Seeing that Jiuyue is so tactful.

Su Ye smiled and shook his head: "Not really, not really, just give me the red on the opposite side."

"I have to suppress Meng Qi on the line, it's not that easy without the red."

Jiuyue: "Okay, Brother Ye, tell me if you want a buff, and I'll keep both buffs for you!"

Su Ye suppressed his smile and nodded: "Okay, I'll tell you if you want it, I won't be polite to you."

Xiudou: "?"

"Have you got my consent? Don't act on your own, okay?"

Lingmeng: "???"

"It's understandable that Lian Po takes the red, but it's too much to take the blue, right?"

Facing the soul-searching questioning of Xiudou and Lingmeng.

Jiuyue just snorted arrogantly, not paying attention to the opinions of the two.

In Jiuyue's heart, no one is more worthy of taking the buff than Dad Ye, and he himself is no exception.

After this wave, TTG obviously changed its tactics and playing style.

Although Zhao Yun would often rub the line in the confrontation road.

But they were very careful when they were rubbing, even if Su Ye Lian Po rushed to Qing Qing's face.

The two turned around and walked away as if they didn't see it.

Su Ye saw that the rhythm on the line was not coming out, so he started to roam.

With Su Ye taking the lead in counter-jungle, the two red BUFFs behind were also controlled.

The game time was up to 6 minutes, and there was no friction between the two sides.

However, as XYG continued to counter-jungle and control the dragon, the economic gap between the two sides became larger and larger, directly reaching 3,000.

TTG's top and bottom towers were both pushed down.

In the end, TTG let Marco Polo of Qiancheng switch lanes to the confrontation lane.

Let Marco fight Su Ye Lian Po, and Qing Qing went to the bottom lane to resist pressure.

Seeing Marco coming to the top lane, Su Ye decisively let go of the line and roamed to catch people, letting Jiuyue Yunying develop alone in the top lane.

The game time was up to 7 minutes.

The second Tyrant Overlord refreshed.

The first 5V5 teamfight broke out in the middle lane.

The brothers charged at Su Ye's command!

Xihe and Sun Bin activated their second skills to speed up and throw their ultimates.

Su Ye and Lian Po used their first skills and ultimates to accelerate and rush into the TTG crowd.

Bingchen Guiguzi and Qingqing Mengqi were knocked away.

The brothers behind them followed up with the output.

Bingchen Guiguzi was instantly killed by concentrated fire.

Qingqing Mengqi was instantly left with low health.

Otherwise, Zhao Yun would have entered the field from the side and knocked Suye and Jiuyue away with his ultimate.

However, no one could keep up with the damage, and Jiuyue counterattacked with a combo, and Liaoyuan Baizhan directly completed the counter-kill!

Then the middle lane was pressed.

Qingqing seemed to have been stunned by Su Ye, and she didn't go home with low health and was sleepwalking to defend the line.

Xiudou cooperated with Sun Bin to speed up, and a wave of sweeping took Qingqing Mengqi away again.

In 7 minutes and 30 seconds, the head ratio was 7:0!

The dragon was there, and the blue zone and red zone were also there!

A team fight of 0 for 3 directly made TTG worse.

The XYG fans off the court kept cheering and shouting, cheering for the younger brothers.

Then another team fight broke out when pressing the second tower on the road, and Su Ye took the initiative to start the team fight.

Although Bingchen Guiguzi was killed, he was also carried away by Qiancheng Marco's real injury.

The head ratio came to 8:1.

At this point, Su Ye found out that it was because he didn't do Qiancheng Marco.

So Qiancheng developed very well.

In addition, Su Ye Lianpo still went half-tank, although Sun Bin raised blood and Bian Que recovered blood.

It was still a bit unsustainable.

Su Ye also began to reflect on himself, because there was Guiguzi on the opposite side.

With Sun Bin and Bian Que in their own team, they can always recover health. They just need to fight back and there is no need to take the initiative to start a team fight.

Seeing that they have an advantage but cannot expand it, the younger brothers began to get a little impatient.

