King of Eschatology

Chapter 783: Bombet Stars

Marsana responded: "Zombies are dead, and their life system is completely different from the life system of our universe. It is said that zombies are not native species."

Hearing Marsana's words, Rubik nodded helplessly, and said, "Yes, I have heard of this, too. Some research institutions claim that zombies are a combination of undead and ghouls. Our universe. "

"Anyway, the species of zombies is very big, and if it is not necessary, we don't want to be associated with it."

Many people were scared to hear these theories for the first time.

A long time ago, the zombie virus began to spread in the interstellar space. No one knew where the virus came from, let alone how to completely eliminate it.

According to the most advanced technology in the universe, infection with zombies is still incurable, and unless it can resist the virus itself, corpses will inevitably occur.

In the past, major galaxies rushed to research on zombies and try to find a solution, but the final solution was not found, and the way to create zombies was found.

At an institute in the Dwarf galaxy, they discovered that compressing zombie viruses with the life origins of certain plants can turn them into bean-sized zombie mother beans.

As long as the zombie mother beans are planted on the ground, powerful zombies will be planted immediately.

Lu Fan has already seen this method, and it is the spreading army that Fukaru used to cast.

In fact, those zombie female beans were purchased by Fukaru at a large price. The better the soil, the stronger the zombies are.

These thoughts flashed in Rubick's mind, and then he commanded to the crowd: "Return immediately to the battleship and leave the place quickly, just a group of lost zombies, ignore them."

The words did not fall, and everyone returned to the Star Wars, and then the roar broke out. Ten Star Wars took off in succession and flew towards the Earth at a rapid speed.

The endless zombies rushed to the place where the battleship landed, and at this time they took a blast, and a sudden roar broke out.

However, with the passage of time, these gathered zombies fell into the confusion again and began to wander aimlessly in all directions.

At the same time, the Earth's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

"The enemy has one minute to reach the battlefield!"

On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Lu Fan and others were quietly waiting. The voice of the God Chain suddenly sounded, and suddenly Lu Fan was shocked.

With the exception of Lu Fan, there were only twenty Lujiajun soldiers participating in the battle, while the other monthly soldiers all lurked around the battlefield and controlled one after another.

Divine Chain has told Lu Fan the details of the enemy. This group of aliens comes from the Beckett star, the number is 8,000, one October soldier, two September soldiers, and four August soldiers.

These seven people are the core of this vanguard. Apart from them, the remaining 8,000 Becketts are all May fighters, with a neat military appearance and a terrific demeanor.

As for the Lu Jiajun, there are only twenty soldiers who have reached the level of May. If they confront each other, it is tantamount to praying with a mantis arm.

Therefore, the main force of this attack on the Beckett star was the Galway weapon, and the main task of Lu Fan and others was to block those counter-attack enemies.

Divine Chain did not disappoint Lu Fan. Ten Star Warships landed one after another. The locations were the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau that had already laid a net of heaven and earth.

All ten warships maintained a proud attitude, and passed through the earth's atmosphere like a meteor, as if looking down at this land, trying to suppress all life on this planet.

As the battleship descended from the air, Lu Fan immediately issued an attack order.


The battleships had just landed, and the already buried Galway energy bombs burst. The horrible energy rose into the sky and turned into a cloud of mushrooms, flooding ten battleships.

The power of these high-power energy bombs is extremely arrogant, much greater than the power of nuclear bombs, and at the same time blasting, the power is amazing.

Poorly, these warships had not been in contact with the earth before being bombarded into the sky again, and turned into sky debris.


Rubick was so angry that he had just arrived on the earth and hadn't had time to reveal his peerless fierce power. He was beaten by surprise and could not bear it.

Countless Beckett warriors fell out of the broken battleship, and at this time, like dumplings, they fell towards the ground, and the scene was unbearable.

This unpredictable explosion bombarded at least 1,000 Beckett fighters.

Rubik roared again and again, everyone was wearing combat glasses, searching for the enemy's whereabouts.

They found that the breath of humanity appeared in all directions, and it seemed to be divided into many strands, surrounding the whole circle.

The Begitts don't know why the Earth people are so arranged, because in their view, such an arrangement has no threat at all, as long as they impact in one direction, they can easily open a gap.

However, Lu Jiajun did not give them too much reaction time. Eighty-one quantum laser towers burst at the same time, and the dazzling rays of light intertwined with each other, forming a large net of energy.

Suddenly, the entire Qinghai-Tibet Plateau changed, and it seemed to cut off the sky and the earth, forming a special space.

"Phantom Cave!"

The high-tech fantasy array from the Super God Link System has finally come out.

In fact, this kind of technology is also the most advanced existence among medium civilizations. With the help of quantum force, it forms resonance and converges between eighty-one laser towers, thereby triggering the function of the matrix method.

At this moment, the entire Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is full of beautiful phantoms. Behind that beauty, there is a murderous horror hidden.

Located in the center of "Phantom Cave Sky", the Begit star is terrified ~ ~ This technology means they have seen, similar to the way of formation, is extremely difficult to entangle.

Once caught in it, it is difficult to get out of trouble, and even the message cannot be delivered.

In other words, all the Becketts are isolated from the world.

Someone hurriedly took out the communication equipment and tried to send a distress signal to the mother star, but it was a bitter discovery that no signal could be transmitted at all, and all were blocked by the "phantom cave sky".

Rabik roared and said, "Don't be messy, just a declining planet. Don't be afraid. As long as we defeat any tower, we can break the formation here."

Hearing the roar of Rubik, the soldiers of Beget Star quickly stabilized their hearts and began to attack in a certain direction.

Through combat glasses, it can be found that the location of the eighty-one laser towers is not very far, and at their speed, a slam can reach there.

As a result, Rubik moved, with the remaining 7,000 Beckett warriors madly attacking, they chose a launch tower in the north.

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