King of Eschatology

Chapter 791: Break the Xinghai, revenge and snow hate!

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Du Lingyun didn't know what the ferryman meant, but she always felt that the other party would not say this for no reason, so she kept it in her heart.

Maybe it will be useful in the future.

Du Lingyun turned and walked towards Penglaixian Island, where there were great opportunities waiting for her.

At the same time, the nation ’s high-profile national funeral has finally begun.

When the first rays of sunlight hit the earth in the early morning, the entire Tianyue Empire began to stir up, and countless strong men rushed here from all directions to participate in the state funeral.

There are humans, wild beasts, and groups of sea beasts, densely packed, in great numbers.

Although the momentum is huge, but it is not messy at all, everything is well organized, and no one dares to find trouble in this section.

Before the Tianyue Emperor's Palace, millions of army troops had already assembled. Everyone was wearing imperial uniforms. The position of the left arm was uniformly wrapped with white plain cloth.

In front of Tianyue Emperor's Palace, a long and wide road was recuperated, leading straight to the southernmost part of the empire and directly connected to the South China Sea.

With the vigorous development of evolutionary civilization, the road of civilization is not so important, and the actions of new humans are no longer restricted by the road.

The powerful evolutionaries can even fly soaring, even the mountains and rivers cannot stop their footsteps, let alone the roads.

However, in order to demonstrate the majesty of the empire, the Lu Jiajun built a road to connect the entire Tianyue Empire.

This road is of great significance and is called Tianyue Avenue.

The place where Tianyue Avenue begins is the towering Tianyue Spiritual Monument.

A heavy drum sounded, and Lu Fan took the senior staff of the Tianyue Empire to walk on Tianyue Avenue to present a wreath to the Tianyue Spiritual Monument.

Behind Lu Fan, Lin Xiaoxiao and Lian'er followed closely, and many high-ranking empire personnel all paid their respects to Lu Jingjun's dead soul with Lufan.

The whole world is silent, the sun is hidden by the clouds, it seems to be able to detect the sadness of people, at this time no longer reflects the world.

Shao Qing and Lu Fan stood up and turned to look at the rigorous Lu Jiajun and representatives of all parties in the world.

His whole body was full of momentum, and a horror from the superiors swept through the wilderness, shocking everyone who visited.

You know, Lu Fan has just slaughtered the wild beasts of Australia not long ago, and even cooked a sea, causing boundless killings.

Countless beasts in the sea have died, and the entire sea has become a dead place, shocking the world.

This incident has had a huge impact all over the world, especially the impact on the wild beast community, especially the wild beasts in the sea.

I thought that by virtue of the sea, the beasts in the sea could do whatever they wanted, but after Lu Fan cooked a piece of the sea, all the beasts understood the truth, the Emperor Tianwei was inviolable.

Especially after the annihilation of more than 8,000 aliens by Lu Fan, this concept is even more deeply rooted in people's hearts. Lu Fan has already established an unshakable image of the emperor.

There is no king of earth under the whole world. The entire earth has been conquered by the Tianyue Empire. No one dares to disrespect the Tianyue Emperor.

Lu Fan looked coldly, glanced at the crowd, and said solemnly: "Some people say that the last days are over, now is the first year of evolution and has entered a new era."

"Humans and wild beasts coexist peacefully throughout the world, achieving a unified and harmonious scene. The future will be a great situation, and all life can flourish."

"But I can tell you responsibly that the end of the world is not over. The real end of the world has just begun."

"I believe everyone has seen that aliens are invading our earth and trying to kill all the creatures on it."

"They are powerful and advanced in technology, and their overall strength is many times that of the Earth."

"However, life on earth is not easy to mess with. Anyone who commits it will have to pay a heavy price. This time, we destroyed them all."

Lu Fan's voice became louder and louder, and then almost roared, everyone in the scene was shocked.

Especially when Lu Fan talked about destroying all of the other party, his voice was so strong and powerful that anyone could feel his domineering, making every life on the earth exult.

Next, Lu Fan's tone became more dignified, and he continued: "Although this battle wiped out all the aliens, the Lu Family Army also paid a heavy price. More than 2,000 Army elite soldiers died in this battle. . "

"In order to protect the safety of the life of the planet and to safeguard the dignity of the life of the planet, the Lu Jiajun fought bravely and used his flesh and blood to build a great wall of steel for the entire planet."

"Every sacrificed warrior is lovely. They are the elite in my life on earth and deserve respect from all lives."

"Today, I set up the Tianyue Spirit Soul Monument in the name of the Emperor Tianyue. All the soldiers who died in the army will be remembered by history and passed down to future generations, and admired for generations.

Hearing Lu Fanna's voice like Hong Zhong Da Lu, every life on earth feels at ease, Lu Fan's voice sweeps the world like a thunder, and all life can be heard clearly.

Lu Fan's momentum was soaring. It seemed that there was an intent in his heart to stir up the sky, and he could break the **** of heaven and earth at any time.

"Begitts are the first wave of aliens invading Earth. In the coming days, more and more aliens will invade Earth. They all have the same goal, which is to destroy us."

"In the face of all this, we can't stubbornly ask for mercy, but become stronger and take the initiative to kill the depths of the Xinghai and destroy the alien's nest."

Speaking of which, Lu Fan's momentum shook, and the tenth-ranked peak of the middle tenth towered from the sky. A horrible momentum wave descended from the sky, squeezing the sky full of clouds, and the thunder in it was horrifying.

"Please follow me to break the Xinghai Sea, and pay revenge, revenge, snow, hate for the dead soul of the Lu Jiajun!"

Lu Fan burst into a roar ~ ~ Thunderbolts exploded into the sky. Numerous thunders crooked and criss-crossed above the heads of billions of souls. It seemed to be showing something.

Every earth's life is shaken by it, whether it is a human or a wild beast, or a plant that has turned on the sage, at this time they are deterred by Lu Fan's words and their hearts roar.

"Breaking the Xinghai, revenge and snow hate!"

I don't know who took the lead in shouting, and suddenly, the entire Tianyue Empire participated in the state funeral roaring, venting their inner dissatisfaction with aliens.

The sound was violent, spreading all over the Badlands, the whole earth was shrouded in shouts, and countless lives joined in. Despite the fact that each side of the sky had the same feelings.

At this moment, the unparalleled solidarity of life around the world shows unparalleled cohesion, but every life with a little wisdom is full of awe and respect for the Emperor Tianyue, and it also has an unparalleled adoration.

(End of this chapter)

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