King of Eschatology

Chapter 824: Order by air

() Hearing Lin Xiaoxiao's compliment, Liu Xiao smiled smugly and said: "Of course, our moon base is the address chosen by the emperor himself. Even the foundation was reclaimed by the emperor himself. The progress of the project can You're upset. "

Liu Xiao is proud of himself. Recently, he has been out of the limelight. Projects around the Tianyue Empire have been completed. The Ministry of Infrastructure has contributed a lot. He waited for the emperor to come back to praise him.

Aside, Xu Xiaopeng said with an ugly expression: "Hmm, I'm sorry to say that for the convenience of you, our monitoring facilities of Tiantong Organization almost failed to complete on time."

At the same time as the construction of the lunar fortifications, the sky pupil organization was also deploying the sky net system to monitor the intelligence of the solar system, but all resources were transferred by the infrastructure department, which made the progress of the sky pupil organization much slower.

"That can't blame me, the emperor has focused on the arrangements, everything is focused on the moon's defense engineering, and we are only executing orders."

Liu Xiao, the old god, was responding. To tell the truth, these days his life is really great, because of a word from Lu Fan, the entire Tianyue Empire must let him.

Even during the expansion of the defense project, Liu Xiao also found a large group of monthly soldiers to help him dig the trenches. All of them were big men in the Tianyue Empire. They all existed like big brothers, and they were taken by him. Cool work.

Liu Xiao said proudly, "We have not only built a tower on the Mount Everest, but also a dozen on the moon. If the firepower is full, we can hit Mars, believe it?"

"I believe you a ghost, every time you open the Sky Tower, you need to consume a lot of energy. If you hit Mars, you do n’t know how much energy crystals to waste. The Empire can't afford your waste."

Xu Xiaopeng was furious. In his opinion, the Tongtian Tower fart is useless, and it is better to build a few more laser turrets.

"What do you know, this is a strategic weapon that can fire across the cosmic star sea. If any aliens invade, we will destroy them directly outside the solar system."

Liu Xiao, who has given up on who he is, has already calculated it. As long as there are sufficient energy crystals, the range of the tower can be greatly increased.

As for the extreme range of the Tongtian Tower, it is unknown. Liu Xiao really looks forward to it. If the fire of the Tongtian Tower is fully opened one day, it will be good. Let the aliens teach the terrestrial power.

Xu Xiaopeng rolled his eyes at Liu Xiao, sneering ironically: "This is obviously the result of the scientific research department, and I don't know how proud a guy in the infrastructure department is."

"It can't be said that all of these strategic weapons are built by the Ministry of Infrastructure."

"Well, it's the best of your infrastructure department. You Liu Xiao is invincible. Let's go."


Listening to the quarrel between the two, Lin Xiaoxiao has become accustomed. The days without Lu Fan's presence are too ordinary. Listening to their quarrel is a relief.

Especially after the end of the state funeral, the development of the Tianyue Empire has been on track. The construction of this building, the training of her training, she, the Emperor of the Imperial City, has been idle.


Suddenly, Lin Xiaoxiao's light-brain device rang. She opened the light-brain device and found that it was Lu Fan's head.

Lin Xiaoxiao was very pleased. Lu Fan had been away for seven or eight days. This was the first time he had called himself.

Lin Xiaoxiao was very happy, secretly: "This guy is still a bit conscience, remember to call me when I was out."

For Lin Xiaoxiao, she could never imagine that Lu Fan was in trouble. In her opinion, Lu Fan is now invincible and no one can threaten her on earth.

Therefore, when Lu Fan called, she instinctively thought that the other party wanted her.

However, when Lin Xiaoxiao turned on the light brain device, the smile on her face instantly freezes, and the sound coming from the other side makes her unbelievable.

"Hello, this is Du Lingyun. Lu Fan is looking for Lin Xiaoxiao if you have any questions. Are you Lin Xiaoxiao?"

At the other end of the light-brained device, a girl's voice came from her, anxiously, and she seemed to be in trouble.

Lin Xiaoxiao gave a brief sting first, then quickly returned to normal, responding: "I'm Lin Xiaoxiao, please tell me something."

Du Lingyun confirmed Lin Xiaoxiao's identity and immediately said, "Lu Fan asked me to convey an order to all Lujiajun monthly soldiers to attack Mars and clean up the zombies on Mars."


Lin Xiaoxiao frowned, feeling something abnormal.

Xu Xiaopeng had previously responded to the problem of Martian zombies. At that time, Lu Fan said that he should not take action on Mars for the time being, and first consolidate the defenses of the Earth's homeland and the Moon.

Does Lu Fan already know that the fortifications on the moon have been completed ahead of time?

On the other side, Du Lingyun continued to speak, saying: "Lu Fan also said that if possible, try not to log in to Mars, and direct long-range attacks will work."

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered and he asked, "Where is Lu Fan? Why is he with you and why doesn't he contact me?"

Obviously, Lin Xiaoxiao questioned Du Lingyun's words. Lu Fan's order was too weird. Even if Lin Xiaoxiao was an intelligence enhancer, he couldn't figure out the purpose of the opponent.

Du Lingyun directly switched the mode of the optical brain device and entered the shooting state. The surrounding scenes instantly passed to Lin Xiaoxiao.

In the room, Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly saw the picture provided by Du Lingyun, and suddenly showed shock, because not far away there was a familiar figure, who was holding a huge shield and engaged in a fierce battle with the sky.

Lin Xiaoxiao stood up suddenly and couldn't help but take a breath.

At this time, Xu Xiaopeng and Liu Xiao had long stopped arguing, came to Lin Xiaoxiao, looked at the light brain image together, looking horrified.

At this moment, a sword light struck, Lu Fan's light brain equipment burst instantly, and the light and shadow transmission was interrupted at the same time.

The three could not help but shrink their pupils, and they were a little overwhelmed.

"Boss is in trouble, what should we do? We have to find a way to save him."

Xu Xiaopeng's complexion was extremely high, and he said with emotion.

"We don't even know where the boss is ~ ~ How to save?"

Liu Xiao also looked sad, but felt powerless for a while.


Lin Xiaoxiao was shocked, and the breath of the superior was unconsciously rippling out. Xu Xiaopeng and Liu Xiao suddenly looked at each other.

Lin Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, his eyes were dazzling, and he said, "Let's pass on the order, all the Lujiajun monthly soldiers will gather, board the Star Warship, and rush to Mars!"

Just now Du Lingyun conveyed Lu Fan's order. Although Lin Xiaoxiao did not understand Lu Fan's thoughts, this did not affect execution.

Many of Lu Fan's orders seem ridiculous, but they all have enough truth. Lin Xiaoxiao believes that this time it is the same.


First, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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