King of Eschatology

Chapter 741: Little Lolly

6 Everyone exclaimed, spread the pole, and flew towards the area where the nuclear bomb exploded.

Needless to know, the Qin King must have fought against the Tianyue Empire, and the six troops left are fighting back.

6 Frown frowning and humming in a bad voice: "Isn't I already said these bastards? Let them lead someone on the road, don't bump into Qin King!"

Due to time constraints, 6 Fan just sent the core personnel of the Imperial City to the uncle's abdominal world, and then sent all 6 army elites out. They should still be in Africa and South America.

The six troops left behind are all stationed in major cities. After returning from Songshan, 6 Fans have given them orders to let them withdraw first.

It seems that someone is defying military orders.

6Fan is very depressed. To be honest, as the Emperor Tianyue, his opponent's requirements are not strict.

Because of the 6 feelings, the important members of the major cities are their brothers, if the management is too strict, it is not beautiful.

But now it seems that the lack of control is easy to cause trouble, and it is a fatal event!

Now, 6 Fans suddenly understand the ancient founding emperors. They have many unintelligible methods of iron and blood. Maybe it is really the best way.

The birds do their best to hide, and the cunning rabbits cook away. This is just the statement of the inferiors, and the true superiors certainly would not understand it that way.

If the Tianyue Empire wants long-term peace and stability, the iron blood wrist is indispensable.

6 Fan Yan's eyes were cold and his heart secretly said, "After this crisis, it's time to rectify the Tianyue Empire."

"feels so good!"

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded, and 6 Fan who was flying high suddenly made a sudden brake and stopped abruptly.


6 When everyone exclaimed, Red Flame War Halberd appeared in the hands instantly, the mid-level tenth peak combat power burst suddenly, and it climbed to the extreme in an instant.

6 Fan suddenly felt that someone was nearby and immediately entered the state of combat readiness.

"Giggle ..."

A silver bell-like laughter sounded, and suddenly 6 Fan creeps.

6 Everyone who has strengthened spiritual awareness to the extreme, but still can't find the hidden people around him.

"Stop looking, I'm here!"

There was a sudden burst of air in the air, and I saw a delicate silver little Lori coming out of the void, standing opposite the 6 Fan, giggling.

6 Fan's eyes were cold, and a strong fear appeared in her heart. The opposite Yin Xiaolioli was standing there, but 6 Fan couldn't detect the other person's breath.

Seeing 6 looks like an enemy, Yin Xiaolioli smiled and trembled, and then she said, "You look at my eyes carefully to see who I am."

6Frown frowning, in fact, he has looked at each other several times, this silver little loli raised earlier, her small body has exploded, it is a beauty embryo.

However, 6 Fan really doesn't know each other, it just looks familiar.

Suddenly, 6 Fan looked for a moment, then showed a ghost-like expression, exclaimed: "Are you a **** chain?"

Yin Xiaolioli's eyes were narrowed, and she responded sharply: "IQ is okay, not too stupid."


6 Everyone can't help but swear a swear word, his face is aggressive.

"Why did you come out? And why did you become this ghost?"

Hearing 6 Fan's doubts, God Chain was unhappy and responded angrily: "This image is my ultimate form, is it good or not? It is really rare."

6 Fan is silent, but now he has no time to talk with God Chain here, and now the 6 troops are in danger, he must rush over as soon as possible.

Shenlian knew what Fan was worried about, and immediately said, "Relax, your men are not in danger for the time being, but King Qin is depressed, and his zombies have been basically destroyed."

"Huh? How do you know?"

6 Whenever a question comes out, secretly guess that the chain of God has the ability of an unknown prophet?

Divine Chain responded disdainfully: "As a cosmic invincible God system, how could this small thing not be known, you are too underestimated."

6 For a moment, it feels that the chain of God is not only a big change in the image, but also the tone of speaking, it looks like a little pride, and it should have achieved great fortune in the incident just now.

"Without concealing you, what you experienced just now is both a fantasy and a real one. Huaxia Wuyue has tempered your spirit and physical body, and by the way, all my genetic shackles have been opened. It's cool."

Hearing the words of Divine Chain, 6 wherever he moved, he suddenly found the focus in the other person's words.

"The genetic shackles are all open. Does that mean that I don't have to worry about King Qin taking you away?"

6Wan asked in surprise.

"That is, of course, in the eyes of this system, he is a scum."

6 Where there is no speech, the chain of God has just unlocked the genetic shackles, and it has already been arrogant to this extent.

God Chain seems to have been sealed for too long, at this time it looks very excited, jumping around beside Fanfan, like a lively child.

"With my current strength, who is better than King Qin?"

Since God Chain is so powerful now, 6 Fan can't help but ask the questions he cares most about, if he meets Qin Wang ~ ~, can he fight it?

Divine Chain responded earnestly: "Of course you are so terribly lost, but you can't carelessly, he now has a purple gold electric hammer in his hand, that's an artifact, you can't stop it."


6 Frown frowns, he has always neglected a lot of things. As an old monster who has lived a long time, King Qin must have many big killers in his hands.

Suddenly, God Chain came to 6 Fan, and his head full of silver dangled in front of 6 Fan. He asked, "I have an artifact here. Would you like to exchange it? Only 10 billion zombie points are needed."

"Get off your uncle!"

6 With a curse, he has just upgraded and upgraded with the help of zombies points. The zombies points accumulated before have been exhausted. At this time, no points can be exchanged.

Besides, a weapon needs 10 billion zombie points. Why not grab it?

6 Everyone who doesn't have a feeling in his heart feels that God Chain has become a traitor.

While talking, 6 Fan entered the God Link system and was ready to check how many points he had left.

As a result, I do n’t know. At a glance, the zombie points in the God Link system have passed 20 billion.

"what happened?"

6 Anyone who had a brain crash for a while, then came to understand that it must be related to the nuclear bomb attack just now.

"If I am not mistaken, the nuclear bomb attack just now has killed a lot of zombies, and the order is not low."

6 Fan's heart rejoiced. It seems that the actions of the 6 troops are not worthless, but commendable.

"Who was going to go back and reorganize just now? Now it's cheap and smirking here again. It's speechless."

Shenlian knew about 6 Fan's previous plans, and at this time saw the other party's attitude change, and immediately showed contempt.

(End of this chapter)

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