King of Eschatology

Chapter 821: Weird sea fog

() God Chain reloaded the weapon back into the storage space, and continued: "These treasures are yours. You know, those yang-class weapons have no value, even in the universe, they are extremely precious."

Lu Fan nodded indifferently, his mood was finally much better.

Shenlian continued: "Look at this again!"

The light and shadow switched in front of Lu Fan's eyes, and the chaotic green lotus appeared in front of his eyes. Obviously, this chaotic green lotus was placed in a special storage space by the **** chain, and it still maintains its slim shape.

"Yes, it's a good thing."

Lu Fan nodded gently, and God Chain told him that although the current chaotic green lotus is still slim, once it is taken out of the storage space, it will wither immediately, and then only lotus seeds and lotus roots will remain.

This chaotic green lotus does not know how many years it has survived, and there are thirty two lotus seeds and two lotus roots.

Divine Chain said that she only needed a section of lotus root, and the rest were all Lu Fan.

After Lu Fan learned all of this, his mood was completely improved, and the wealth and wealth were sought after. The desperate effort before was finally in vain.

Lu Fan was in a good mood and started to hum a little song. For the first time, I felt that taking a bath was also a great blessing in life.

Not long after, Lu Fan walked out of the bathroom, he changed a new set of clothes, the whole person seemed to have washed up the lead, looked chic and extraordinary.

When Du Lingyun saw Lu Fan's handsome and handsome appearance, he was surprised by Lu Fan's handsomeness.

With the improvement of the degree of evolution, human physiques have become more and more powerful, and their physical appearance has gradually approached perfection. Lu Fan has the highest degree of evolution, and this change is most obvious.

"Would you like to wash it, it's cool."

Lu Fan's momentum was a little shocked, and his hair was steamed, which is more useful than a hair dryer.

Du Lingyun blushed and responded, "No need."

Du Lingyun has long been used to a person. If there is someone beside her while taking a bath, she will feel very uncomfortable, not to mention a man.

Lu Fan nodded indifferently and asked, "Next, where are you going?"

Du Lingyun's expression was stagnant, a little stunned, and he murmured to himself: "The world is so big that you can go anywhere and wander around."

After the end of the last days, relatives and friends have long since died. Du Lingyun has become accustomed to the days of a person, no matter where he goes, there is nothing to worry about.

Lu Fan nodded gently and asked, "Are you interested in the Tianyue Empire?"

Du Lingyun's eyes narrowed, and she responded a moment later, "Maybe."

Now, the whole world is the Tianyue Empire, and there is no place to go except Tianyue Empire.

Lu Fan stretched his waist, moved his muscles, stood in front of the large French window, and said with emotion: "The deserted island in the last days really has a flavor."

Although the island is a rundown scene, it is not difficult to see that a large number of plants are recovering. It is believed that it will not be long before all the rundown scenes will be covered up until they disappear.

It is early spring, and the earth is starting to pick up. The whole world is thriving and the environment is better than in the civilized period.

Once upon a time, the haze problem has been plagued by human beings, but after an end time, the haze has disappeared and the world has once again recovered into a blue sky.

In particular, this madly growing plant has greatly improved the cleanliness of the air. In this way, it is not all bad after the eschatology.

In the distance, there are sea beasts appearing on the sea surface, that is an ordinary sea fish, but the size is more than ten times that of the civilized period.

After the end of the last days, the world has undergone drastic changes. The most obvious change is that the bodies of plants and animals have become larger.

Although the human body has not become larger, the speed and strength have improved. The place that used to take a long time to reach can now be easily reached there.

Even if it is a lower-level new human, it can fly as long as it reaches level 5 or above, and it can easily break through the sound barrier, much faster than moving a car.

It can be imagined that in the future, primitive vehicles such as cars, trains, and airplanes will be eliminated, railway roads will gradually disappear, and the earth will be covered by green plants again.

At that time, human eyes will look beyond the earth, more and more interstellar warships will appear, and more and more humans will go out.

Lu Fan thought of a lot in a flash and felt a bit stunned. In fact, the Earth is looking good now. There is no need to forcefully solve the seal.

Of course, the premise is that aliens will not come to violate the earth, which is obviously impossible.

If the earth people want to continue to evolve, they must unravel the seal of the earth, otherwise they will all be stuck in the middle life level and cannot continue to move forward.

It is an eternal truth to be beaten if you are backward.

In order to get revenge and become stronger, the seal of the earth must be undone.

"Well, what's going on?"

Suddenly, Lu Fan showed suspicion, and without knowing what was going on, the sea was foggy.

Divine Chain suddenly showed solemnity, and said, "Host, you are in trouble, Xu Fu has killed you!"

"Xu Fu? Didn't he get killed by me?"

Hearing Lu Fan's questions, Shenlian explained: "I told you long ago, Xu Fu cultivated three avatars, and you killed only one of them."

Lu Fan snorted in response, responding: "On the strength of his fighting power, he dared to take the initiative to kill him. Isn't he brave?"

God Chain replied intently: "Don't underestimate any opponent. Xu Fu has lived for so many years. He will not take the initiative to die without the certainty of victory. You must be careful."

Lu Fan nodded his head for nothing. In fact, he really wanted to know how the other party cultivated the avatar.

If you get it yourself, wouldn't you also be able to get a couple of them out?

At that time, I will go to the universe to fight in the sky, and my family will still have a way to sit in town. There is absolutely no worries.

Coupled with the chaotic Qinglian who just got, it is originally a cultivating avatar. Once the two are combined, Lu Fan's avatar will be even more extraordinary.

"This time, I will catch him alive!"

Fan Fan smiled scornfully ~ ~ A confident light flashed in his eyes.

No matter what means the other party has, Lu Fan has the confidence to break it.

"After the end of the last days, the weather has become more and more fickle. The sun was shining just now, and it is now foggy."

When Du Lingyun saw fog on the sea, she noticed a strangeness, but she didn't know the inside story and thought it was a change in the weather.

Lu Fan responded softly: "Someone is pretending to be a ghost, and I will let him show his shape in a moment."

Du Lingyun was startled, looking at the fog on the sea in an incredible way. Suddenly, she saw a figure, her eyes widened in surprise.

"It's that old man, how is that possible? Isn't he dead?"


Second, ask for monthly tickets, monthly tickets, monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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