King of Eschatology

Chapter 803: Then blasted it

() In the hall, the atmosphere became more dignified.

The native evolutionaries of Penglaixian Island have always wanted to go out, but when they found that the degree of external evolution was much higher than themselves, they were a little hesitant.

"It doesn't make sense. According to ancient records, after we were sealed, the Earth's main space experienced a massacre. All evolutionary civilizations have broken down their heritage. How can anyone become so strong?"

"There is also the woman, whose strength is around the sixth grade. With her age, it is absolutely stunning in our Penglai Xiandao, and it is impossible for peers to break through to intermediate life."

"Perhaps, we have been eager to go out, but in fact, we did not imagine it was beautiful."

The reason why the people of Penglai Xiandao want to go out in this way is mainly to enter the main space of the earth and become the master of the earth.

But now it seems that after they go out, they can only play soy sauce. For a time, this idea began to shrink.

"For the time being, whatever happened, as long as the two men who broke into the mountain were caught, everything came out."

"Yes, rush to Shenshan and catch two invaders alive!"

The hall was so murderous, everyone sighed with anger, wanted to catch the invaders alive, and after receiving useful news, they all killed.

The little prince saw the crowd's momentum and immediately yelled, "Okay, in this case, attack immediately!"

The words did not fall, Xiao Wang first rushed out of the hall and stormed away in the direction of Shenshan.

At the same time, the old men, the old suzerain, the old head and other strong players followed closely. This time, they have made up their minds to fight the invaders.

The tragic killing spirit swept across Penglai Xiandao instantly.

At the same time, on the Penglai Mountain, Lu Fan and Du Lingyun have climbed to the middle of the mountain. Because no one has climbed here for many years, the road here is not accessible, and only some sporadic ancient roads appear.

But all this is nothing to Lu Fan and Du Lingyun who have evolved to a very high degree.

"Lu Fan, do you think there are any gods here?"

Du Lingyun stared at the top of the mountain, looking at the endless sea of ​​clouds, and asked Landing Fan aloud.

Lu Fan smiled unwillingly and asked, "What is **** and what is immortal?"

Du Lingyun was embarrassed, and looked at Lu Fan with a little puzzlement.

Lu Fan explained: "In the eyes of ordinary people, the evolver is the god, because the evolver has the power and ability that ordinary people cannot imagine."

"However, in the eyes of inferior evolvers, intermediate evolvers are immortals, because they have powerful means that they cannot match."

"Similarly, in the eyes of intermediate evolutionaries, superior evolutionaries are godlike beings."

"Actually, gods are just a form of addressing higher-level evolutionaries. As long as they stand at a higher level of evolution, everyone can become a god."

As soon as Lu Fan spoke, Du Lingyun's eyes suddenly opened up, and he seemed to see a wider world.

There is no end to evolution, and no one knows what the end of evolution is, but everyone is pursuing a higher level, that is not only the desire for power, but also the exploration of the road to evolution.

The two walked and talked, and soon found out that there was no way up.

Penglai Xianshan is rarely visited, and few people come up. This is the holy land of local evolutionists. Anyone approaching is a blasphemy of the mountain.

Lu Fan frowned slightly. He came here to find a person. According to the calculation of the chain of God, the secret of the seal of the earth was hidden in this person. Only when he was found could he have the chance to unlock the seal of the earth.

This person is Xu Fu, a guy who hates Qin Wang.

If it wasn't for Xu Fu who had pitted King Qin then, I'm afraid King Qin's ambition would have been defeated.

Xu Fu was an evolver more than 2,000 years ago. His evolutionary path is different from that of ordinary evolvers. He is good at divination and will refine elixir, and has a supreme position.

Perhaps, Xu Fu had reached the ambition of King Qin, so he ran ahead.

If not, I'm afraid he will be wiped out by King Qin together and become a "remainder" hiding in Tibet everywhere.

Suddenly, Lu Fan realized that there was a problem, and the other party was good at divination. Shouldn't he have come long ago, so did he run ahead of time?

Thinking of this, Lu Fan immediately shook his head and secretly denied: "It should not be possible, Xu Fu has been sleeping on one of the three immortal mountains, and it should not count as my coming."

"what happened to you?"

Suddenly, Lu Fan saw that Du Lingyun's complexion became strangely flushed. The sweat was dripping from his forehead, and he seemed to be under great pressure.

Du Lingyun shook her head gently and responded, "It's nothing, I just feel tired."

It seems that there is a special world coercion, which has a great impact on Du Lingyun, especially after entering the cloud and fog area, this feeling is more obvious.

Hearing this, Lu Fan frowned. Du Lingyun was an intermediate sixth-order evolutionary, and his strength was already very strong. If he was in the main space of the earth, he would be able to reach any peak.

But here, I feel tired after climbing only halfway. There is definitely something weird here.

Lu Fan walked to Du Lingyun and took the initiative to hold each other's hand. The majestic force of evolution poured into her body, making Du Lingyun Jiao's body startled and her body feeling a lot easier.

"thank you!"

Du Lingyun was held by Lu Fan with a small hand and thanked somewhat shyly.

Lu Fan nodded gently, looking indifferent.

At this moment, Lu Fan was startled in vain, and a rush of murderous intentions fell from the sky, and came to the two of them.

That terrible sharp breath broke the void, and seemed to jump out of the space of different dimensions, and the whole space burst.


Lu Fan yelled, his right hand slammed towards the front, and the power of the middle tenth-level peak instantly climbed to the limit. At the same time, his feet slammed on the ground. With the mountain explosion, he had taken Du Lingyun out.


The dazzling light enveloped everything, and the terrifying atmosphere condensed in this space. The place where Lu Fan and Du Lingyun had just stayed was blasted out of a large pit.

Lu Fan was horrified and blood was dripping from his right hand. In the confrontation just now, his palm was cut by the opponent.

"What a tough attack!"

Lu Fan's eyes were cold, and a strong fear was rising in his heart.

You know, Lu Fan's body is very powerful. Even if he is of the same level, he would not be injured unless he has a Yang-level weapon.

Therefore, the enemy is by no means a casual generation, stronger than any enemies encountered by Lu Fan ~ ~ However, when Lu Fan saw the enemy's appearance clearly, he suddenly felt amazed.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, a whole snow-white fairy crane appeared in Lu Fan's field of vision. It raised its head proudly, and its sharp bird's beak exuded waves of coldness, which seemed arrogant.

The fierce blow just now turned out to be from this fairy crane.

"Specially, even a beast dare to hurt me, to death!"

Lu Fan was furious, a flash of golden light on his hand, and a large golden bow appeared on his hand, which immediately caused violent energy fluctuations.

The Yang-level weapon broke the sky bow. Lu Fan no matter what the origin of this fairy crane, since he dared to hurt himself, he shot it!


Thank you Xiaochunjie for giving rewards. I am embarrassed to see you always giving rewards, cough, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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