King of Eschatology

Chapter 722: Summon Bai Qi

Lu Fan was horrified, his brows froze, and an ominous feeling came to his heart.

At the same time, the whole space seems to be undergoing earth-shaking changes. With a loud noise, this special space is broken.

Obviously, just now the fierce battle between Lu Fan and King Qin was too fierce, and the remaining power in this special space was exhausted, and at this time it has come to an end.

The strong wind set off a fierce energy storm. Lu Fan was located in the center of the storm, and there were endless Buddha lights shining all around, without being affected.

Soon, the energy storm stopped, the scene in front of Lu Fan suddenly changed, and returned to the real world.

There is a ruin where you see it. There are broken walls everywhere. An old road full of weeds is faintly seen. The cold wind blows, showing endless desolation.

A yellow leaf suddenly appeared, swaying from the void, and fell to Lu Fan's body.

Lu Fan reached out and grabbed it.

Where it started, a cold, together with Lu Fan's restless heart, became quite calm.

"Bodhi leaf!"

Lu Fan was shocked and had mixed feelings.

This piece of bodhi leaf is extremely effective. With it, Lu Fan will be able to do more with less effort in any evolutionary method.

Lu Fan folded up this piece of bodhi leaf and put it in his clothes pocket.

Bodhi leaf has the effect of meditation and concentration, which can keep Lu Fan calm at all times, so it is not put into the space ring.

Looking at the ruins at his feet, Lu Fan knows that this is the former Dalin Temple. The entrance to the endless Buddha country is here. Unfortunately, it has now completely collapsed.

"Someday, I will help the endless Buddha kingdom to come back and bring that sacred world back to earth."

Lu Fan growled and secretly swore.

Lu Fan believes that as long as there is a way to take out the twelve celestial nails that seal the earth, the endless Buddha kingdom will definitely be born again.

Lu Fan groaned for a moment, keeping this place in his heart, and then his feet slammed on the ground and swept away in the direction of Hengshan.

Now that King Qin is born, Lu Fan is under increasing pressure. He has to unlock the genetic yoke of the Super God Link System at the fastest speed, so as to master the initiative.

At the same time, on the barren hills hundreds of kilometers away from Song Mountain, the seriously injured King Qin appeared here, at this time lying on a boulder to rest.

King Qin once again took the potion of life out of the space ring and poured it into his mouth. The injury finally began to improve.

However, this time's recovery is different from the previous one. The potion of life has not shown its magical effect.

Because Rulai's Palm is a taboo Dharma, its power is extremely arrogant, and it is injured by it. It is difficult to recover even if you drink the potion of life.

"I believe that the kid dare not chase it out. My king should be safe now."

King Qin took a dragon robe out of the space ring and put it on his body, and then took out a simple stone plate.

"That kid is more trouble than he thought. He has to find two helpers."

The words did not fall, and the Qin king injected the power of evolution into the stone plate, and the simple stone plate suddenly shone a bright light.

At the same time, Baixi opened her eyes suddenly, and there was a bitterness in the corners of his mouth.

"I've been hiding so far, it's helpless that the king can find me."

Bai Qi muttered to himself, lonely with no expression.

In order to escape from the control of King Qin, he ran far away to the land of the West and found a hidden place to hide, but now he heard the call of King Qin.

Although Bai Qi didn't know how Qin Wang did it, he understood that the other party must have fiddled in his own body, otherwise how could he summon himself so far.

Thinking of this, Bai Qi's heart rose with a coldness, and he became increasingly dissatisfied with Qin's control.

He grabbed the Zijin Electric Hammer hard, the killing in his eyes flashed away, and he was well hidden immediately.

"Since you call me, I'll see you and let me see if you are as strong as two thousand years ago."

After this period of hard work, Bai Qi's originally imperfect evolution finally stabilized, and now his combat effectiveness has reached more than 100 million.

Most importantly, he captured the purple gold hammer of the Beckett star, which has great lethality.

If he turns his face with King Qin, he is confident that he will be killed in one blow.

Thinking of this, Bai Qi couldn't help sneering and rushed towards the east.

At the same time, the womb's inner world.

Lin Xiaoxiao and others landed on this vast and barren land, and everyone was secretly dazed and quietly dreaming.

Just now, the boss asked everyone to jump into the dark vortex, thinking that everyone would be dead, but it turned out to be in a magical little world.

Everyone knows that the boss met an irresistible enemy. In order to protect everyone, he sent everyone into the uncle's belly.

People's gratitude to Lu Fan is beyond words, they can only pray deeply, hoping that the boss will be able to defeat the enemy and defeat the enemy.

For Lin Xiaoxiao and others, they arrived in a wonderful world ~ ~ have a sheltered harbor.

But for the local residents of the world, there are a large number of outsiders invading at this time.

"Somebody, stand still!"

Above the mottled ancient city wall, a whole row of soldiers were facing the enemy, each holding a weapon, loudly scolding Lin Xiaoxiao and others to stop and issued a warning.

Lin Xiaoxiao is a medium first-order powerhouse. Most of the soldiers around her are low-level warriors. Except for a small number of people who are eighth-level and nine-level, all others are tenth-level powerhouses.

This strength is an extremely powerful existence in the main space of the earth. In the womb's belly, the world is even more powerful like a demon.

Before Lu Fan came to this world, the strongest here was only a sixth-order evolutionary.

Tier VI, in today's Lujia Army, not even a dreg is considered.

Therefore, when Lin Xiaoxiao and others came under the city wall, they jumped the shocked chicken flying dog.

"Open the door, or I'll kick your walls!"

Yang Feiyun yelled in a bad tone, and the tenth-ranked peak power burst out instantly, like a demon, surging, scaring the soldiers on the opposite wall as earthy.

Yang Feiyun had already sensed that most of the soldiers who defended the city were only third-order evolvers. Soldiers of this level can shoot tens of thousands of people with one slap.

Yang Feiyun felt that he was invincible. He immediately rushed forward and wanted to give these soldiers a lesson.

However, when he wanted to do it, he was suddenly stopped by Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Stop it, ask them first, and don't know a girl named Weier."

Yang Feiyun smiled and immediately exited with a bitter smile. It seems that Lin Chengzhu is still as strong as ever, and even if he is in another world, he will not give others a chance to act hard.


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