King of Eschatology

Chapter 796: Big Yellow Fish King leads the way

() When Penglai Xiandao was messing around, on the East China Sea, an old man in a robe stood on a flat boat and stood proudly.

If Du Lingyun would definitely recognize here, this would be the ferryman who carried her in.

The old man gently lifted the bucket bucket and looked into the depths of the mist. His eyes were as deep as the abyss, which seemed to contain a brilliant galaxy.

Before long, the old man's deep eyes suddenly flashed a flash of light, as if countless stars were lit.

Until now, the old man finally nodded his head, secretly whispering: "You waited more than two thousand years, and you finally appeared."

The voice did not fall, and the old man sat at the stern of the boat, gently shaking an ancient paddle, and gradually disappeared into the mist.

At the same time, above the East China Sea, a huge sea beast came over the void, destroying it along the way, causing a thousand waves and a terrifying scene.

This is a huge whale. On its back, Lu Fan stands proudly, staring carefully at the sea ahead.

The Big Yellow Fish King has taken the lead in front, at this time they have been running for more than two hundred nautical miles, and so far they have not found the mysterious area they originally encountered.

"Isn't it the wrong direction?"

The big yellow croaker whispered there, the more guilty he went, the more he went forward.

Above the sea, The King Whale has been behind the Big Yellow Fish King, and at this moment, he heard the muttering of the other person, and suddenly his eyes glared, cursing: "You bastard, what are you mumbling?"

The big yellow croaker shrank his neck and was afraid to squeak. If the other party knew that he was in fact blindly leading the way, he would be shot dead.

There is no way, the sea route is not easy to remember, plus the big yellow croaker's brain is not good, it is already good to have a general direction.

In this way, the king of yellow croakers went forward for more than ten nautical miles and began to slow down gradually.

The reason for the slowdown is not that the destination is approaching, but that it feels that it is going in the wrong direction.

On the back of The Whale King, Lu Fan stood there with his waist straight, his eyes closed.

At the same time, his spiritual enhancement has begun to the extreme, sweeping constantly in this sea, trying to find a special place.

Lu Fan did not put all his hopes on a fish. In case the other party could not find that place, even if he killed the other party by himself, it would not help.

At this time, Lu Fan had strengthened the control of the spiritual sense into a line, and continued to extend in a certain direction, which could strengthen the scope of exploration.

However, the scenes within a range of hundreds of miles are exactly the same, they are all rough seas, and there is no special area at all.

The consciousness enhancement swept repeatedly without success, and Lu Fan's brows gradually wrinkled.

"Don't waste any effort. Penglai Xiandao is hidden in the folded space. Unless you can really walk in, even if Xiandao is very close to you, you can't detect the slightest."

The chain of God suddenly opened, interrupting Lu Fan who continued to perform spiritual enhancement.

"Why is this?"

Lu Fan is puzzled. In theory, there will be a special area near the folding space. As long as this area is found through spiritual enhancement, the entrance can be easily found.

Shenlian explained: "Let me tell you this. The folding space is actually another space. The two are not in the same space. Of course you can't detect it. Can you understand that?"

Lu Fan was silent, but was a little disappointed in his heart. Can't he find the entrance to Xianshan overseas this time?

As Lu Fan's mood improved, the breath exuded on the surface of his body naturally changed, which caused the pressure of the surrounding air to increase a lot.

The whale king at the foot of Lu Fan felt the change of Lu Fan's breath for the first time, and he was so frightened that his emotions of fear spread in his heart.

"Rhubarb, how far is it?"

The whale king felt that the situation was a little bad, and maybe he would be killed by this pit cargo today.

The king of croakers had even more misery. At first, they only accidentally strayed into that mysterious area, wandering in it for many days, and it took a lot of effort to break out.

When they left, they basically ran away and vowed never to come here again. How could they remember the specific location of the mysterious area?


The whale king roared angrily and yelled, "Bastard, my king asks you something."

The big yellow croaker shrank his neck in shock, and immediately responded, "It's coming soon, it's just ahead."

The Big Yellow Fish King replied with a guilty conscience, it really did not dare to say that it was lost, otherwise it would be dead.

At this moment, a strange color suddenly appeared on the sea in front of it. It seemed that water vapor rose from the sea surface and shone with a special luster under the reflection of waves.

Seeing this scene, the king of big yellow croakers was shocked and rejoiced, "Here, I found it!"

The whale king and Lu Fan at the same time stared at each other and looked towards the front, and found that there was a certain difference, especially on the sea surface, some water mist wafted up, so suspended above the sea surface more than half a meter, lingering Nowhere.

At the edge of the sea, the Big Yellow Fish King immediately stopped and said excitedly: "The great emperor, fortunately, it was a shame, the front is the mysterious area we encountered before."

The whale king also showed great joy at this time. To be honest, it was under tremendous pressure on the way. If the king of yellow croakers could not find this place, I am afraid it is the worst.

The whale king smiled and nodded, and did not speak, but was obviously relieved.

Lu Fan rejoiced in the same heart. He found out the chain of God and asked, "God chain, is this the entrance to Fairy Island?"

Divine Chain was also very interested. He observed the special area in front of him through Lu Fan's eyes, and responded after a while: "If I'm not mistaken, this should be Penglai Xiandao."

"Penglaixian Island!"

Hearing this word, Lu Fan suddenly felt very happy ~ ~ The Penglai Mountain among the three great immortals is on Penglai Xiandao. Now that you find Penglai Xiandao, it is equivalent to finding Penglai Mountain.

Shenlian continued: "This is the dividing line of the folding space. If you go 500 meters further into the Penglai Xiandao area, the surrounding scenes will change dramatically, and it will be difficult to come out. "


Lu Fan's expression was stagnant, and he asked, "Is there something weird in it?"

Divine Chain replied unwillingly: "That's right, there's a lot of weirdness in it, but you just have to remember a little bit."

"Which point?" Lu Fan continued to ask.

GodChain responded: "You can only stay in it for a maximum of seven days, or you will be assimilated by the power of heaven and earth there, and it will not be easy to come out at that time."

Lu Fan's heart froze, then nodded gently, and said secretly: "Seven days is enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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