Both their playing style and their positions began to become floating.

Su Ye also quickly spoke to stabilize the morale of the army:

"Don't worry, keep dragging it back! The further Bian Que goes, the more healing he will get."

"Only Zhaojun on the opposite side can produce nightmares, which is useless."

"I won't start a team fight, I will just help to remove the fire (attract firepower and interrupt the enemy's offensive skills), and push the opposite side at will!"

Hearing Su Ye's words, the younger brothers quickly calmed down.

Their lineup is originally biased towards the late stage, and the further they drag it, the more advantages they have.

Now the opponent must be the most anxious, and they just need to play steadily to win the game.

Afterwards, Su Ye did not go up to start a team fight, and focused on removing the fire!

Ten-minute dragon team fight.

Bingchen Guiguzi led Zhao Yun to go around the red zone.

Su Ye interrupted Guiguzi's pull.

This disrupted TTG's offensive rhythm.

Directly played a 1-for-2 exchange.

Pingzi: "With Poxiao Lianpo watching, Bingchen GuiguziThere is no way to enter the field!"

"As soon as he showed his head, he launched a set of combo punches!"

Qiqi: "Yes, that's right, Dawn is good at starting a team fight, and even better at protecting people!"

"Every time he knocks someone up, it's the moment when Guiguzi wants to pull someone in, and he breaks the fire just right! ”

After this wave, the black dragon was obtained, and all three outer towers of TTG were destroyed.

Then the five players steadily took down the Shadow Overlord and continued to press the high ground.

Seeing that the dragon was gone, TTG changed its style of play, and Zhao Yun went to single-handedly contain the enemy.

The remaining four players guarded the high ground.

The game time came to 12 minutes.

Take advantage of the five XYG players to press the middle and lower high ground.

Zhao Yun brought the top lane soldiers to XYG and destroyed the top lane tower.

After destroying the tower, Zhao Yun did not leave, but continued to lead the line.

Jiuyue Yunying was forced to go back to defend the tower and clear the line.

After Jiuyue was contained and went home.

TTG quickly launched a surprise attack, trying to seize the opportunity with fewer people against more people!

Pingzi: "You lead the line to contain the enemy, and Jiuyue will go to deal with the soldiers."

"This wave depends on Bingchen's position! I have to go around again! XYG hasn't noticed yet!"

"It feels like something is going to happen! ”

Qiqi: “Otherwise Zhao Yun is here, five against four, what do you say? !”

On the big screen.

When Su Ye and his four people pushed the line to the bottom road high ground.

Bingchen’s Guiguzi went around a big circle and went from the middle road to the blue zone.

Appeared right behind the four XYG people!

At the same time, Zhao Yun had returned to the city and rushed to the front battlefield.

This wave of TTG directly formed a front and back attack situation of five encircling four.

All five TTG people became active.

As the bottom lane soldiers were cleared, the four XYG people retreated to the blue zone.

Su Ye saw that Marco of Qiancheng repeatedly rushed into the face and threw his first skill.

The high ground security guard Wang Zhaojun who guarded the high ground also came out.

With full-level awareness, he immediately realized that something was wrong!

Su Ye spoke quickly: "Guiguzi went around! Be careful behind you!"

"I'll stop the one in front! Pull it! This wave can be fought! ”

Now the economy is nearly 6,000 ahead, with Sun Bin and Bian Que.

As long as the opponent doesn't start a perfect team fight, we can fight even four against five!

Su Ye's voice just fell, the brothers didn't have time to react.

Bingchen Guiguzi has already rushed towards the blue zone from the dragon pit river!

I only saw Bingchen Guiguzi stepping on the wind chime emblem and the acceleration of running shoes.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the XYG crowd!

One second skill directly pulled two, and pulled the two double Cs of Xiudou Lingmeng together.

Seeing this scene, Daxian's face changed: "Not good! Something is going to happen!"

"September is not here this time! Can't fight!"

However, the next second, Daxian directly performed a wave of face change to the audience and fans in the live broadcast room.

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