King of Eschatology

Chapter 826: Smelting

() The scorching dragon gun is unparalleled. Each time it stabs, it bursts like the sun bursts, and Ling Ce resembles an invincible God of War. It exudes a strong energy, and stands side by side in the zombies, unstoppable.

Huang Yongsheng was holding two reincarnation knives, and he was burning with golden flames. The sword was cut out, and the color of the heavens and the earth changed, as if the sky knife traversed the sky and cut a large piece.

The purple electric hammer's electric power flowed, and every swing would cause thousands of thunders, and Yu Lenghui was like the reincarnation of thunder gods. At this moment, countless thunders were triggered and annihilated zombies.

Lu Jiajun's team of 3,000 people was completely covered by the three.

The soldiers of the Lujiajun were very excited. Although there were a large number of zombies, they were not afraid. People had not yet landed, and they had already killed the zombies.

In addition to the three, there are many Lujiajun fighters who shine and are showing their superpowers.

For example, the leader of the Tianmang team Lan Yan opened the killing ring, she could not see her shadow in the void, there was amber streamer everywhere, the momentum did not seem huge, but it was one of the people who killed the most zombies.

It is worth mentioning that there was a lightning ivy beside Lan Jing. At this time, a peerless fierce power broke out. The tenacious vine swept through the void like a whip, and white lightning killed a large number of high-level zombies.

This lightning ivy is Lan Ling's spiritual pet, named Xue Bao. As it evolved to a medium life state, it finally showed its ferocious side.

On the other side, Asin, a member of the extinction team with the blood of the ancient great ape, Axin, became one of the most dazzling stars at this time. After he inspired the blood, the whole body's body swelled in an instant and turned into a dozen meters of ancient ancient Great ape.

After the bloodline enhancement was turned on, Asin seemed to have the power of extinction, like every time a large fist was thrown, it would cause tremor in the void, and countless zombies died under his iron fist.

In addition, there are also members of the Demon Hunting Team, the old members of the Killing Gods team, and even the members of the Tiantong organization are killing and killing, showing the training results since these days.

Human beings are truly fighting nations. After being sealed for countless years, they finally show their edge in the universe.

The human body is weak, but it has terrible evolutionary potential, which is deeply imprinted in the blood and will never be indelible.

All the races of the universe are afraid of human beings, so they have killed all the evolutionaries on the earth. They thought they were at ease and broke the heritage of human beings, but they did not expect that the potential of human beings would eventually resurrect.

This is the first battle of mankind out of the starry sky. In the near future, mankind will surely step out of this world and land on those hostile galaxies and settle everything there.

At the same time, on a small island in the Bohai Sea on the earth, a fierce fierce battle is going on. Although there are only two people on both sides of the battle, the horrible destructive power is better than thousands of horses.

At this moment, the hotel where Lu Fan was located had already collapsed, and there were purple flames everywhere. The blazing fire had melted the ground, and the entire island was filled with boiling magma.

Xu Fu's sword array attack has ended. At this time, he replaced it with a flame attack. It seemed that he wanted to melt Lu Fan into a panacea.

Xu Fu's real combat effectiveness is not very high. His real strength lies in various secret techniques, such as formation methods, such as alchemy, especially the control of the flame, which is his most proud.

For this, Lu Fan snorted in his heart, the evolutionary power in his body worked according to the star map, and a faint red-red flame rose on his surface.

With the protection of this layer of crimson flame, even if the surrounding sea boils, he remains motionless and is not affected at all.

Lu Fan knows nothing about the formation method. If he wants to break out, he can only rely on external forces. He is waiting for his brothers to go to Mars to kill the zombies, and then he uses the zombie points to redeem Zhentian Banner.

As for Du Lingyun, Lu Fan was already included in the storage space.

After the genetic shackles of the Super-God Linkage System are unlocked, the storage space can already hold life.

"Godlink, can I access the storage space? Put me in too."

Lu Fan opened his mouth to the **** chain. He mastered the technique of controlling fire. Although he was not afraid of Xu Fu's calcination, he still felt dry and uncomfortable.

With regard to Lu Fan's question, God Chain immediately sneered and responded: "The Super God Link System is in your body, and the storage space is equal to your body. You have to install yourself, and you can show it to me. "

Lu Fan is speechless. This is a loophole. If you can also enter the storage space, if you encounter danger in the future, it is not cool to drill directly into it.

Of course, Lu Fan knows that things are not so perfect. In this life, it has been very lucky to be favored by the Super Link System.

Suddenly, Lu Fan's mind moved, and the zombie points in the Super God Link system moved and started to grow rapidly.

Lu Fan estimated that it was more than an hour before the order was issued, and he had to say that the soldiers were moving quickly.

About ten minutes later, the zombie points skyrocketed sharply, growing by billions and billions, which shocked Lu Fan.

"Well, when did our Tianyue Empire have such a powerful weapon?"

Lu Fan was a bit shocked. He didn't expect Lin Xiaoxiao to directly launch the tower. As a result, 10 billion zombie points could be quickly assembled.

"This woman is amazing, sometimes more decisive than you."

Suddenly, God Chain opened his mouth and offered a high praise to Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lu Fan smiled immediately and said proudly: "That is, of course, the woman I fancy, that is quite excellent."

After hearing this answer, Shenlian immediately showed a playful expression and continued: "I also think she is very good. She just consumed more than 80 million energy crystals in one blow and emptied your treasury."


Lu Fan's eyelids couldn't help but jump, this woman is very good, but she is a bit of a prodigal.

At the same time, the fog on the Bohai Sea can no longer be thickened, such as a huge mass of cotton, pressing the island where Lu Fan is located below.

On the sea ~ ~ Xu Fu's two avatars appeared here, looking at Lu Fan who was smelted by the fire, all showing sneer.

It is strange that the two are talking.

"I thought he was so good. It turned out to be just a flower rack. Once I was caught in the formation, I could only wait for death. I prepared such a thorough arrangement."

One of them murmured to himself, his eyes full of disdain, full of ridicule.

Another avatar also said, "I'm really wondering, in the face of this stupid, the third child will be beheaded by the other, it is incredible."


Third, continue to ask for monthly tickets.

Colleagues will get married tomorrow. Ah Shui is going to the wedding. I don't know if it can be broken. Anyway, brothers with monthly tickets, please support it, please.

(End of this chapter)

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