King of Eschatology

Chapter 744: Meet on the narrow road

The Jinjia warrior was like a broken bamboo, and the seemingly tall and towering Midwest wall was instantly broken, and turned into ruins in a cloud of smoke.

A large number of lives were harvested. Due to the great gap between the strengths of the two sides, the fighters in the armor could kill a large number of survivors with a single blow.

Some of them have good strength. At this time, they are fleeing to the east at an accelerated speed, almost breaking through the sound barrier.

However, in front of the Golden Armored Soldiers, everything was useless, and those people were caught up just after escaping a dozen kilometers, and ended in a tragic death.

When dying, everyone was regretted. Why did they miss the chance to escape?

However, there is no regret medicine in the world. In the last days, life and death are only a matter of thought. Sometimes, a wrong idea is fatal.

Ahead, Ye still waited for people to flee at high speed. They were all month-level soldiers. They were flying fast, and within a few minutes, they had escaped hundreds of kilometers.

However, the armored fighters were faster. After destroying the survivors of Midwest City, they began to pursue Ye Ye and others. Now the distance between the two sides is getting closer.

"Can't escape, what should I do?"

Ye was still behind, Liu Feng yelled, his voice was full of anxiety.

Ye still frowned, and after a moment of groaning, she said, "There is a mountain in front, and we are here to fight an ambush!"

The voice did not fall, Ye still adjusted the direction immediately, and stormed away towards the towering mountain ahead.

The others quickly followed, and Ye still landed in a mountain range ahead.

This is Taihang Mountain. The mountain is majestic and endless, like a natural barrier that runs across the Chinese mainland.

Ye is still waiting for someone to ambush here, preparing to fight an ambush.

There is no way, the power gap between the two sides is too large. If they continue to run away, they will eventually be overtaken by the enemy, so they will be wiped out one by one.

Coupled with the long front of the enemy, shot here, maybe there is a chance.

As soon as they landed, everyone began to get busy.

The demon hunting team performed the fastest, taking out the Galway weapon in the space ring at the first time, setting it on the top of Taihang Mountain.

The Eagles and the World Extermination Teams are not slow to respond. They have taken out all the useful things in the space ring, assembled all the weapons, and even took out the life potion.

Everyone's actions are almost the same, putting the potion of life in a close pocket.

In this way, even if it is fatally wounded in battle, it can recover quickly.

As long as they are not killed instantly, the soldiers can quickly recover their combat power.

While everyone was busy setting up Galway weapons, Wu Guang also installed his own light-brain projection equipment. At this moment, with the satellite positioning during the civilized period, everyone has seen the enemy camp.

I saw nearly 10,000 gold armored warriors flying at high speed on the land of Huaxia. Everyone was holding a golden long ge, as mighty as a god.

The front line of this 10,000-person team is very long. From the speed of the opponent, everyone has roughly guessed their strength.

This is a team consisting entirely of medium life. The strongest should be around the middle five, and the lowest is also the middle two.

The most important thing is that this powerful army does not seem to have recovered to its peak state. Over time, their strength has skyrocketed.

Of course, across a light curtain, everyone cannot accurately judge the strength of the enemy. Anyway, there is one thing to confirm that the enemy is very strong.

"Mad, wait for them to come over and let them fireworks first!"

Hoyadin said fiercely that he pointed a black muzzle obliquely to the sky and was ready to launch.

More than a hundred soldiers all took out their housekeeper's treasures. These high-powered weapons were recently provided by the Ministry of Scientific Research.

However, if there are too many enemies, even if they can play a certain role, today will be a fierce battle.

There is even the danger of annihilation by the entire army.

Ye still glowed, waiting silently for the enemy's arrival, until a moment when she suddenly swigged and the whole body burst out.

"The enemy is here, ready to attack!"

The words didn't fall, the leaves were still full of light in the eyebrows, the strong star light appeared, lit the whole sky, and the sacred breath permeated the whole space.

The next moment, a void was ripped through the void, and the turquoise flames poured down like a waterfall, drowning a newly appeared gold armor warrior.


The temperature of the entire space increased sharply, and the turquoise flames instantly condensed into a giant phoenix with a height of more than 100 meters.

The gold armored warrior was drowned by the fire of hell, and there were flames burning around him, and part of his body had been melted by the flames.

However, the gold armored warriors were originally tempered by the fire. Even if the temperature of the **** fire is extremely high, they will not be affected.

The flames of terror rose through the armored fighters, increasing their power.

Seeing that this scene was moving, Ling Ce had already finished wearing the mecha suit of the Scientific Research Department. At this time, he rushed up alone, and the black spear in his hand bloomed with brilliant brilliance.


The long gun was invincible, and when I saw Ling Ce's gunpoint, thousands of cold rays were sprayed out instantly. Numerous guns burst at the same time and erupted in the chest of the armor.

The Jinjia soldiers were first roasted by the fire, and then severely attacked by Ling Ce. Before responding for a while, several large caves were suddenly found in his chest.

Strangely, these fatal wounds did not affect the Jinjia soldiers at this time. At this time, the opponent suddenly punched his fist and slammed it on Ling Ce's chest.


With a single blow, his strength was unmatched, Ling Ce groaned, and flew back instantly, then fell to the ground fiercely, smashing the hard rocks into a large pit.


Ling Ce hated ~ ~ and wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth fiercely.

Everyone was shocked to see this scene. After Ling Ce put on the mech suit, he could exert the middle-fifth-level strength, and even he could not kill the gold armored soldier. How to fight this battle?

The most terrible thing is that the gold armored warrior has been severely damaged, and Ling Ce was taken out of his chest by several large holes. Why didn't he die?

Suddenly, Zheng Chengye, the captain of the Demon Hunting Team, yelled at everyone as if thinking: "This is the war figurine of King Qin, which has something in common with zombies, and everyone attacks his head."

The words didn't fall, Zheng Chengye's whole body strengthening strength soared, and when he saw his hands pressed, a horrible gravity appeared in vain on the ground ahead.

Gravity enhancement turned on instantly, the fierce golden armor warrior suddenly landed, and his action became slow, like falling into a mud.

Zheng Chengye's side shot unexpectedly, the same dark gun, and stabbed in the head of the armored soldier in an instant.

This powerful shot seems to be breaking the sky.

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