King of Eschatology

Chapter 727: Arrive in Hengshan

() Above the mountain, the flames are towering.

After a flash of heavy electric light flashed, the entire mountain turned into a volcano, and hot magma was splashing around, burning countless vegetation into a void.

Bai Qi stood in the core area of ​​the explosion, holding a purple gold electric hammer, rolling his body up and down, staring at the big pit in front of him like a demon.

Bai Qi's eyes were cold, but his brows were frowned tightly.

"Is King Qin killed like this?"

Bai Qi felt puzzled, feeling a little incredible.

He always felt that there was something wrong. King Qin could not be so weak, and even if his strength was not restored, he could not be so weak.

"Are you cheating?"

Bai Qi groaned secretly, his heart was not calm.

The problem was that Bai Qi saw with his own eyes that King Qin was struck by lightning and was completely swallowed by magma.

Bai Qi felt uneasy inside. After all, Qin Wang suppressed him on his head for many years, giving him a feeling of invincibility. Now that he has succeeded so easily, he feels a bit unreal.

"Oh, I'm not too brave, and dare to attack the king, I really want to die!"

A vicious voice came, and Bai Bai suddenly changed.

Bai Qimeng turned around, and the purple gold electric hammer in his hand smashed towards the place where the sound came, and the purple gold lightning appeared again, directly blasting the opposite hill into two.

However, there was no Qin King there.

Suddenly, Bai Qi's complexion changed, and a horrible suffocation suddenly came, which immediately made his eyes dark and stayed in place.

On the opposite side, Qin Wang's eyes looked at Bai Qi ruthlessly, and there was a killing intention between the eyebrows.

King Qin stretched out his hand and grabbed Bai Qi's head from a gap. With such a sudden pull, a black firework burned on Bai Qi's Tianling cover.


Bai Qi screamed and made a heartbreaking roar. He plopped and fell to the ground, banging his head hard, hoping to extinguish the black flame on his head.

"Mixed the god's thoughts, dare to kill the king, I don't know what is alive!"

The cold voice was issued in the mouth of King Qin, and he showed a strong sense of brutality throughout his body, yelling, "Why, even you have to fight against the King?"

The black flame could not be extinguished at all. It was burned from Bai Qi's sea of ​​knowledge, directly burning his spirit.

Bai Qi was in pain and fell on the ground without stopping, rolling like crazy.

Qin Wang approached Bai Qi step by step, looking at the purple gold electric hammer scattered aside, his breath became more and more terrifying.

"The purple gold electric hammer is in your hand. It seems that the mother star is planted in your hand."

While talking, King Qin stepped out, and immediately stepped on Bai Qi's arm. With a hard push, Bai Qi's arm burst into a mist of blood.


Bai Qi looked pale as paper. At this time, he was desperately asking for a life.

King Qin's eyes were indifferent, and he stepped out again, stepping on Bai Qi's other arm, and then he stunned and burst into a blood mist.

Bai Qi's two arms were all smashed, and the black flames rising above his head, the condition was unbearable.

Qin Wang's body was so arrogant that he couldn't understand why everyone had to fight against himself. This was the case thousands of years ago, and it still is.

The most important thing is that the rebels turned out to be the most respected general of King Qin, and suddenly made him completely mad, and the endless fierce gas broke out.


On the last kick, King Qin stepped on Bai Qi's head. With a full blow, the other party's head burst into a mist of blood.

From this moment, Bai Qi died completely.

Qin Wang mastered the exquisite art of puppetry. He just contaminated the puppet with a drop of his blood, and covered his face with a dragon robe and a crown.

The Qin King City Mansion is extremely deep, and now he is injured, and certainly will not face anyone.

King Qin went to Bai Qi's body, picked up the Zijin electric hammer, and a strange color appeared on his fierce face.

This is a big killer. With him, many things don't have to be so troublesome. Even in the secret realm, King Qin has the confidence to kill Lu Fan in one shot.

"It's worth your death!"

King Qin sneered and raised his foot and kicked Bai Qi's body into a large pit not far away.

The magma was rolling there, and it had not completely cooled down. After Bai Qi's body fell into it, a burst of fire broke out in an instant, and it completely disappeared.

King Qin stowed the Zijin electric hammer and stormed away in another direction.

Now that his injuries have not healed, he needs to find a safe place, adjust his injuries to the best state, and then perform mystery to find Lu Fan.

In the beginning, Qin Wang felt that things were more troublesome than expected, and now with the Zijin electric hammer, everything is no problem.

At the same time, at the foot of Hengshan, Lu Fan stood here alone, looking at the tall and towering Hengshan in a daze.

In Mount Tai, Lu Fan got the golden light body protection and got Ziqi Dong to refer to this super evolutionary martial art.

In Huashan, Lu Fan obtained a stone plate, from which he obtained the taboo law array of the Tianlian Beidou Sword Formation.

In Songshan, Lu Fan obtained a scroll, from which he realized the supreme Dharma, such as the palm of God, and received a bodhi leaf, which sharpened his understanding.

Now that Lu Fan has arrived in Hengshan, he is so excited that he doesn't know what fortune is waiting for himself.

"Shenlian, this time we are exploring Hengshan. Are you excited?"

Lu Fan communicated with ShenChain. Since the fourth genetic yoke was released in Songshan, ShenChain has been in a state of excitement.

When God Chain heard Lu Fan's question, he immediately responded: "Don't think about so much uselessness, take advantage of the time when King Qin hasn't chased him, and hurry up the mountain."

Lu Fan nodded in disapproval, feeling that God Chain made sense.

"King Qin was wounded by himself. He should not chase him in a short time. I have enough time to explore here."

Lu Fan groaned secretly and began to climb.

This mountain between Yunmeng and Yunmeng, like a steelyard, seems to be able to weigh the weight of the heavens and the earth.

After global evolution began ~ ~ Hengshan became even more extraordinary. Vigorous ancient trees grew between granites, each tall and erect, like a sword straight into the sky.

Lu Fan went all the way up the ancient road between the mountains, and the spiritual enhancement had been opened to the extreme, leaving no clues.

Here is Zhu Rongfeng, which is also the highest peak of Hengshan. Lu Fan was shocked along the way and soon climbed to the top.

"This is so special, is it over?"

Lu Fan stood on the top of Zhu Rongfeng Mountain and was alone in the wind.

Today, he is a mid-tier ten peak strong man, and his mental strength has stepped into the upper level of life. It is effortless to explore a famous mountain, and it will soon be completed.

It was precisely after the exploration that Lu Fan was bitter, because he found nothing.

However, when Lu Fan was standing on the top of the mountain, he always felt a little bit intrigued. It seemed that he hadn't noticed anything and ignored something.

(End of this chapter)

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