XYG 3:2 got the match point first.

Next, as long as they win one more game, XYG can successfully defeat TTG and advance to the World Championship Cup.

They can compete for the 21 million bonus and the highest honor of the Championship Cup!

As a cup competition at the same level as the KPL League.

The championship gold content is very high, comparable to the KPL League champion.

FMVP players can get a customized FMVP skin.

Engrave your own customized skin in the game and leave it forever in the history of King of Glory.

If TTG loses the game, it can only play the B01 round-robin match with those strong teams to compete for the qualification for the main competition.

Whether it can qualify at that time is a problem.

After the life-and-death game, the players on both sides are under great pressure.

The coaches and players on both sides are no longer laughing.

They are all watching the replay of the previous game and preparing for the BP of the next game!

In the XYG lounge.

Coach Glucose was holding the BP analysis book in his hand and explaining at a fast speed:

"The tactical effect has been achieved! This life-and-death game can be said to be the most critical one!"

"Once we win the game, we will succeed! We will directly enter the main competition!"


Speaking, Coach Glucose suddenly changed the subject.

"If we lose this game and enter the peak match..."

"Then our two teams will be back to the same starting line again!"

"The peak match has the same lineup on both sides, and then we can only compete with tactics and operations!"

"So...this game can only be won, not lost!"

"Do you...have confidence!!"

As Coach Glucose shouted, the brothers all shouted in unison: "Yes!!"

Seeing the brothers' morale was high, everyone was very confident.

Coach Glucose nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad!"

"This is the momentum we want! Don't worry, everyone, I still hid something in the last BP!"

Hearing Coach Glucose hid something again

The younger brothers' eyes lit up.

Being able to rely on Tian Ji's horse racing to force TTG into a desperate situation is already very impressive.

Who would have thought that he had another trick up his sleeve?

Jiu Yue asked curiously, "What did you hide?"

"Tell me now, Teacher Sugar, don't keep us in suspense!"

"That's right!"

Coach Glucose smiled mysteriously, "I can basically guess what lineup the opponent will choose this time."

"If I remember correctly, Ye Bao, you can play all the heroes in the confrontation lane, right?"

Su Ye shook his head, "No!"

Hearing Su Ye's denial, Coach Glucose and the younger brothers all changed their expressions.

Before they could say anything.

Su Ye snickered, "I can play all heroes, not just the confrontation lane~"

"Hiss...are you pretending?"

"Brother Ye pretended again!"

This sudden wave of pretense.

Directly, Coach Glucose and the younger brothers rolled their eyes.

Tang Jiao nodded: "That's good! I'll give you a Xiang Yu next time, see if you can be the C!"

"If your Xiang Yu is so powerful, this game will probably be a sure win!"

After hearing Tang Jiao's words, Su Ye raised his eyebrows, and had already guessed what lineup TTG would use in the next game.

What lineup can Xiang Yu restrain?

That is naturally the Da Qiao system!

Even the Da Qiao and Lao Fu Zi system.

The most restraining Da Qiao is Guan Yu, but TTG will never release it.

Then Xiang Yu is the best choice.

Although Xiang Yu's side lane is rare in professional competitions now, if the Da Qiao lineup is played well, it is indeed effective!

After discussing the tactics, Su Ye lay down on the sofa and rested as if nothing had happened.

Several younger brothers were nervously watching the big screen.

There were a few drops of sweat on everyone's forehead, and their hands were unconsciously shaking slightly.

In this kind of crucial game, it would be a lie to say that you are not nervous.

Su Ye noticed that his brothers were a little nervous and coughed twice:

"Ahem...my mouth is a little dry..."

Hearing Su Ye's cough, the brothers beside him were all confused.

Xiudou curled her lips: "If it's dry, you can pour water yourself? It's not like you don't have hands."

Su Ye didn't even raise his eyelids: "Well...well, it seems that no one is willing to pour water for me."

"When we get to the court later...if I don't protect the shooter because of thirst..."

"It's normal, right?"

Hearing Su Ye's obvious threat, Xiudou's face changed, and she quickly stood up and poured a glass of water and brought it up:

"Brother Ye, look at this trivial matter of pouring water,How can you do it?"

"Is the water temperature suitable?"

Seeing Xiudou being so sensible, Su Ye nodded with satisfaction: "I will definitely protect you on the field~"

After drinking the water, Su Ye coughed twice: "Ahem...my shoulders are a little sore..."

Except for Xiudou, the brothers all looked at Su Ye.

Su Ye turned his neck: "Well...if the performance is affected by the sore shoulders."

"It would be bad if I can't help the jungler to guard the jungle..."

Jiu Yue on the side widened his eyes: "What the hell...? !"

Looking at Su Ye's appearance that deserved a beating, Jiu Yue wanted to give him a set of lightning five whips directly.

But thinking that he still needed Su Ye's help to look after his jungle in the game.

Jiu Yue gritted his teeth, walked quickly forward to Su Ye's back, and directly pinched Su Ye's shoulders.

"How is it, Brother Ye? Is this strength appropriate? ”

Su Ye nodded comfortably: "Comfortable..."


Ling Meng raised her hand: "Brother Ye, I'll do it!"

"My legs and feet are a little sore..."

Xihe sighed: "Here I come, Brother Ye..."

The next second, Xihe's face changed drastically, and he shouted in grief and anger: "Damn it, Brother Ye, don't take off your shoes!"

"I know it doesn't taste good, but you can't do this in public."

"What if a pervert covets your beauty? "

Su Ye: "..."

The brothers in the lounge quickly got busy.

And this busyness...the brothers didn't notice that they were not nervous at all.

The director on the big screen was still very detailed.

He captured the scene in the XYG lounge.

He gave the camera directly to Su Ye.

On the big screen.

Su Ye was seen leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed.

And the four brothers on the side were serving tea, pouring water and feeding fruits, kneading shoulders, pounding backs, and massaging legs...

Seeing this scene, the audience burst into laughter.

The three commentators who were commenting saw this scene and called it an expert.

The immortal also widened his eyes: "Huh? What is this for?"

"Why are all the brothers serving tea and water?"

"To be honest, Ye Bao's treatment is too good, right? I haven't enjoyed this kind of treatment yet! ! "

"I must arrange it later! ”

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