King of Eschatology

Chapter 781: 3 walnut trees

Lu Fan looked somber and landed in front of three walnut trees. His powerful momentum was suffocating.

"The three of you dare to attack this emperor actively, aren't you trying to die?"

The three fallen walnut trees trembled up, the branches trembled, and the trunk twisted, looking extremely humane.

For this, Lu Fan is not surprised. Many plants have also turned on their spiritual intelligence, such as Lan Bao's Xuebao, which showed a high level of intelligence in the seedling period.

In addition, Lu Fan once fought a highly evolved banyan tree and knew some of the evolving plants.

As long as the environment meets certain conditions, plants can also be transformed, and the king of ficus and lotus are the best examples.

However, the three walnut trees in front of him were obviously not transformed, and at this time still maintained the shape of the tree and looked very bulky.

Hearing Lu Fan's questioning, the three walnut trees were trembling with fright. They heard of the terrible deeds of the Terran Emperor. In their view, the Terran Emperor began to suppress the plants after suppressing the beasts.

The three walnut trees are silent, and Lu Fan does not know whether the other party will speak. In theory, as long as the spiritual intelligence reaches a certain level, mental fluctuations can be transmitted.

Of course, this requires strong mental strength. Whether the walnut tree has reached such a level, Lu Fan is unknown.

Based on the attack power of the three walnut trees just now, Lu Fan can be sure that the other party has evolved to medium life and belongs to the moon plant, which meets his needs.

Therefore, Lu Fan threatened the three walnut trees: "You have attacked the emperor for no reason. You have already committed the crime of death, but God has good virtues. Therefore, the emperor decided to spare you your life."

Hearing Lu Fan's words, the three walnut trees obviously couldn't react, and their sages were extremely simple. At this time, they couldn't help revealing the perplexity: "This murderous executioner knows that God has good virtues?"

Lu Fan didn't pay attention to these details, and continued: "The emperor's kindness and kindness in his heart not only did not hold you accountable, but also considered your future. The emperor arranged a new home for you."

With a few words, Lu Fan shrouded the clouds of the three walnut trees. They had limited ability to understand and became even more confused at this time.

But there was a sentence they understood, as if the emperor of the human race had arranged a new residence for himself.

"Follow this emperor, I believe you will fall in love with that place, it is definitely a fairyland on earth, enjoy the look of the world."

During the conversation, Lu Fan waved his hand, and three walnut trees were packed into the storage space by Lu Fan. Regardless of whether the other party agreed or not, he swept away in the direction of Mount Everest.

The reason why Lu Fan said so much to the three walnut trees was to prepare them in advance. In case the other party would rather die, he had no time to look for other moon-level plants.

This matter can only be regarded as three unfortunate walnut trees, who let them expose their strength so early, otherwise Lu Fan would not be able to follow.

At Lu Fan's speed, it took only a few minutes to travel from central and southern China to Mount Everest. When he reached the peak again, the staff here were still clearing the snow.


The soldiers were very happy to see Lu Fan go and return. Lu Fan has always been paying attention to this, indicating that he attaches great importance to the tower.

"Liu Xiao, arrange for people to dig a big pit here, and there, one for each of the three corners."

Just as Lu Fan arrived here, he immediately issued a series of instructions, leaving the members of the Ministry of Infrastructure scratching their heads.

However, this does not affect everyone's execution of the order. Members of the Ministry of Infrastructure immediately picked up the tools and dug large pits at three positions of Mount Everest according to the orientation specified by Lu Fan, and dug up the hard rocks.

The efficiency of the Capital Construction Department was extremely high. In just ten minutes, the three big pits were settled, and Lu Fan nodded with satisfaction.

With a big wave of Lu Fan, three walnut trees were released and appeared in the snow and ice.

"it's too cold!"

The three walnut trees just appeared here, and immediately sent out a strong spiritual fluctuation, it seemed that they could not bear the severe cold here.

Lu Fan, however, sank. He just tried to talk to them just now. The three trees had no sound at all. At this time, he was able to send out spiritual fluctuations, apparently avoiding himself deliberately.

"There are three pits here, one for each, so hurry in."

Lu Fan opened his mouth, his voice chilled and made the three walnut trees tremble.

The three walnut trees are very reluctant. Xiaodongshan has been transformed by them like a fairyland. At this time, it suddenly appears in such a ghost place, and the mood is extremely bad.

I am afraid there is no worse place on earth than here?

"The environment here is too cold and we will die."

The three walnut trees sent out mental fluctuations at the same time, begging Landing Fan for mercy, not wanting to stay here.

Lu Fan didn't say a word. He walked directly to the edge of a large pit, and with a bang, a lot of energy crystals fell into it, and he immediately gave off a strong evolutionary force.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Fan took out another bottle of life potion, opened the lid, and murmured into Dakeng, and for a time, the breath of life was wanton.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Lujiajun Army were a little puzzled and didn't know what the boss was doing.

However, the poor walnut tree, which has always been installed, is not calm now. One of them jumped up and then landed in the pit.

Immediately afterwards, one of its thicker tree roots swept continuously, burying earth and stones excavated around him.

"I think it's okay here, and I can barely stay for a while."

This preemptive walnut tree exudes spiritual fluctuations, and then there is no sound, and it starts to absorb the evolutionary power in the energy crystal crazy, and the thick breath of life ~ ~ This method is God Chain told Lu Fan that originally he just held a try attitude, but did not expect it to be really useful.

Lu Fan had a lot of energy crystals on his body, and countless life potions. At this time, he began to squander a lot of money and poured it into the other two big pits.

The remaining two walnut trees knew that it was impossible for them to go back. At this time, they identified a pit and jumped in.

As a monthly plant, the severe cold here can no longer threaten them. As long as there is sufficient evolutionary power to absorb them, they will grow everywhere.

What's more, there is a strong breath of life here, which allows them to evolve more quickly. It is also an opportunity for them.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel inconceivable. The boss's method was so clear that even plants could easily surrender.

So the question comes, what is the boss doing when they get three big trees?

Shouldn't it be because the environment here is too boring?

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