King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1017: Three State Battlefield

When Zhao Feng, Jiu Huangzi and others appeared in another transmission stage, everyone immediately took Zhao Feng’s flame and flew into the sky.

Seven people, almost the maximum load of the flame.

"Look, that's..."

"This flying prop is worth a lot."

This temple is more chaotic than the last temple. When Zhao Feng and others flew into the sky, they attracted a lot of light, and dozens of people immediately followed.


The sacred Lord suddenly snorted and the Lord's breath suddenly dispersed.


There were dozens of people behind him, and the whole body was shocked and stunned by the detached breath.

"The Lord, no play"

Many people, I am leaving.

In the end, there were a few greedy figures who saw the greedy figure. They saw a total of seven people on the speeding car. They were silent for a while and only left.

"Zhao Feng, this flying prop is very good."

Eagle old eyes are appreciated.

The flying spoils they ride along the way can't be compared with them.

First of all, flying a pet needs to rest, and if you travel long distances, there is no taming of the beast, and it is not easy to deal with accidents.

"This is in the Chenzhou refining master, repaired and strengthened."

Ji Tianming answered with a lot of words.

"Zhao Feng's little brother, really like the rumor that the gods are extraordinary"

The hollow Lord revealed a smile.

He is the one who sent the royal family to protect the Nine Emperors. Of course, there are many master guards accompanying him.

However, there are still some gaps with the ambush lineup of the Black Shark Lord.

This time thanks to Zhao Feng, otherwise they will all die in the palace.

"Zhao Feng, how did you find us?"

The eagle asked the doubts in his heart.

It stands to reason that the enchantment of the array in the hall should be to isolate sound, spiritual knowledge, energy fluctuations...

They were besieged for a while, and no one came in.

"This one"

Zhao Feng’s hand appeared in the hands of Zhao Fang.

"Emperor's Order"

The old eagle and the hollowed out holy master suddenly understood.

Although Huang Tianling is a symbol of royal identity, it also has another function that can enhance the power of the wearer's dragon power.

Therefore, in the Emperor's Order, there were as many as the power of the Dragon Emperor of the Nine Emperors. At that time, the Nine Emperors were fighting against the power of Longyun, and naturally they could not be able to sense the imperial order.

On the other hand, the two were a little surprised, and the Nine Emperors actually gave Huang Tian to Zhao Feng.

Maybe this is the cause and effect in the dark.

"Who is going to assassinate His Royal Highness?"

Asked the ghost scales.

For him, His Royal Highness is the most distinguished person he has ever seen.

"This is not known"

The old look of the eagle is slight.

The killer is only responsible for picking up the mission, killing the target, and the rest.

Therefore, even after the victory of the people, there is nothing to find out about some souls.

After arriving at the destination, although it is necessary to report this matter, it is estimated that the original can not be found.

"Zhao Feng, our destination is at the site of the Iron House"

Eagle reminds me.

For the grievances of Zhao Feng and Tiejia, in addition to the ghost scales, the audience knew some.

But this is also a no-brainer. The Iron House is the main attack of the aliens. The King of Yuling is here, they must go there first.

"Zhao brothers, the iron family will not be like you."

The nine emperors immediately stood up.

In the identity of the Nine Emperors, the Iron House did not dare to see Zhao Feng on the face.

On the way, all kinds of strong and powerful people are growing.

Most of them join the front line of the war, accumulate military skills, in exchange for precious resources, and there are also some killing generations, or to hone the strength of the strong.

Ten days later, everyone came to a magnificent and magnificent Jinhong Palace, and there was a bonfire and rushing.

Within the Golden Palace, every ten meters, there is a team of people to go back and forth.

When the Nine Emperor presented a token, the people who defended the city took everyone and entered the palace.

After the leadership of the three teams, the Nine Emperors and others finally entered the main hall.

"You are waiting for me outside."

The Nine Emperors said to everyone.

Except for him and the hollowed out Lord, the rest of the people are not eligible for entry.

"I will tell you about it, now it’s the case."

Eagle said.

Anyway, everyone is also idle, to understand the war situation of Dagan today.

"Now there are three states in Dagan, each of which has fallen into half of the region. Millions of miles away from our place are the places where the aliens are stationed."

Eagle said solemnly.

After listening to the old words of the eagle, everyone looked slightly, and then looked straight ahead.

The battle between the two dynasties has been going on for a year. Although the Dagan dynasty has regained its disadvantage, it has not had enough advantages and it has never been able to recapture.

The three states have fallen, that is to say, the war is mainly concentrated in the three states.

The three states are the Lingzhou where the iron family is located, the frost state where Yujia is located, and Lanzhou, which is ruled by another Langong government.

"Lanzhou, Lan Gong?"

Zhao Feng was amazed.

"Yes, Lan Gong is the power behind His Royal Highness"

The eagle is a little heavy.

In the trial of the Prince, Su Qingling was the person from the Langong government.

Lanzhou is also the weakest party among the three major states.

"Where are we going to be assigned?"

Ji Wuye asked.


The eagle said a word.

Everyone understands that it is necessary to wait for the Nine Emperors and the Hollow Lord to come out to know the result.

However, for everyone, now Yujia is the same camp, and its strength is undoubtedly the best choice.

Although Lanzhou is the power behind the Nine Emperors, Lanzhou's overall strength is weak, far from being an opponent of aliens, which is not conducive to the merits of the Nine Emperors.

