King of Eschatology

Chapter 735: Zombies are walking around

() At the same time, Huaxia is on the ground.

The Qin King was once hit by Lu Fan's Palm God, and was attacked by the Buddha's light. Even if he took the potion of life, he could not recover for a short while, causing the Qin King to roar again and again.

King Qin did not chase Lu Fan for the time being, he went west all the way and flew towards his imperial tomb.

"I heard that you are now the emperor of the Tianyue Empire. If your king slaughtered your people, would you come back to save people?"

King Qin's eyes were extremely vicious, and his brutal atmosphere was frantic and wild. He clutched the purple electric hammer in his hand, and wished to hit Lu Fan with a hammer.

He believed that no emperor would watch his people being massacred, as long as Lu Fan knew he was killing the people of the Tianyue Empire, he would definitely show up.

Then you can use the Zijin Electric Hammer to kill the opponent in one shot.

As for the people of the Tianyue Empire, they are all ants.

Soon after, King Qin returned to the Emperor's Tomb, where 10,000 gold armored soldiers stood by and stood proud.

As the tomb of Qin Shihuang revisited the sky, many places that did not see the sun returned to the surface, and the place where the golden armored soldiers stopped was exposed to the broad daylight.

With the return of King Qin, thousands of gold armored soldiers fell on their knees and shouted long live.

Qin Wang's eyes were murderous, looking at this specially-built team, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

These gold armored fighters are all intermediate fighters, much stronger than the dirt war fighters exposed before, it is a world of difference.

King Qin believes that as long as his gold armored team is dispatched, he can settle anywhere on the earth.

The lethality of the Golden Armored Team is too strong. If they are allowed to shoot, I am afraid that Lu Fan has not had time to respond, and the ants have been killed, and they must think of individual solutions.

Qin Wang thought secretly, and after a moment of groaning, his eyes suddenly lighted up.

"By the way, those dark chess that were once buried are now useless, so it's better to take them out!"

Qin Wang gave a cold hum, and suddenly his whole body was loud and loud. He shouted from the sky, and a horrible sound wave rolled in all directions like a wave.

At the same time, there seemed to be hidden runes shining on the ground, the surface shaking, and there was a horrible existence awakening, and it was necessary to drill out from the ground.


A loud roar broke the silence of this wilderness.

I saw a zombie that had been in use for more than a thousand years and got out of the dry ground. It was dark and dry, like a firewood, terrible, and smelly.

Immediately afterwards, another powerful zombie emerged from the ground, all of which were ancient zombies. Many zombies wore ancient costumes and are still clearly visible to this day.

The appearance of these two zombies seemed to sound the horn. In the ancient land of Huaxia, countless zombies have come out of the ground.

They were originally just an unconscious corpse, but all were mutated after being infected with a zombie virus.

And the strength of many zombies has become very different due to the year of death.

For example, there are only one or two hundred years of Qing zombies, most of which are only first-order zombies. This level of zombies is the weakest, but the number is the largest.

Later, Ming Yuan, Song, Tang, and Sui ... the zombies of each dynasty had different fighting powers, as long as the years of the corpses were more than a thousand years old, and the zombies were at least eighth-order zombies.

It may even become a Tier X zombie.

The Qin King roared, and the zombies went everywhere!

Masses of zombies came out of the ground, overwhelmingly dense and dense, and looked extremely terrifying.

On the surface, Huaxia has a civilization history of 5,000 years. In fact, it is not the case at all. Huaxia ’s civilization history is at least 100,000 years.

How many people have died in such a long time?

Among them, 99.99% of the corpses were all rotten, and even the bones became rotten, unable to meet the requirements of corpses.

However, this base is too large. Even if only a small number of corpses meet the requirements of corpses, the zombies emerging today are also massive.

Centered around King Qin, all zombies are within a 200-mile radius.

This is because King Qin deliberately suppressed the scope. He felt that these zombies were enough. Otherwise, zombies would be drilled from the ground throughout Huaxia.


With a loud roar, King Qin swarmed toward the East, densely packed, unable to see at a glance.

The strength of these zombies is uneven, the lowest is only first order, and even lacks arms and legs, barely able to move around.

But the powerful ones have reached the tenth level, the combat effectiveness is fierce, and there is a horrific and violent atmosphere.

Many limb-dead zombies are crawling **** the ground. Even so, they have to head towards the east to slaughter the humans there. They are eager to devour human blood.

However, whenever powerful zombies pass by, these corpses with mutilated limbs will be trampled underneath, and the weak solid bones will be trampled and smashed, which will soon become a pool of mud.

As a result, the scene seemed even more horrible, with zombies and wrecks everywhere, and a strong rancid air rising from the sky.

At this moment, the number of zombies has exceeded one million, and under the leadership of the super zombies, they are racing madly towards the east.

The entire Huaxia was alarmed, especially the eyeliner ambushing the Tianyue Empire in the immediate vicinity.

For a while, the news flew all over the sky, and the news of the large-scale birth of the ancient zombies was immediately spread.

At the same time, at the foot of Hengshan, Lu Fan has already arrived here and can't wait to start climbing.

Since defeating Qin King in the Songshan Buddha Kingdom space, the other party has not chased him, making Lu Fan feel a little less pressure.

However, Lu Fan is still worried. Although he is not in danger for the time being, if the other party turns his head to deal with the ordinary people of the Tianyue Empire, it will be a big trouble.

Although Lu Fan has successfully transferred the core members of the imperial capital, the cities distributed throughout Huaxia are still there, and there are still a large number of Lujiajun elites.

If these people were to be followed by King Qin, the consequences would be disastrous.

So ~ ~ Lu Fan must speed up.

"Chain of God, while you have not been suppressed by the power of heaven and earth, quickly tell me some useful information."

Lu Fan opened his mouth to the Super God Link System, and then added: "This time, we don't want to create, we just need to unlock the genetic yoke for you, you speed."

Hearing Lu Fan's question, Shenlian nodded in excitement and said, "Hengshan is extraordinary since ancient times, and there are immortal traces everywhere. However, there is a place for you to visit."


When Lu Fan heard it, he immediately came to a spirit.

Divine Chain said solemnly: "There is a dark space here. In that ancient time, it was famous throughout the universe and I believe there must be something extraordinary."

"Of course, the premise is that you have to find the entrance to Dongtian, otherwise everything is nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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