King of Eschatology

: Double monthly pass, burst! burst! burst!

() Dear friends, in the blink of an eye, to the end of the year, the 2017 monthly ticket list competition has entered the final stage of fever.

Although we are not qualified to compete for the highest list, Ah Shui feels that in this **** day, we always have something to do.

Mosquitoes are small but also meat. We can't compete for the number one.

Even a rise to the rank is progress for us.

From 00:00 on December 29, 2017 to 23:00 on January 7, 2018, the platform has doubled monthly pass activities. During the above period, on PC stations, touch screen stations, Android clients, IOS clients and other platforms In the above, every monthly ticket you put out is calculated based on 2 votes (you can enjoy double the reward for the monthly ticket).

In the meantime, A Shuihui fights his life outbreak, starting at least three times a day, without capping.

Isn't it ten days? Grit your teeth and pass.

Dear friends, please give A Shui power!

Get your monthly pass in your hands and let's get mad together! !! !!

——Love your water!

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