King of Eschatology

Chapter 807: 3 avatars

() Du Lingyun was terrified. At this moment, she suddenly remembered the ballad sung by the other party, and gradually understood the hidden secret.

"The ghostly ferry travels back and forth, the three mountains and the five Yues travel on earth, and I have a bite of mysterious yellow gas that can swallow the sun, the moon, and the stars."

Du Lingyun came to understand that the real terrible place of the other party was the gluing light from his mouth.

Opposite Xu Fu, Lu Fan really did not have any precautions, maybe it was chaos when he was concerned. When he was about to get the news of unseal the earth, he was drilled by Xu Fu.

I have to say that Xu Fu has a strong set of skills in front of him. Otherwise, it would not have been possible for Hu Qin to pass by more than 2,000 years ago.

At this time, the distance between the two was too close. Xu Fu broke out and broke out. A glaucome spurted from his mouth and hit Lu Fan's face door.

Lu Fan was able to perceive that the blue light was extremely sharp. If he was hit, he would absolutely have to move his head, and a strong sense of death covered his heart.

The distance is too close, Lu Fan cannot escape at all.

"After so many winds and waves, I did not expect to capsize in the gutter."

This is the last thought in Lu Fan's heart. He didn't blame anyone. In the last days, he couldn't believe anyone. He even believed the enemy's words, even if he died, he deserved it.

However, just at this critical moment, Lu Fan's agitated body of golden light suddenly rushed out, forcibly ejected from Lu Fan's nose and nose, and bombarded with the other party's blue light.


There were no fierce explosions or too many ripples of energy. Some were just the turbulence between cold water and a red-hot iron.

On the opposite side, when this golden light appeared, Xu Fu, who was holding the ticket, suddenly opened his eyes, and his heart was full of incredible expression.

"how is this possible?"

"How could his body have a yellowish air?"

Because Lu Fan's golden light was even more fierce than Xu Fu's Qing Guang, at this time he was devouring each other frantically, as if he saw a big supplement and couldn't stop.

At this moment, Lu Fan finally understood that from the moment he fought with Xu Fu, the golden light that had been hidden in his body became restless, presumably it had already sensed this blue light.

In fact, Lu Fan was really curious what the golden light hidden in his body was, and what was the blue light spouting from Xu Fu's mouth.

However, Xu Fu soon revealed the truth. When he saw his green light was consumed by Jin Guang, he finally shouted angrily.

"Why do you have the energy of Xuanhuang? Give me too clear fairy light!"

Seeing that his own Taiqing Xianguang was about to be swallowed by the other party, Xu Fu rushed forward regardless of the consequences and tried to stop all this.

However, Jin Guang suddenly became violent, and with a booming sword groan, the entire space was split and swept directly towards Xu Fu.

Suddenly, Xu Fu's body was split into two, slipping away from the middle toward both sides, and the blood suddenly poured down like a waterfall, instantly staining the rocks under his feet.

Jin Guang beheaded Xu Fu, swallowed the last touch of Taiqing Xianguang, and flew into Lu Fan's body again, dormant.

Obviously, after engulfing Xu Fu's Taiqing Xianguang, Jin Guang has grown significantly and seems to have just received a big supplement.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Fan was aggressive. He didn't expect that the plot would be so reversed. He originally stood still in the place waiting for death, and the enemy who attacked him was killed on the spot.

"Xuanhuang Qi? Too clear and immortal? What is it?"

Lu Fan felt a little inexplicable, but it sounded awesome.

At this time, the **** chain automatically appeared in Lu Fan's mind, and said, "I know, the main object to unlock the seal of the earth is Xuanhuang Qi. Xuanhuang Qi is on your own body, and you need to grow Xuanhuang Zhi Qi needs to devour the fairy light possessed by Xu Fu. "


Lu Fan was puzzled and asked, "You mean, now that we have completed our mission, we can go back?"

"No, just now you killed one of Xu Fu's avatars, and two avatars exist. Only by killing them all and devouring all the immortals can you meet the requirements of opening the seal."

The Super Link System is extremely powerful, and you only need one primer to see everything.

According to the description of Divine Chain, Xu Fu Xiu became supreme supernatural power, which can transform three avatars. Only Xu Fu's avatar was killed by Lu Fan just now.

Divine Chain continued: "The avatar that you just killed has an immortal body in it, named Taiqing Xianguang. If I guess correctly, the other two avatars each have Shangqing Xianguang and Yuqing. Fairy light. "

Hearing the words of God Chain, Lu Fan's eyes showed a touch of playful expression, and he secretly muttered, "Is this the legendary Qiqi Sanqing?"

In the mind of Lu Fan, ShenChain had an insight into his thoughts for the first time, and immediately denied: "Xu Fu and Yiqi Sanqing are far away. He is not qualified to become Yiqi Sanqing, but it is beyond Yang Evolution. "

Lu Fan was amazed. For the first time, he knew that the evolution method was also hierarchical.

Divine Chain added: "The reason why Xu Fu did not leave here must be because there are good things here. Presumably, the three immortals have hidden connotations that have been obtained by Xu Fu."

"You mean, the other party has too clear fairy light?"

Lu Fan asked.

Shenlian nodded his head, saying, "Yes, it is said that the three ancient mountains are connected to the broken ancient universe. Please hurry up and take a look, maybe you will find something."

When he heard this, Lu Fan was shocked. His favorite thing was to look for the good.

Now Lu Fan's most valuable thing is the good fortune obtained in the five mountains.

"Go, look up!"

Lu Fan turned around and smiled at Du Lingyun, then pulled up the opponent's hand and rushed up to the peak of Penglai Mountain.

At this time, Du Lingyun was still in shock, she couldn't imagine, why Lu Fan, who had been in crisis, could instantly kill the enemy in an instant, which was totally counterintuitive.

Of course ~ ~ Since the end of the last days, there are too many things that don't make sense.

In any case, it is most important for Lu Fan to survive. She has never depended on a person like she does now, and maybe this dependence will gradually become obsessive.

At the same time when Lu Fan and Du Lingyun left, the native evolutionaries who survived by the foot of the mountain all showed great fear, feeling that the end of the world was coming.

Just because the old ancestors had the upper hand just now, why is the situation going down?

After Lu Fan's round of sword array attacks, few people survived. At this time, they looked at each other, all of them showed a terrified expression. Where would they dare to stay here?

The only thing left was to wait for death. Everyone didn't say a word. They all dragged their corpses away from the place, and never dared to approach the murderous invader again.


I wish everyone a happy winter solstice, and by the way ask for a few recommended tickets and monthly tickets, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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