Lingzhou is the force behind the four emperors. The iron family is even more confused with Zhao Feng. Zhao Feng does not want to stay in Lingzhou.

In addition, Zhao Feng does not know the members of the Haiyan Pavilion, which state is in the state.

"What is there?"

Ji Lan looked at the distance.

I saw the right side of the main hall of the center, with a row of red slate up to 100 meters long, like blood casting, slate, engraved with dense text, sparkling light golden.

"That is the ‘combat list, and the martial arts within the rank of 5,000 in Lingzhou will be displayed on the list of martial arts.”

Eagle explained.

The martial arts list is naturally to encourage the soldiers and to fight for the enemy. It is also the embodiment of strength and glory.

And these combat data will not fall because of redemption resources.

I heard that after the end of the war, the top 100 strongest players in the martial arts list have special rewards.

When Zhao Feng swept the martial arts list, he found several names that he knew, Xuanyuan Wen, Tie Lingyun, and Wan Lei Shengzhu.

Among them, Xuanyuan and Tie Lingyun rank about 100, and Wanlei Shengzhu ranks within 50.

Of course, Zhao Feng found that on this list of martial arts, there was no such thing as a great light, not to mention the holy king. The reason is unknown.

"You should not underestimate this battle. Nowadays, I am eager to regain the disadvantages, and the precious things that can be exchanged are beyond your imagination."

Eagles know that these people who followed Zhao Feng are also going to enter the battlefield to kill the enemy, so they tempted them.

At this time, the Nine Emperors and the Hollow Lord came out from the Golden Palace.

"Departure tomorrow"

Said the Nine Emperor.

When Ying Lao and Zhao Feng heard the words of the Nine Emperors, they guessed the destination, which should be Lanzhou.

If the Nine Emperors directly saw the Yuling Holy King, it is possible to assign to the battlefield that is the most suitable for the Nine Emperors.

Obviously, the nine emperors should see the top of the iron family.

As the power behind the Four Emperors, Tiejia was naturally assigned to Lanzhou in order to prevent the Nine Emperors from building their military exploits. In addition, Lanzhou and Frostland were on both sides of Lingzhou. In this way, the overall strength of the Nine Emperors was segmentation.

After all, the things that the Eight Emperors stood behind the Prince had already spread among the top ranks of many forces.

"follow me"

The people followed the hollowed out Lord and came to an uninhabited side hall.

However, Zhao Feng just entered the hall and there was a person behind him.

"Seeing the Highness of Prince Edward"

The first person came to the ceremony for the nine emperors.

"Zhao Feng, the iron family is too elder to have a request"

Later, this person said to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng had to admire, the iron family's movements are really fast.

I am afraid that he has just come here with the Nine Emperors, and the news has already been introduced to the top of the Iron House.

However, Lingzhou is the site of the Iron House. If Zhao Feng does not go, it will obviously only make the situation worse.

"Zhao Feng, I am with you"

The Nine Emperor immediately said.

He did not expect the iron family to be so attached to Zhao Feng, they just came here, the next moment, the iron family has an action.

And this time, it is the higher power of the iron family.

"no need"

Zhao Feng rejected the kindness of the Nine Emperors.


The iron man, with Zhao Feng, flew away.

Under the leadership of this person, Zhao Feng came to the inner hall behind the main hall of the center.

After coming here, the iron disciples will directly retreat.

"come in"

An old voice came from it.

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked. This voice was unremarkable, but it made Zhao Feng hot and bloody, and the owner of this voice was not ordinary.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng stepped into this huge Golden Pavilion.

Within the temple, there are only two figures.

One of them, wearing a white robe, a red hair, a flat air, like a mortal body.

The other figure makes Zhao Feng shine.

It was a tall woman dressed in red, with a delicate and rich body, and a beautiful face with a pair of ingenious eyes. At this moment, she was looking at Zhao Feng with a smile.

"Sit down first"

The old man in white robe smiled.

"I don't know if my predecessors are looking for a younger generation. What is it?"

Zhao Feng feels that the battle is somewhat different from what he imagined, although he still feels that there are several powerful atmospheres hidden in the hall.

"For the practice of the former iron family, I hope Zhao Xiaoyou does not care"

The old man in white robes sat down and said first.

"Where, the iron family predecessors did not do anything to the younger generation."

Zhao Feng is not surprised.

After listening to the old man in white robe, he laughed.

"Zhao Xiaoyou has any misunderstanding about the iron family?"

The old man in white robes said without hesitation.

The implication is that the reason why Zhao Feng is unwilling to join the Iron House is naturally asked.

The attitude of the iron family's elders made Zhao Feng somewhat uncomfortable. After all, the iron family's feelings for Zhao Feng were very strong and resolute.

"This is not the case, the iron family guards the northwest of the big dry, the younger generation is very admired"

Zhao Feng complimented one sentence.

"Haha, Zhao Xiaoyou's performance in the trial of the Prince also made the younger generation of the iron family, admire the extreme"

The old man in white robe smiled.

"This is my granddaughter, Iron Hongling. I always want to see Zhao Xiaoyou. Today is my wish."

After the old man in white robe finished, the rich woman next to the beauty of the beauty went straight out.

(It’s near the end of the month, please refer to the recommended monthly ticket ---)

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