King of Eschatology

Chapter 764: The law of the universe

Liu Xiaozhang was surprised, he squatted silently on the ground, he couldn't wait to see through the whole wall at a glance, and wanted to see how the other party did it.

As a talented student in architecture, Liu Xiao has never seen such a high-tech construction technique, all of which are inlaid together by the materials themselves and piled together, just like a whole.

In the room, Lu Fan and Xu Xiaopeng were already stunned by the scene in front of them.

There are old racks everywhere. Nowadays, it is no longer possible to see what materials are arranged neatly, and I don't know what items to stack.

It can be seen that the middle of the room is very messy, and it seems that something terrible happened, the owner messed up when he could not wait to escape.

There are a lot of debris left on the wooden frame. It's too long, and I can't see it at all. It has been covered with dust and sealed by history.

"God chain, what is this place, what is on the shelf?"

Lu Fan glanced around the entire room, but in the end, he didn't find much, so he could only ask God Chain to inquire.

When God Chain heard Lu Fan's question, he appeared in his spiritual world for the first time, and said, "Here is the stronghold of the Big Bear Galaxy. The box on the wooden shelf contains the specimens of human organs and the brain."


Lu Fan was startled, disappointed.

There are more than thirty rows of wooden shelves in this room, and dozens of small boxes are placed on each wooden shelf. Unexpectedly, there are actually human brain specimens in it.


Lu Fan's heart was insane, and he asked in a cold tone.

Divine Chain did not directly answer Lu Fan's question, but instead asked: "I want to ask you, what is the reason why humans can become primates?"

"Crap, of course the brain!"

Lu Fan responded angrily. He originally wanted the Godchain to tell himself the purpose of the aliens to collect human brains, but he did not expect the other person to ask himself questions.

When God Chain heard Lu Fan's answer, he shook his head unwillingly, and said, "Your answer is right or wrong. Other animals also have brains. Why can't they be as smart as humans?"

Lu Fan did not rush to refute this time, but listened quietly. He felt that most of the chain of God had to say something shocking.

Divine Chain continued: "The focus is not on the brain, but on the degree of development of the brain."

"In general humans, only about 10% of the brain is developed, which means that 90% of human brains are idle and cannot be effectively used."

"And the average animal's brain utilization rate is only 12%, so although they also have brains, they can never be as smart as humans."

"Then the question is, if some biological brain utilization reaches 100%, then they see humans with brain utilization of only a dozen percent, don't they feel like looking at fools?"

Hearing the words of God Chain, Lu Fan's complexion gradually became difficult to look. Although he was very reluctant to admit it, but after careful consideration, this was really the case.

Divine Chain continued: "Besides the Earth people, the most intelligent alien in the universe, the utilization of the brain has reached 50%, which has become the limit of almost all living things."

"However, in such a nation, in a certain period of time, a group of amazing talents emerged. Not only the evolutionary potential is amazing, but also the brain utilization rate is surprisingly high."

"It is the Huaxia people who live on the ancient earth. Their appearance has multiplied the prosperity of the earth to the extreme and has become the supreme king who shines in all major galaxies."

"Later, the earth was gradually declining. Many aliens came to the earth and arrested the earth people for experiments. They wanted to look at the structure of the human brain and hope to obtain the magical method of brain utilization.

"Many aliens even reside on Earth, build strongholds on the moon, and have long been engaged in human living brain experiments."

"Until a long time, the aliens couldn't work out anything, and eventually had to give up and start buying and selling human brains."

"Human skulls are clearly priced, and the fresh brain has become a commodity in the interstellar space, with a lot of worth of cosmic coins."

"Every few hundred years, they will harvest a group of people on the earth and take them to the black market of the universe to sell them, often for a high price."

"Last time, Focalu and others from the Beckett came to earth, and they planned to harvest a group of people and sell them, but you were killed just after they came to earth."

Shen Chain said a lot in one breath, but Lu Fan didn't make a sound at all, his eyes had become scarlet like blood, and the endless cruelty of his breath grew and spread in his body.

He never wanted to kill people like this, he wanted to kill aliens.

Those lunatic aliens, even using human living brains to conduct experiments, are extremely cruel.

The most hateful thing is that they actually sell human brains in the black market of the universe, just like they sell livestock, instead of treating humans as human beings.


Lu Fan's eyes were cold and his body was murderous. He could not wait to rush into the alien's nest now and kill all those abominable assholes.

Divine Chain noticed the violent emotion on Lu Fan's body and immediately comforted: "The law of the universe, weak meat and strong food, if one's human strength rises one day, they can also hunt on their planet."

"The immediate priority is to accelerate the development of the earth's strength and prepare everything that should be prepared. Otherwise, you still cannot escape the end of being trafficked."

The words of Shen Chain made Lu Fan awake. He took a deep breath and calmed down his mood.

Lu Fan's chest, bodhi leaf sparkling, is helping Lu Fan's state of mind to return to clarity.


Lu Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that there was no need to stay here ~ ~ Originally, he wanted to continue to visit the moon, but now he is really out of mood, he wants to scan the moon as fast as possible, and then Choose the location of the fortifications.

Lu Fan's whole body shook, and the entire three-story building collapsed, turning it into a pile of ruins scattered all over the place.

Xu Xiaopeng and Liu Xiao were unprepared, and were smashed underneath by the unexpectedly collapsed ruins. At this time, they were drilled out, all ashamed.

The two were still looking east and west. No one expected that the building would collapse suddenly, and they were speechless for a while.

However, both of them could perceive the coldness in Lu Fan's body. At this time, no one dared to speak, and stood honestly in place.

"Time is running out, so we have to hurry up."

The words didn't fall, Lu Fan immediately ran towards the distance, he no longer limited his speed, astonishingly fast.

Xu Xiaopeng and Liu Xiao were shocked at the same time, not knowing what stimulation the boss received, and immediately tried their best to catch up.

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